Tuesday, March 31, 2015
It's Guaranteed!
freedom is the “law of the land,” no matter what gay activists
may want you to think. I have nothing against what gays do in the
privacy of their bedrooms. I DO have a problem when they want to
FORCE it on me or mine by DEMANDING I do things that may be against
my religion (I'm not saying it is, but If it were, I would jealously
GUARD my right to do so.). Just as, if I were a printer, I would NOT
print a poster saying, “DEATH TO AMERICA!” They can put me in
PRISON for refusing and iI would still refuse. It seems like gays are
PURPOSELY going to the ONE bakery in town that is run by Christians,
KNOWING they would refuse their business on religious grounds, so
they could make a case for infringement of THEIR rights (which do not
exist in law), while what they are DEMANDING infringes on the constitutional rights
of the BAKER. They can screw each other and be damned, for all of me.
I don't care. That's their business. But if they ever demand I do
something against my will, for ANY reason, they can GO TO HELL! (Just
common sense)
Spreading the Lie
I have to ask: does ANYBODY with any intelligence at all believe
Obama's BIG LIE that the Tea Party is more dangerous than the Islamic
terrorists? He's trying to attribute everything from the Boston
Bombing to the Aurora Theater shooting to “hidden Tea Party
influence” coupled with “conservative ideas.” Is he really that
STUPID? Show me ONE single beheaded CHILD the Tea Party is
responsible for? Show me a SINGLE Christian massacre (massacre OF
Christians) the Tea Party can be PROVEN to be responsible for? Yes,
there is much for Obama to fear from the Tea Party, but it's not
terrorism. It's the LOSS of jobs for Democrats who have LOOTED and
pillaged this nation. It's “putting Democrats out to pasture.”
Something for Obama TRULY to fear. But not for us. WE are the Tea
Party. Those who want to get RID of such politicians as Barack H.
Obama, Eric Holder, and Hillary Stupid. (Just common sense)
Making Light of Terrorism
the Devil himself was out there murdering people (and there are many
who say he is now) there would be idiots in America who would be on
his side, and would “make light” of his killing. That's what we
have now, only it is our PRESIDENT that is doing so, and his
“henchmen” in the government are doing likewise. Hence, the media
(who are in his pocket) do so, also. They never refer to their
atrocities as “terrorism.” It's as though they don't know the
word. They call the terrorists, “militants,” or “gunmen,” or
“fighters,” but never “terrorists.” They call their
atrocities those of “resistance,” or “desperation” or
“workplace violence.” Even when they shout “allahu akbar!” to
the skies as they kill innocent people, Obama and his accomplices
STILL refuse to call it what it is. He STILL calls the Islamic
terrorist attack at Ft. Hood “workplace violence,” which is one
of the best ways for him to help them WIN. I keep saying that, and
people keep telling me I'm crazy. But wait around and see who is
“crazy.” (American Thinker)
Monday, March 30, 2015
"Reality Free"
Kerry is “out of touch with reality.”The
proposed Iran deal on nuclear weapons is so shockingly bad that
serious people are beginning to press the panic button and warn the
public in the strongest possible terms.” It's bad, but it's exactly
what Obama wants. He WANTS Iran to get nuclear weapons to change the
“balance of power” in the Middle East to FAVOR Iran. He has made
that obvious in his every action regarding Iran and Israel. He has
even signaled his intention to ABANDON Israel, who has been our
staunchest ally in the Middle East. I don't think Kerry is “out of
touch,” it is OBAMA who is “out of touch with reality” and Kerry
is just dumb enough to go along with his every whim—which makes him
a good Secretary of State for Obama, but not for the nation.
(American Thinker)
Is Hillary A Criminal?
It is a CRIMINAL ACT to “destroy evidence” of wrongdoing AFTER
Congress has given you a subpoena to provide it. There must have been
some e-mails that revealed some really bad behavior for her to
summarily and arbitraily DELETE them after Congress subpoenaed them.
Bad enough she is willing to suffer the punishment for deleting them
after they were subpoenaed rather than suffer whatever punishment
that would ensue if those e-mails were read by Congress. I suspect
there was evidence she told commanders in the field to “stand down”
while terrorists MURDERED four members of the embassy staff in
Benghazi, Libya, including an AMBASSADOR, which could get her a long
prison sentence. Or maybe evidence of something else, like
accepting political contributions from foreign sources in DIRECT
violation of the law. We'll never know. She has made it so, and by so
doing has forever destroyed her chances to get a chance to run for
president, unless “the fix is in” for her this time, instead of
some other newcomer who “comes out of the woodwork” to push her
aside, as happened in 2008. (Eagle Rising)
Shades of Communism!
of the scams the communists in Russia used to run (maybe still do, for all of
me) is getting people's CHILDREN to “monitor” them at home, and
report any comments that were “anti-communist,” so they could
come to their home and arrest them or at least harass them. The first
requirement for that to work is to brainwash the kids as to just what
an “anti-communist statement” was. In so doing, they completely
brainwashed them and “radicalized” them FOR communism, making
little FINKS out of them. They actually felt GOOD when the thugs came
and took their parents away. Now MICHELLE Obama is attempting the
same thing, here. She SAYS it's to “ferret out racism” by
“monitoring” what people say in the privacy of their own homes.
But SHE gets to DEFINE racism and brainwashes the kids in their
school rooms. This is an example of what liberals do when they get
too powerful. Obama is flouting the Constitution every day, and
getting away with it, because nobody in DC has the GONADS to oppose
him, Now she's (like Hillary) working on her own power. She's using
“the race card” to do it, pushing the “new racism,” which is
blacks (loudly) discriminating against whites. Jokes about blacks
will be punished by the “PC Police.” But will they be so quick to
punish blacks who make jokes about “whitey?” Doubtful. They say
blacks CAN'T be racist, which is typical bullcrap. Of course, since
this disagrees with her, I must be racist, too! The phony racist
charge lives on, and grows like a cancer! (Daily Caller)
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Wasting Time and Money
That's what diplomats are good at. They're spending a lot of money
traveling from place to place to have meetings, when they COULD just
stay where they are and have their meetings. But they rove all over
the world, scheduling meeting after meeting in different places, at which they accomplish
nothing, but after which they have their news conferences and claim
all kinds of unspecified “progress” that leads to nothing good.
The current effort, supposedly to curb Iran's efforts to gain an
nuclear capability, is just like all the others. They talk and talk,
then move on to another place, staying at plush hotels, drinking
expensive wine and eating expensive food, screwing expensive
prostitutes, billing it all to their taxpayers, who dutifully pay for
it, THINKING they're doing something important, But they're not, and
never will. And their taxpayers never “tumble” to the con. Or if
they do, they can't do anything to stop it. I can't believe so many
people are so stupid—but they are. And people will die because of
their incompetence. (Yahoo News)
Why Do They Need A Law?
Why the HELL do we need a LAW to stop government employees from
watching porn on “company time?” It seems to me, in a COMPETENT
administration, that would be covered by USUAL regulations. That
wasting paid-for time would be a punishable offense, just as it would
be (and IS) in a private enterprise. You HIRE these bozos to get some
WORK done. If there's not enough work to keep them busy, you let them
GO! You don't let them just “come in and put in their time” and
be BORED. The biggest problem here is NOT government employees being
bored (from lack of work to do) and watching porn. The biggest
problem is the INCOMPETENCE of their superiors, right up to the TOP,
that CREATES this situation. COMPETENT managers get rid of “employee
overload” that leads to “boredom” on the job. The very fact
that they're “bored” SIGNALS managerial INCOMPETENCE. (Daily Caller)
"Special Treatment"
The Secret Service agents who crashed into a bomb investigation site
while stinking drunk were NOT given a drunk test. They were not
arrested, and were simply sent home. The videos of the crash were
destroyed, and we were told that was “routine.” Their videos were
ALWAYS destroyed after 72 hours and these were due ( a story so
obviously FALSE it's funny). The new director of the SS was NOT told
about the situation until FIVE DAYS later. This case, its handling,
and the handling of previous scandals within the Secret Service are
evidence of a SYSTEMIC problem within the SS that has nothing to do
with the firing of the previous director after several White House
entry scandals. I think they've just “gotten sloppy” in response
to the habit of the current president to IGNORE the Constitution,
“ruling” at his own whim. I don't know if they WANT him to get
killed, or if they just don't give a damn any more. (Joe for America)
Saturday, March 28, 2015
"Only MY Rights Count"
America, we have “freedom of religion.” Or DO we? It's written
into our Constitution, but that august document has been ignored so
often since Obama came to town that it is now “just a funny little
document in history” and no longer has any meaning. Actor George
Takei thinks only HIS rights are sacrosanct. Rights that are NOT
written into the Constitution, and have only lately been pushed by
militant gays like himself as being PARAMOUNT if they conflict with
other people's rights, which ARE in the Constitution. If someone doesn't want his business, for ANY
reason, ESPECIALLY religion, they have the right to refuse it, And he
has the right to go elsewhere. He does NOT have the right to FORCE
his business on ANYBODY. In Indiana now, the law says so. I'm glad
I'm a Hoosier. It seems like Indiana is the only state that has any
intelligence. I couldn't care less what he does in his bedroom, but I
DO care when his rights interfere with mine. (The Blaze)
"Let's Kill Some Muslims"
what liberals say about how the country music business reacted to the
Muslim terrorist killing of 3,000 people on 9/11/01. They just can't
understand why ANYBODY would criticize Islam, even though Islamic
terrorists are killing, maiming, and beheading people daily (including
CHILDREN) because they won't “convert” to Islam. At least, it
LOOKS like they don't understand. They do. They just want to be able
to gripe about our response to their killing of non-Muslims all over
the world. They just don't WANT to understand that we don't LIKE
being murdered, raped, and beheaded, in the name of “religion.” I
say yes. Let's kill some Muslims, like they are killing US! Not those
who are peaceful, but more of those who aren't. Instead of taking
them prisoner, necessitating places like GITMO, just KILL them where
the stand, when they get caught in the act. Stop “taking
prisoners.” Make them KNOW their practices are GOING to cost them
their lives, not just their freedom. I'm getting tired of liberal
pantywaists who want “coddle” them while they MURDER us. (The Blaze)
We Told Ya So!
least THREE of those murderers released to get Bergdahl sent home are
“discussing getting back with Islamic terrorist organizations.”
Just three? Not 5? Maybe these are just the only ones we KNOW about.
I can't see any reason why they would NOT “rejoin the Jihad,”
even if they promised not to. According to top Muslims, LYING in
support of Islam, when dealing with “unbelievers” is OKAY. It's
not only approved, it's ENCOURAGED. I guarantee you EVERY Islamic
terrorist Obama has released on one excuse or the other has (or will
soon) go back to killing innocent people. That was Obama's whole
reason for releasing them: to swell the ranks of Islamic terrorists,
who have been losing too many killers lately, since other than
Obama's forces (who are under “rules of engagement” that makes it
impossible for them do accomplish anything) are out there killing
them. (American Thinker)
Friday, March 27, 2015
Good Riddance!
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who ran the Senate like it
was his own little kingdom (holding up ALL legislation passed by the
Republican-controlled House, while calling the Congress a 'do-nothing
Congress,” somehow not mentioning HE was the reason), has signaled
the fact that he will not run for re-election again in 2016. If I
were able, I'd jump up and down and cheer. Although hell probably be replaced by someone just as bad. That's all they've got over there. He has been the single
biggest ROADBLOCK to getting ANYTHING done in Congress since Obama
was thrust upon us. The Patriot Post calls it “the end of an
error.” And they would be right if he were the ONLY “roadblock”
to good ideas in the Congress. The New York Times says, “He pushed
Obama's programs against stiff Republican opposition.” What they
DON'T say is that pushing Obama's program is what caused him to LOSE
control of the Senate. He says he's quitting, even though his “path
to re-election” is easier than it has ever been.” Never mind he
just BARELY got re-elected the last time, against a “B-List
candidate.” Never mind he had the backing of Democrat billionaires, who “threw
money at him” like it was water. He also says he wants to “go out at the top of my
game.” What? Being demoted to minority leader and just BARELY
getting re-elected in his last election is NOT “going out on top.”
He has just seen the “handwriting on the wall” and doesn't want
the VOTERS to “retire him” in 2016. (Patriot Post)
Dictating the Words
Like all liberals, Hillary wants to DICTATE what words may, or may
NOT be used to describe her. She thinks by so doing, she can
eliminate ANY negative comments that might be made against her. What
a damned FOOL she is! This REEKS of a “totalitarian mindset,”
which ALL liberals seem to have.It's not surprising she would think
this way, since most of her preaching is “to the choir.” They
work HARD to keep people who would criticize her OUT. So all who
listen are ALREADY “in her pocket. Which is why she got a standing
ovation when she “made light” of her e-mail troubles and other
scandals, then would not take questions. “Here are the banned
words: polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious,
inevitable, entitled.” all of which apply to her, none of which are
sexist or racist. Without those words, the media can't even TALK
about her negatively. That's what she wants. One of her support
groups actually sent a letter to a New York Times reporter
threatening her if she used ANY of these words with reference to
Hillary. (American Thinker)
"Feeding the Crocodile"
One of Ronald Reagan's most profound statements is this one: “If
some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of
reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that
you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last.” And
that's what many people in the United States are doing with regard to
Muslims, right now. Schools that have “Hijab Days” for young,
impressionable students who know nothing, but think they know
everything; who haven't been ALIVE long enough to know anything.
People like Obama, who immediately on becoming president, STOPPED an
investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood and the effort to have them
declared a “terrorist organization,” as other nations have wisely
done, noting their “connections” with other terrorist groups and
their ASSISTANCE to them.
people are so afraid of being “tarred” with the phony
“Islamaphobe” label they don't DARE say anything against them,
while they rape and murder innocent people all over the world, behead
people, adults (right in front of their children), and children, then
rape and behead the children, as well. One of the most sickening
sights I will ever have is one I'll never be able to erase from my
memory: it is the picture of a beheaded CHILD, wearing a pretty blue
dress and white stockings, with no head. Meanwhile, misguided fools
“coddle” them and insist on “understanding” them, not being
aware that understanding them is as easy as listening to their
rhetoric, which simply says the world would be perfect if only every
person in it were Muslim—or DEAD. That's their SINGLE goal, and
they work toward it daily, committing so many atrocities they are
countless. (Just common sense)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
FBI Falsifies Report
can depend on the FBI to tell the truth, can't you? Apparently not,
in the Obama administration. They're apparently taking a page out of
Obama's book and making the shooting figures not only look worse than
they are, but presenting a completely different picture than reality.
Their figures showed an INCREASE in mass shootings, when in reality
they've been HALVED! It's to the advantage of the (Obama) government
if mass shootings HAVE been increased, because it puts pressure on to
“do something” about it, and their usual “something” is to
make it even harder for honest, reliable people to buy, carry, and
USE guns in self defense. Meanwhile, wherever their “gun laws”
are the tightest, it is easier to get guns ILLEGALLY. John Lott, of
the Crime Prevention Research Center says there are indications that
the data was INTENTIONALLY altered. Which brings into question ALL
their “crime statistics.” (Weapon Blog)
Standing Up to Muslims
courageous female mayor in Irvine, Texas, has taken a stand against
the establishment of a “Sharia court in her area. The Muslims call
this opposition the work of a “tiny fringe group” against the
“will of the people.” What a LOAD of stinky brown stuff THAT is!
A MAJORITY of “thinking Americans” oppose such a “tribunal”
as an INCURSION on our system of laws. Our CONSTITUTION BANS it because it VIOLATES it an so many ways! Sharia law has NO PLACE in
constitutional America. They CLAIM it is not a “court,” but is a
“mediation panel” (whatever THAT is), with power only that
willingly submitted to by Muslims. Yeah, right! “Willingly” at
the point of a gun. Muslims who do not submit to it would be in danger of
being killed by other Muslims. This “tribunal” is an example of
the Muslim wish to set up a “shadow government” WITHIN our system
which they intend to grow until it is STRONGER than our system, at
which time they'll “take over.” It's time Muslims learned that
they don't get to ”change our system” to match their own, which
they left to come here. You don't come to someone else's house and
DEMAND they conform to YOUR wishes. ANY effort to establish such a
“tribunal” in the United States should be rebuffed by ANY
politician who has GONADS. And ANY politician who ALLOWS it should be
instantly removed from office and “drawn and quartered.”
Personally, I will fight it to the DEATH, if necessary. (World Net Daily)
Obama: "Manchurian Candidate?
The “Manchurian Candidate” was a book in which an American
soldier was kidnapped in Korea, brought to Manchuria, where he was
brainwashed into being a “sleeper agent” who ultimately
assassinates a presidential candidate, leading to another agent being
elevated to the presidency, where he demands dictatorial powers to
“prevent it from ever happening again.”. I think it is a good
plot, and I wonder why something like it hasn't happened before. I
think Barack Hussein Obama was, instead of being brainwashed, RAISED by militant Muslims, spent his early life being trained to act
perfectly like a real American, given an almost impenetrable phony
background, and put forward by political “money-men” like George
Soros at a pivotal time,with his presidency BOUGHT for him with their
unlimited amounts of money. That would explain how a complete unknown like Obama could literally
come out of NOWHERE to “elbow” Hillary (the “inevitable
candidate”) aside and go on to two terms as president, where his
every move helps the militant Muslims in their quest to take over the
world while undermining the American system of government.
explains many things, among which is the almost impossibility of
proving where he was born, and the PHONY “birth certificate” he
provided which did NOT start a movement for his removal on the basis
that he was INELIGIBLE to be president of the United States. It
explains why he is CONSTANTLY making decisions that BENEFIT the
militant Muslims all over the world. Why he not only makes it EASY
for Muslims to enter the country illegally, he IMPORTS 100,000 Syrian
“rebels,” many of whom ARE Muslim militants. Why he purposely
LOST two wars against militant Muslims. I still expect him to try and
stay in office after 2016, which will be just one more violation of
the Constitution, which he has already violated many times with
NOBODY “calling him” on it. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
What's WRONG With These People?
is our ENEMY! At least, a lot of it is, and that part that IS our
enemy are the ones pushing such things as “Hijab Day” in our
schools, with the idea of “legitimizing” Muslim practices among
young, impressionable students, who haven't been ALIVE long enough
to know their ways are an ANATHEMA to all we stand for. Wearing a
Hijab seems to those who know nothing, to be innocuous, but it isn't.
The Hijab is the SYMBOL of their abysmal treatment of their women.
Muslims say (and the school echoes), “The hijab is a headcovering
worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and their devotion to
God.” But in reality the Hijab is the symbol of the SLAVERY of
women in ANY Muslim society. It is worn (at the DICTATE) of Muslim
MEN because they're afraid other men might desire “their women”
and they're afraid they aren't enough MAN to withstand it. It
symbolizes their OWNERSHIP of that woman. Why don't these people
REALIZE that? Why do they “cooperate in their own destruction?”
There will always be ignorant people like this around, and we have to
be vigilant, and do what we can to mitigate their ignorance. Notice,
this is happening in—where else?-- California! The state of nuts,
run by “Gov, Moonbeam.” (World Net Daily)
Today's "Buggy Whip Maker"
the Post Office. It's going out of style, with e-mail making the
inroads it has made in private message traffic, coupled with the
massive increases in the cost of sending a single letter. I wouldn't
THINK of sending a letter today if there were ANY possibility of
corresponding by e-mail. My own brother lost his computer and has
refused to get another one, even though the cost to buy one has come
down tremendously. I haven't been in contact with him since. E-mail
has become THE method of communication, today. The Post Office can't
understand that, and they just keep raising the cost to send a letter
sky high, so people can no longer afford to send a letter. Like the
“buggy whip makers” of yore,they think they can survive in a
world where people no longer send letters. They think just raising
prices will make the difference. It will, but not in the way they
think. They'll keep thinking that way until ALL their business dries
up. (Just common sense)
"Targetiing" Open Carriers
One of the
things gun grabbers are doing now is, when they spot a man in a store
with a gun, call the cops, claiming there's an “armed robbery going
on,” hoping the cops will KILL that man when he leaves the store,
thinking (falsely) that he just robbed the store. That happened to
Eric Scott, who is a LICENSED carrier, and a war hero. He was “targeted” by a
“rent-a-cop” in a Las Vegas COSTCO store where was shopping. The
security guard told him to leave, but the manager told him he could
stay. That pissed him off, so the cops were called (not by the store
manager) and given the false information that Scott was robbing the
store. They waited outside, and when Scott came out, they confronted
him, and ended up shooting him to death—on the phony word of that
“rent-a-cop,” in OPPOSITION to the orders of the store manager.
Which makes him a MURDERER. There are many other instances of this,
and in these cases, the cops are WAY too quick to shoot, ending up
killing INNOCENT legal gun carriers—which is the GOAL of the
“gun-grabbers.” They're really getting “down and dirty,”
folks! They use cops top “do their dirty work.” (Daily Caller)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Practice What You Preach!
the advice I'd give to Starbucks, after looking at their “Race
Together” campaign that lasted just two days when they found out
their customers just didn't want to talk to them about race while
they, themselves practiced racism. Did you know that Starbucks'
“leadership team” is made up of 19 people, ONE of which is (a
token) black. They're worried about racism in Ferguson, MO, but they
don't have a single store there. Nor in Selma, Alabama, one of the
most famous places where racism DID exist, if it does there, today.
The Starbucks CEO came up with this stupidity along with the
president and publisher of USA Today, which has NO blacks or
Hispanics on their “leadership team,” which includes 7 men and
ONE woman. This is “diversity?” It's like everything else
liberals come up with. It's for US, not for THEM. They preach to US
about “diversity,” while avoiding diversity like the plague in
their own lives. (American Thinker)
Machete Attack
A man with a machete attacked people at the New Orleans Airport.
This item says he attacked TSA agents, but he attacked passengers
first. The passengers used their bags to defend themselves before the
TSA got involved and stopped him, with what? Wait for it—GUNS. It's
unusual for armed enforcement agents to be around when somebody
attacks people, but this was an AIRPORT. If he had attacked somewhere
else, where people aren't allowed to have guns, there's no telling
how many he could have killed before a “good guy with a gun”
could have showed up and kill him, as they did, here. But only
because they were already there. It's a PROVEN FACT that allowing
honest people to carry guns will NOT create a “Wild West
atmosphere” where people are killed over trivial things like
fender-benders. Even ILLEGALLY-armed CRIMINALS mostly don't do that,
and they already HAVE guns. But you'll never convince the “gun
control industry” of that. They want to DISARM America, and they're
DETERMINED to do it, in SPITE of facts. (UPI)
Starbucks Killing Themselves
have 50 or 60 million customers who are going to come through our
stores next week and they’re going to hear a message … whether
they want to listen or not.” — Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz .
Sorry, Schulzie, I won't be among them. And I won't be at “Dunkies,”
either. I won't be there to hear the dictated diatribe you plan to
inflict on your customers because I'm not your customer, and now
never will be, under any circumstances. Even if I DID go there, it
would be only for coffee—not to be regaled by racist blathering.
You may want to destroy your business by cooperating with Obama in
creating a race war, but I won't be there to listen. Besides that only lasted two days before you "smartened up."
of the unexpected consequences of your foolishness will be fewer
customers for your battery acid after the first couple of days. Maybe
enough for you to go out of business, leaving many empty stores for
somebody else to occupy. The racism you're preaching—the NEW
racism—is black against white racism, which you think is okay. But
it's not. NO kind of racism is okay, and “whipping up racism” of
ANY kind is not going to end well for your business. Even if I were
one of your customers, I would not be back after I was FORCED to hear
your diatribes while waiting for my coffee. And I'm sure many of your
soon-to-be FORMER customers feel the same way. (Boston Herald)
Monday, March 23, 2015
ISIS Posts "Kill List"
a list of American military members and their families they intend to
kill. What they seem to forget is that these people aren't the “soft
target” kind of people they usually kill. Unarmed people going
about their business completely unaware of being targeted by fools.
If they go after people on this list, I guarantee you many of them
are going to die—and die painfully. I'm sure we have a list of ISIS
members. Why don't we publish that list, then go out and kill them.
Maybe that would convince them that we aren't the “pussy-willows”
they seem to think we are, and which Obama has worked HARD to cement
in their minds. Of course, Obama will never do such a thing. He IS
such a “pussy-willow.” Especially by doing such things as pulling
our troops out of Yemen as ISIS terrorists take over there instead of
wiping them out, and leaving them our weapons and equipment. (World Net Daily)
Ignoring "Routine"
In New Jersey, authorities normally give new gun owners who have
applied for “concealed carry” permits a “grace period” long
enough for the permit to come through. In some areas run by FANATICAL
fools, they twist things to suit themselves so as to get convictions
on honest people who have followed the law in every way it is USUALLY
observed. Now comes a man who has done so, who “ran afoul” of
such a fanatic police agency in New Jersey, that IGNORED the “grace
period” usually given in such cases (which they CAN do, since it
is something they “arbitrarily do” and is not the law.) This kind
of cop just wants to hurt people who own guns (and are not cops) and
doesn't care that by so doing, he is ruining this man's entire LIFE
and hopes for a career in law enforcement. It's not the individual
offense that counts, it's the EFFECT on this man's life that's
important. Yes, those cops don't HAVE TO observe the “grace period”
normally given. But this guy followed the law and procedure as he
knew it, not knowing that some FANATIC would change things to suit
himself. I hope governor Christie is smarter than those cops. (JulieOn Politics)
Liberals Hate This
It's a “common sense gun law” that makes them wet their pants.
It's a law to make “concealed carry laws” reciprocal from one
state to the next. To make states without easier “concealed carry”
laws respect the permits issued by other states that have them. There
are way too many situations nowadays like that in Maryland, where the
cops TARGET people from states with “concealed carry rights” and
search their cars WITHOUT “probable cause” to find any guns they
might have forgotten in their cars so as to ruin their day—week,
month, years. States that don't allow “concealed carry” work HARD
to punish people from those states that do for having the temerity to
do so. They ignore the Constitution and enforce ILLEGAL,
UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws in their state, hoping to punish people from
states who do follow the Constitution. They want EVERY PLACE to be a
“gun-free zone,” even though gun-free zones get people KILLED. Of
course, they're not intelligent enough to admit that. (Second Amendment Insider)
Sunday, March 22, 2015
"Punish" Global Warming Deniers?
AlGore is getting a little big for his britches. And he's getting
frustrated. We've come up with too many good reasons to find his
global warming (whatever he calls it now to fool us) thing to be a
SWINDLE and the best way to put a stop to our criticism is to SHUT
US UP. He wants ANY opposition to his swindle to be punishable by
law. It's not possible without flouting the Constitution and it's
First Amendment, but in a world where the president (Obama) flouts it
daily he thinks he can get away with it. He is now saying “the
denial industry” is a constant, regardless of the “settled
science” that supports his scam. There's only one problem. “Settled
science DOES NOT SUPPORT his swindle. Just the opposite, in fact. The
globe has NOT been warming for MORE than 15 years. His classic claim
that the ice in the poles is melting has been PROVED to be a lie. His
celebrated story about polar bear numbers shrinking because of the
melting ice has ALSO been proven to be a LIE. There are more polar
bears in existence now than ever before. Same as ice floes. And polar
bears can SWIM for hundreds of miles in FREEZING water. His swindle
has become such an obvious scam that the only way now for it to
continue is to SHUT US UP, and that he intends to do, if he can. If
he can, I will be one of the FIRST to be shut up because I will NEVER
stop telling the truth, about ANYTHING. (China Topix)
NY: "Gun-Free Zone"
And predictably, their violent crime rate
went UP 21%. And that's LOW compared to some other “gun-free”
cities. They've even got microphones in certain places, supposedly
to pick up the sound of gunshots so they can get there quickly. But
those microphones can also pick up conversation, so if you have some
“anti-government views,” you'd better keep them to yourself
around those microphones (IF you can tell where they are). New York
City is supposed to be “a safe place” because of their “draconian
gun laws.” But it is NOT. It is one of the most UNSAFE cities on
the planet. It's a “bait and switch” for them to say that, so
you'll come there and, after living there a while, find out the truth
that you aren't safe, at all. Just like their “bait and switch”
ad campaign all over the country telling businesses to move to New
York and not have to pay state taxes for ten years. What they don't
say is after you've been there ten years and are well-entrenched and
can't afford to move, THEN they hit you with what amounts to the
highest taxes in the nation. (Last Resistance)
Why Does Obama Hate Bibi?
Obama obviously hates Bibi Netanyahu. He
ignored him when he came to America to speak to our Congress (by
invitation, I might add). He sent his henchmen (at OUR expense) to
Israel to work AGAINST his re-election (which may or may not be a
CRIME), and was INCENSED when Netanyahu won in spite of his meddling
in the affairs of another nation. What is going on, here? He hates
Bibi because Bibi is staunchly AGAINST the Palestinians, who are
Islamic terrorists that rocket bomb Israel DAILY. Obama is working
“hand-in-glove” with Islamic terrorists. Thus, Netanyahu's win is
a “setback” for his “friends.” Would I be called, “Captain
Obvious” in some circles if I pointed this out? Absolutely. Obama
has long been IN FAVOR of what the Islamic terrorists are doing.
Every time he is called upon to “approve, or disapprove” of their
works, he has signified his APPROVAL by the way he “rules.” Why
people with any “pull” don't notice and do something about this,
I can't tell you. I can only tell you “the fix is in” for Obama
and always has been, since he “came out of the woodwork” and
elbowed Hillary Clinton (who previously had been the obvious Democrat
candidate in 2008) aside to CON his way into the presidency. Frankly,
I think it was a “bloodless coup” for him to be elected
president. Obama has ADMITTED that he IS a Muslim, on many occasions,
in places where he thinks we will not hear about it. There is nothing
wrong with his BEING Muslim. There is a LOT wrong with his HIDING it
in the face of Muslim terrorism and the raping and BEHEADING of men
and women in front of their CHILDREN, then BEHEADING the children,
TOO, after raping them. (You Tube)
Saturday, March 21, 2015
UN Is Useless!
The United Nations is now telling the world that
ISRAEL is the “worst offender” when it comes to treatment of its
women. What PLANET are they LIVING on? Haven't they ever heard of the
Muslims? And them forcing their women to go about wearing what
amounts to a TENT? What about ANY man being allowed to beat them for
showing so much as an ANKLE on the street? What about them not being
allowed to be out without being accompanied by a male relative? What
about them not being able to get a divorce while all the man has to
do is walk down the street shouting, “I divorce thee?” What about
THEM being punished if they're raped while the man is not punished in
any meaningful way? What about the requirement for FOUR male
witnesses to prove rape? How about “honor killings” where any man
(usually a parent or sibling) is allowed to KILL them for so much as walking down the street with
the wrong guy? What about the fact that Muslim men are allowed to
look upon them, and TREAT them as if they were “chattel? What about
women not even being allowed to DRIVE in some Muslim countries? And
the UN thinks Israelis are worse than MUSLIMS when it comes to
treatment of their women? What a damned FOOL NOTION that is! What
damned fools are those in the UN who put this out! (Just common
"Federalizing" the Cops
Americans have long said they do not want a “federal police force”
because that's one way for Washington to “take over” everything.
But Obama is bent on creating such a force, by threatening to
withhold federal funding (which they've become dependent upon) if
they don't conform to new “rules and regulations” he is
DICTATING. “Obamalaw,” is yet another overreach of constitutional
authority to fundamentally transform the nation, this time by taking
away local police enforcement rights and putting new rules and
regulations in place as dictated by the President and Eric Holder’s
Justice (injustice) Department. Born out of the perception that racism is
rampant amongst city law enforcement agencies, this new plan is
intended to "address" the issue by "trampling on local rights.” Of
course, the only racism that is rampant today is the blacks hating
whites racism OBAMA has created, just to be used in cases such as
this. (TPNN)
Liberal Incompetence
Liberals are good at getting elected to office and hiding their
incompetence at governing. If you want evidence of liberal
incompetence at governing, look at any city that has economic or
other troubles that really hurt them. You'll fins they're RUN by liberals.
New York City, for instance, went bankrupt when other liberals
refused to bail them out. Later on, when other liberals finally DID
bail them out, they recovered. Look at Detroit today. They're in the
worst possible shape EVER. Now THEY';RE about to declare bankruptcy. And look at who is running things there.
Look at Ferguson, MO, where the criminals are “taking over,”
SUPPORTED by the liberals in their (and our) government. The fact
that liberals are running things there is something they NEVER talk
about. And liberals from out of town are coming in from all over to
make things worse while the liberals running things have no idea of
what to do. Look at any city with BIG troubles and you'll find a
liberal government. There are many ways liberals have screwed things
up all over the world. Linked here is a list of just a FEW of them.
(The Incompetent Liberal)
Friday, March 20, 2015
Target Stores "Gun-Free"
So how did this happen? The other day a girl AND her dog were shot there in
a “drug deal gone bad,” which is “code” for “it'll never be
solved.” Looks like one drug dealer at least, doesn't give a good
DAMN about Target's “gun-fee” rule. He brings his gun right along
with him when he goes into the Target parking lot to do a drug deal.
How many times must the gun-grabbers' laws be proved USELESS before
they “get smart” and stop making them? My thinking says, NEVER.
They just don't have the INTELLIGENCE to realize ANYTHING. They're
DETERMINED to “disarm America” and will do it, any way they can,
meanwhile making it much easier for CRIMINALS to get their guns. It's
a proven fact that guns are much easier to buy ILLEGALLY in places
where anti-gun laws are the tightest. But they're too dim to
understand that. Nor will they EVER admit that crime goes DOWN
wherever guns are the easiest to get LEGALLY. I might add that I go
to this very store REGULARLY. But no more. From this day forward, I
will no longer enter a “no-gun zone.” (ABC 7 Denver)
Killing Gays Okay?
I know California is strange in what they consider
proper, but a law making it legal to kill gays by shooting them in
the head (or any other convenient method)—without trial, and
arbitrarily? More than 38,000 people (and I doubt they're all gays)
signed a petition to look into the fitness of the author (attorney
Matt McLaughlin) of the “initiative” to practice law in
California. I would add that his fitness to practice law ANYWHERE should be in question if he thinks a law allowing the random killing
of gays is proper. The state Attorney General is required to “let
the process continue” and must write a “title and a
presentation” to put the measure on the ballot. What? The whole
idea of legalizing the KILLING of ANY group arbitrarily should get
the originator a jail sentence—or maybe his own bullet. I don't
know what McLaughlin is thinking, but he isn't too bright, and should
never have been authorized to practice law, anywhere. To allow such
people anywhere NEAR the law is CRIMINAL. (Sacramento Bee)
Anti-Gun Cop "Wises Up"
often said that gun-grabbers aren't smart enough to “open their
eyes” and see the “forest for the trees.” But at least one did.
Jack McCauley, once the commander of the licensing division of the
Maryland State Police, thought allowing more people to carry guns
legally would be a bad thing. But after “being schooled” by gun
advocates, he changed his stance. He used to decry the thought of the
“average Joe” being able to have a gun, completely forgetting
that millions of “average Joes” ALREADY have guns, ILLEGALLY.
Most of them are gang members, and ALL of them are criminals.
Criminals do not OBEY laws. He was made to SEE this, and made the
right decision. I wish more gun grabbers were as intelligent as this
one. Most of them have their minds made up and their heads up a dark place where they can't see, so they don't want to be
“confused by facts.” (Personal Liberty)
Thursday, March 19, 2015
It's Happening Again
They promised Hillary that the Democrat nomination for president
would be hers in 2008. That she would be pushed right into the White House by
the “powers that be.” Instead, late in the process, Obama “came
out of the woodwork” and “elbowed her aside” to become the
nominee, and then be elected president. Who is he? Nobody knows.
Obama's past is one of the most closely guarded secrets going. We
KNOW he is a Muslim, but we won't admit it. So after giving her the
“booby prize” of one term as Secretary of State, a position at
which she failed badly, she is now again being touted as “the
inevitable candidate” while forces in the Democrat Party are at the
same time working to supplant her again. Who will come along, I don't
know. Maybe Obama himself will decide to run, violating the
Constitution, yet again. What does he care. He violates it DAILY and nobody calls him on it. But can he win such an election in the
current atmosphere? Doubtful. So whoever the Republicans put up,
unless he is a real fool and does something really stupid, will
probably win, denying him his third ILLEGAL term. Does that mean we
will “get well” under a Republican administration? Maybe, if the
candidate can hide his Reagan-like thinking from Republicans long
enough to be elected. (American Thinker)
Deports Muslims, Crime Goes Down
hate to describe an entire “religion” as a bunch of thieves and
murderers, but when it comes to Muslims, it's hard not to,
considering what they do to THEMSELVES with their “honor killings”
and treatment of their women, and not even speaking of those wanting
to KILL those who do not “believe” the way they think they ought
to. My apologies to those few among them who do not commit crimes,
but it's hard to pick them out until their friends commit a crime and
they do not, since so many of them do. In Denmark, it's not the same.
In 2014, they deported 71,000 Muslims and, guess what? Their crime
rate DROPPED 30% (30 PERCENT!). Does that tell you anything? In America today, we
don't even deport known criminals among ANY alien groups.
American (chiefly Mexican) immigrants, mostly ILLEGAL immigrants who
commit crimes are given special privileges not even AMERICANS get. They get convicted of crimes and then get RELEASED into our society.
And our crime rate soars. What would happen if we deported criminals
of ALL kinds? Probably wipe out crime as we know it. But will
we ever do it? Not a chance. If we did it to Muslims, they'd claim
racism--falsely because Muslim is NOT a “race.” It is mostly a
bunch of thieves and murderers CLAIMING to be a religion. If we did
it to Spanish ILLEGAL aliens, they'd also claim racism, forgetting
that ALL those deported are ALREADY lawbreakers, just by coming here
without authorization. It will NOT be racism, even though they are
all of the same race. Race is simply incidental. But they take
advantage of being a “different race” to stop liberals from
punishing their lawbreakers. (Tea Party Politics)
It's A SWINDLE, Dammit!
I almost fell off my chair laughing when I heard a rumor that AlGore
was ”looking at” another run for president. Then I heard a Fox
News commentator saying “His best-known ACCOMPLISHMENT was doing
the most for global warming” and almost threw up on my keyboard!
There has been NO GLOBAL WARMING for the entire 15 years Gore has
been touting it. He found it necessary to change the name of his
swindle to “climate change” so he could get away with blaming
EVERYTHING, including COLD WEATHER on his swindle The polar bears are
NOT in danger from melting icebergs. There are more icebergs now than
at any time in history, and the same is true of polar bears, who can
swim for HUNDREDS of miles.. The ice caps are NOT MELTING. In fact,
they ALSO are more numerous than ever before. Gore says there is too
much CARBON DIOXIDE in our atmosphere, and that it is a noxious gas.
Carbon dioxide is what we breathe out when we exhale. It is NOT a
“noxious gas!” It is what keeps plants alive while they make
OXYGEN for us to breathe! Without it, WE would die!
began his global warming swindle to make himself rich, and that he
has become. He is now a multimillionaire from the profits made by
LYING about it. He has received many accolades from gullible
liberals, and many CONSERVATIVES, as well. To hear commentators refer
to his global warming preaching as a “good thing” is ludicrous.
Especially coming from a FOX NEWS commentator, who SHOULD know
better. They're really “scraping the bottom of the barrel” if
they're considering replacing Hillary with Gore as the Democrat Party
standard bearer. Instead of being in the presidential race, he should
be in PRISON for promoting one of the biggest SWINDLES in the history
of the United States. I shudder to think what we would be in for if
he ever got elected president. Why otherwise intelligent people BUY
his lies is beyond me. Is it the money they can make? In Obama's
case, is it more power for himself? (The Independent Institute)
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Psaki "Fesses Up"
After days, even WEEKS of stonewalling, she finally admitted that
there is “no evidence” that Hillary Clinton ever signed the
“separation statement” on leaving her job as Secretary of State.
I guess she just got tired of the PRESSURE to tell the truth. I
seriously doubt she got APPROVAL from her “superiors” to do it,
and I suspect she isn't long for it in this job—or any other in the
Obama administration after “giving in” and telling the truth. You
just don't do that and stay in your job with Obama. You're either a
good liar and stonewaller, or you're OUT. Of course, she put it in
such a way as to give Obama “wiggle room” in a follow up. He can
now “discover” a signed statement by simply having her sign one
tomorrow and pre-dating it. Of course, in so doing, he will put
Hillary in a very tenuous position, since signing it would prove she
LIED about her private e-mail system, which was NOT “:turned over”
when she left office. (Daily Caller)
Fools With Mouths Open
Notice two of the three main characters in the photo attached to this
article have their mouths wide open, much like that fool in Libya
who kidnaps young girls to be sold for sexual slavery (and probably "samples" them first) who tells us
how “lovely” is what he does. The things these guys do is just as
bad, but they mostly do it in secret. But now they're OPENLY calling
for people to KILL cops. And they're not in jail? Freedom of speech?
Calling for the DEATH of other people is NOT “freedom of
speech.” It is “incitement to MURDER" and punishable, if anybody
will “grow a pair” and DO something about it.. But so far, we
haven't found anybody with enough SPINE to do so. This is a good
example of the “new racism” where blacks hate WHITES, and are not
only not afraid to shout their hate to the skies, but they're willing
to carry it out, too. (Infowars)
Leave It to Liberals
of them just signed a petition hoping to force Obama to charge those
47 senators who signed that “infamous” letter to the Iran mullahs
telling them that ANY “agreement” they make with Obama can be
reversed immediately by the next president. They IMAGINE that this
letter violates the Logan Act, a law made in 1799 to keep PRIVATE
CITIZENS from attempting to “negotiate” with foreign governments
and change government policies, therefor. The unalterable FACT they
ignore is that members of Congress are NOT “private citizens.”
They ARE “representatives of government” on an EQUAL PAR with
Obama. You can't “charge” them with a crime that does not exist.
I have no doubt Obama might try it, but unless “the fix is in,”
he will have no luck doing it. (TPNN)
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
"Punish the Deniers!"
AlGore is getting desperate. He wants to PUNISH those who truthfully DENY his global warming (whatever he calls it now) swindle. He's losing patience with the intelligent
people who know the truth and aren't afraid to say so in public. He's
losing control over his swindle. It was bad enough he had to change
its name from “global warming” to “climate change,” a
sufficiently “neutral” phrase that would allow him to attribute
ANY “out of the ordinary” weather to the LIES he's pushing, so
that ANY kind of weather would deposit money in his pockets. Now he
wants to PUNISH those who deny his swindle. Of course, there's that
pesky Constitution holding him back, but as an avid student of
Obama's IGNORING of that august document, he is willing to do so,
himself—and there is no shortage of FOOLS willing to help him,
apparently, some openly working to PUNISH those who have seen the
evidence, and KNOW his swindle is just that-a SWINDLE designed to
separate us from our money and put it in HIS pockets. He keeps
calling his swindle “accepted science,” but that begs the
question: “Accepted by WHOM?" Climate science promoters? It is NOT
“accepted science.” Not accepted by any INTELLIGENT people,
anyway. Many prominent “climate scientists” say Gore is LOONEY
and needs to be in a “looney bin.” I disagree. I think it's just
a scam to loot other people's wallets. Yes, some of his “ climate
scientists” agree with him, mostly those who have used “climate
science” to get lucrative contracts to support his LIES. But FACTS
deny it, and you can't “punish TRUTH. (Eco Watch)
Secret Service (Again)
In case
anybody is wondering why the Secret Service is in so much trouble,
just look at the latest scandal they're embroiled in. Two TOP
secret service agents were DRUNK and ran their car into a White
House barrier. The secret service scandal started (we think) when a
number of secret service agents were exposed in a sex and drinking
scandal in a foreign country, and went through several embarrassing
White House entry scandals that caused it's then head to lose her job. She
was fired, when it was these two men who SHOULD have been fired. And
Axelrod says there are NO scandals in the last six years! Axelrod's
silly insistence that there have been NO scandals in the last six
years is perfect evidence of the willful BLINDNESS of the liberal
criminals running this government, today. He really thinks we're
STUPID enough to believe his crap. There are new scandals coming up
EVERY DAY in this administration, It's just that they're so good at
“tamping them down” that nothing has been done about them except
for numerous “investigations” (dog and pony shows) that go nowhere. (World Net Daily)
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
are two “self-fulfilling prophecies” at work in Ferguson, MO. One
created by Obama, the other created by black criminals who live
there. The one Obama created is that there is a “black revolution:
(race war) brewing and that cops use black males for “target
practice.” The other is that black cops unduly shoot blacks,
without reason. This is fostered and inflamed by people who just want
to kill cops, and it makes targets out of cops, who are easy to spot
because they go around in well-marked cars, wearing uniforms, and
must “be among” blacks to do their jobs. It was all started when
a good cop did his duty and found himself being threatened with a
horrible death by a HUGE black man who had ALREADY “bulldozed his
way past a smaller man with a box of stolen cigars and was SOUGHT by
the cops.
To make it worse, this
arrogant thug was prancing down the MIDDLE of the street, in flagrant
violation of the law. When stopped, he ATTACKED that cop, tried to
take his gun, so he could shoot him. Instead the cop shot the thug,
and killed him after he arrogantly told the cop, “You won't shoot
me, you're too much of a pussy.” That's what his arrogance got him.
Criminals, black and white, came from all over the country and LIED, saying that
thug “had his hands up saying, 'don't shoot' when killed.” That
became the “watchword that was taken up all over the country, even
at a football game and even in a news show on TV. It was used as an excuse for a black criminal to
“set a trap” for, and KILL two New York City Cops. It is still
used, even though it has been soundly DISPROVED. Obama is using Ferguson as a
“pivotal moment” in his search for an EXCUSE to make even more
limiting laws and “regulations.”
Obama's criminal in
charge of the cops of the nation (Eric Holder) says, “Even though
the cop is not guilty of murder, and did everything right, FERGUSON
police department is racist,” which gives the thugs “fuel for
their fire” and himself room to claim further racism. They SAY the
cops “shoot first and ask questions later” regarding black men,
and they are, themselves, CREATING a world in which that may be
true. Cops all over, finding themselves targets, will be on high
alert, and WILL “shoot first, and ask questions later” and that
will have been CREATED by black criminals, with the ASSISTANCE of
white criminals, both in the citizenry and in the government. Obama
was “praying” for an excuse to increase his control over the
citizens of this country, and Ferguson was, and is, “made to order”
for that. Cops who are made targets will shoot back. So they've now
got what they SAID they had. (Outside the Beltway)
Monday, March 16, 2015
Hillary Needs to Be Gone
First of all, she has NO experience that would
qualify her to be president, not even that of being in elective (or
appointive) office for several years. Yes, she WAS a senator for PART
of a term. A job she was GIVEN to keep her mouth shut while the
Democrats elected a COMPLETE nonentity (Obama) to the presidency she
coveted in 2008. And, yes, Obama didn't have any experience that
qualified him to be president either, and look at how he has screwed
THAT up. Yes, he WAS re-elected, but not because of any skill or
talent of his, only because “the fix was in” and he would have
been re-elected, even if ALL of America voted against him. She's
being touted (again) as the “inevitable” next president. Why?
Because “the fix is in, again” (if it holds) and they're just
doing what they promised her to get her to “step away” while
Obama took over “her” job. She has screwed up everything she
tried, from her feeble attempt to install the forerunner to
Obamacare, to Benghazi, to using private e-mail (against policy) for
government business. And don't even TRY to convince me she NEVER used
that for government business in four years. (Just common sense)
Racism? Old or New?
Obama and his friends are promoting racism as a
regular thing: from disagreeing with ANY of his decisions to eating
three meals a day. They continually make up EXCUSES to accuse people
of racism—and it DOES exist. But not in the “old fashioned”
way. The old way, WHITES hated blacks, and did everything they could
to “keep them down.” A LITTLE of that still remains, But today's
racism is BLACKS hating WHITES and doing everything they can to PUT
them down. A la Ferguson, MO, where they wanted to put a good cop in
PRISON for killing a huge thug who was trying to kill him. That has coalesced into a “kill white cops movement” masquerading as a
“black lives matter” campaign that IGNORES WHITE cops killed by
BLACK killers. And the blacks practicing it are not afraid to “shout
their racism to the skies,” claiming to be “kept down” by a
RECEDING white on black racism that is fast disappearing. (Just
common sense)
No Democrat Candidate
Hillary Clinton is the “inevitable” Democrat candidate for
president in the next election. Why? Because they HAVE nobody else to
run. Nobody who has ANY chance to win, that is. In her latest
scandal, she DESTROYED a bunch of e-mails she CLAIMS were of a
“personal” nature. Why did she do that? Why does she get to
decide which e-mails to produce to Congress? It's “:the rule”
that government officials use government e-mail, so it can be
CONTROLLED by the government and, if need be, ALL e-mails can be
reviewed by someone OTHER than the candidate's people to decide which
ones are “relevant” and which are not. It's that CONTROL that
caused her to VIOLATE that “rule” so SHE could control which ones
to release. She says she only wanted to carry one device, when we
KNOW you can have MULTIPLE e-mail services on a single device. And
we're supposed to BELIEVE that, from a woman who has LIED to us, so
many times. (Washington Times)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Throwing Nasties At Guards
Inmates at GITMO like to throw feces, urine,
sperm, and vomit at guards on a daily basis, according to Marine
General John Kelly. They can't figure out what to do about it.
Sometimes they even try and knee them in the groin (the men, at
least). They do it even more to female guards (except for the groin
hits), calling them “bitches,” “whores,” and “sluts.”
What these inmates need to learn is retaliation. First of all, EACH instance should be punished severely. They're IMPRISONED,
fergawdsakes! It would be easy for the guards to return the favor,
“targeting” the specific inmates who do it, and pelting them, in
their cells, with similar objects, plus bacon and pork, which would
frighten them no end. They could also subject them to special “work
details,” handling ham and pork. But NO! They are not only not
allowed to do that, they give them special privileges even GUARDS
don't get. They should have just shot 'em when they caught 'em, not
taken them prisoner. They don't deserve to be treated like human
beings. Treat 'em like they treat the guards. (Freedom Force)
It's GOTTA Be Racism!
Norway is deporting Muslims. No, not ALL Muslims, just the ones with
known ties to Muslim extremists (terrorists). Liberals, of course,
are whining and screaming “racism!” It's ALL racism to liberals.
Anything they don't like is racism, according to them. But Norway is
doing what we OUGHT to do: getting rid of KNOWN Muslim extremists.
Sending them elsewhere, to bedevil someone else. Preferably their
country of origin. Now violent crime in Norway is DOWN more than 31%,
and that number is RISING, sure evidence that Muslim extremists are
the culprits. But will Obama ever think of doing such a thing? Not a
chance. Muslims—even those who are responsible for criminal
activity—are his FRIENDS. He “sticks up for them” whenever he is
called to “rule” on their behavior. They're screaming racism, but
Muslims are NOT a race. Neither are they a REAL religion. Islam is a
“religion” started by a child-screwer to make his child abuse
seem like a “good thing,” and their practices, especially toward
women, are abominable. Those who embrace it and who are not evil, are
merely PAWNS. they'll believe ANYTHING. (Tea Party Update)
Ever since Obama lied (again) and told us that if we
elected him-a black man—we would forever destroy racism in this
country, he and his cohorts have bent every effort to make racism
WORSE than it has ever been in this country, but it is a different
kind of racism he's pushing. It's not your daddy's racism. Today's
racism is blacks hating whites, not whites hating blacks. It has
turned completely around. He has EMPOWERED blacks in PUSHING racism,
and discriminating against WHITES. It became even more obvious in
Ferguson, MO, where liberals tried their best to get a good cop
prosecuted for murder for killing a giant thug who was trying to
kill HIM. Now we're being faced with the specter of liberals saying
such things as “eating three meals a day is racist!” What kind of
twisted logic they use to think this, I don't know.I do know they don't HAVE any logic. I just know it's
twisted. (Hot Air)
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Best Friend to Terrorists
how I would describe Barack Hussein Obama. He is the best friend
they've got in the world. How he got himself elected president with
his background is a complete mystery to me. He was closely
connected to not one, but TWO ideologies inimical to everything we
stand for. He was BORN to communists (BOTH his parents were dedicated
communists), RAISED by communists, MENTORED most of his life by
communists, then he was pushed on us as a politician and presidential
prospect by someone from behind the scenes who had a lot of control
over the media and in politics. Beside that he was BORN a
Muslim, RAISED in a Muslim country, and TAUGHT by Muslims most of
his life. How he could ESCAPE being a Muslim or at least having
Muslim thinking and leanings, again, is beyond me.
supporters boldly pushed aside the woman who was at the time,
“anointed” by the Democrats and was said to be the “inevitable"
next president, as if she didn't exist. The ranks of Muslim terrorists are
growing like a metastasized cancer on the world and he's HELPING. As
the American president, he's SUPPOSED to be FIGHTING them. Instead,
he's “apologizing” for them, playing down their successes,
refusing to NAME them as the enemy. He is FINANCING them (on the QT),
ARMING them (again on the QT), and PRETENDING to oppose them,
authorizing ONLY a few air strikes that destroy not much more than
pickup trucks on lonely roads or maybe blowing up a few empty
buildings with NO, or FEW terrorist casualties, why people who can DO
something about him ignore this, again, is beyond me. He apparently
has no idea the danger he is putting this nation in, or that's what
he WANTS. It has to be one way or the other. There's no in between. Either he's STUPID or he's a traitor.
(Stars and Stripes)
How Muslims Treat Women
In Saudi Arabia, a woman was violently gang-raped by seven men. Were
her rapists punished? No, not to speak of; SHE was punished, with 200
lashes and a six month jail sentence for being out without a male
relative accompanying her, and then speaking to the press after she
was arrested. This is how women are treated in the Muslim world: as
slaves and property. Their husbands can have a “temporary
marriage” with a prostitute so they won't be breaking any
religious restrictions when they screw them. Then they can “divorce”
them the next morning, after they've had their fun, by walking down
the street, shouting, “I divorce thee” three times, using the
woman's name. To prove rape, there must be FOUR (count 'em, FOUR) male witnesses to the
rape, according to Muslim law. In Arabia, women cannot even drive a
car. Her lawyer was punished, and even disbarred for complaining
publicly about her treatment. Remember, these are NOT “Muslim
extremists.” They are “moderate Muslims.” (Freedom Outpost)
Unknown Industry
What to do with dead babies? That's a big question to
some people, who just can't think about not taking advantage of a
business opportunity. So what would they do? Not throw those
millions of dead babies in the dumpster as they used to do. Now
they're “harvesting” the organs of the dead babies and installing
them in animals to keep them alive until they can sell them to willing customers. This
could lead to even more abortions because of the profit motive. A
motive even more powerful than simply wanting to rid yourself of an
unwanted child. America used to think that communist China was
“depraved” for locating prisons close to organ harvesting
facilities to make killing prisoners more profitable are now just as
bad, if not worse. They criticized people for being for stem-cell
research, as if the only subjects from which to obtain these cells
were live people. They aren't. And it is not necessary to KILL those
people to obtain their stem cells, unlike profiting from dead babies.
(Eagle Rising)
Friday, March 13, 2015
"No Statistical Basis"
what a Washington Post fact checker says about Obama's snarky crack
about the “fact” that “it is easier in some places to buy a gun
than to buy a book or a fresh vegetable.” I knew he was LYING as
soon as I heard him say it. I didn't need a statistical inference to
know it. That's what he DOES. When he wants something, he LIES to
support it. As he did many times when he wanted to pass Obamacare
into law. He told us we could keep our doctors and hospitals if we
liked them, well KNOWING it was a lie. He said his plan would LOWER
yearly insurance rates by $2500 when he KNEW it would DOUBLE them,
while we were FORCED to buy it. Whenever he opens his mouth, he LIES.
Listening to him talk is the best way to know what's true. Whatever
he says is a LIE, so “turn it around” and you have the truth. He
says his laws will stop gun violence, so we KNOW they will NOT. (TheBlaze)
Libs To Have Heart Attack
news media says, “If this law is passed, liberals are going to have
a heart attack.” and they're right. The specter of school children
going to school ARMED frightens them. But it won't happen, no matter
how hard they try and convince us it will. Whether schools are
“gun-free zones” or not, it is ILLEGAL for children to carry
loaded firearms. And that law works (along with parental control) as
well as any other. But this proposed law only allows TEACHERS and
other school staff to bring their guns with them to work IF they have
a “carry permit,” to make a potential shooter UNABLE to know if
there will be guns among them to OPPOSE him when he cones in to kill
innocent people. This new law just recognizes that “gun-free zones”
don't work, and are only an INVITATION to would-be shooters to
victimize people in places where he KNOWS people will not (mostly) be
armed and able to stop him. (Right to Bear)
Shades of "Atlas Shrugged!"
In Ayn Rand's “landmark” prophetic tome, “Atlas Shrugged,”
frustrated liberal politicians who wanted to continue to FEED off
profitable businesses for their own profit, actually made a LAW
against going out of business. Today, similarly frustrated thieving
politicians are frustrated by certain businesses moving out of “gun
unfriendly” states and into more “gun friendly” states. The
same thing is happening in Obama's “race war” (You know, the one
he is trying to start so he can make laws that hinder whites and make
life much easier for blacks, who now are unafraid to vent their own
racism). So race whore Jesse Jackson is now suggesting they make laws
against businesses moving without “permission” from bureaucrats
and politicians. That's the liberal solution to everything: make a
law allowing the government to be able to give “permission” to do
ANYTHING. (World Net Daily)
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Lying As A Job
John Kerry may not
have been a very good liar when he was appointed Secretary of state,
but as Hillary proved, it's a valuable skill to have when you work
for Obama. Josh Earnest is learning this hard lesson, even now. Kerry
was already an accomplished liar when Obama tapped him for the SoS
job. He LIED when he said he “threw his medals over the White
House fence” (They weren't his. He got them in a pawn shop
somewhere). HE LIED when he described the activities of American
soldiers in Vietnam. He lied when he said he “Went into Cambodia”
while there. And he lied many other times. Now he's LYING for Obama when he
says, “Climate science is as solid as gravity.” Climate science
as “proof” of global warming is so “shaky” as to have allowed
global warming to have been PROVED false, many times. Some “climate
scientists” have ADMITTED they LIED about it to gain money for
their “research. When I hear somebody compare climate science to
gravity, I get a big laugh. That it is untrue and is the reason AlGore
had to change the name of his swindle to something sufficiently
vague it would allow him to attribute ANYTHING to his swindle. (The Blaze)
A Law Against "Islamaphobia?"
A Michigan town has now passed a law
against “Islamaophobia. That's like passing a law against
criticizing the NAZIS or the Japanese during World War II, when they
were the ENEMY. Or like passing a law against disagreeing with the president. Aside from being UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it is STUPID to do
any such thing. But don't try and tell that to the stupid politicians
who did it. They call such criticism “:hate speech,” and therein
lies the stupidity. Human intelligence demands you be able to
criticize people who are wantonly killing, raping, beheading
children and adults, and kidnapping and selling young girls into
slavery while kidnapping innocent non-combatants for ransom, and
killing most of them, beheading some. To criticize such behavior is
PATRIOTISM, not “hate speech.” And politicians who would make a
law against it should be removed, prosecuted, and IMPRISONED. Maybe
even EXECUTED. (Liberty Alliance)
"Easier to Buy A Gun Than a Book"
That's what Obama says. But that's
yet another of his BIG LIES. It's NOT easier to buy a gun than to buy
a book in this country unless you're a CRIMINAL, to begin with. I buy
books regularly. But I'd have to really go out of my way to buy a
gun. I'm not a criminal. That's the whole problem today. The
“anti-gun laws” they make “create a market” for ILLEGAL guns.
THAT'S what makes it easy to buy a gun—in the black market. That's
the whole point “create a problem, then claim to want to solve
the problem YOU'VE created.”
That's the “modus operandi” of
politics. If there weren't laws making it
impossible for HONEST people to be able to be armed in self defense
(in spite of the Constitutional guarantee to keep us armed), the
black market in guns wouldn't be as strong as it is. (The Blaze)
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Undermining Americans
“Over the past
year, we’ve been hearing of a number of reports where foreign
nationals have been coming to the US under an H-1B visa. This special
visa was designed to allow foreigners with special skills to fill
needed jobs here in the US when there weren’t any qualified
Americans to fill them. However, that’s not been the case of late.
A growing number of companies have been hiring H-1B visa holders and
then having American workers train them, only to be replaced by them.
This is happening in the technology fields as well as hotels, power
companies and even state unemployment offices.” With unemployment
at an all-time high (even though Obama lyingly denies it), we're
IMPORTING workers and having Americans TRAIN them to take over THEIR
jobs. This is how Obama is “creating jobs.” But not for us, for
people from other countries! And those Americans must either train
foreigners to take over THEIR jobs, or lose them, anyway, NOW. This is
Obama. And he's spending $100 million dollars of OUR money to do it!
We have to GET RID OF this FOOL! (Liberty Alliance)
What Took "Em So Long?
Rep Trey Gowdy has been the most active member
of Congress to have “investigated” the actions of elected and
appointed members of this government. The fact that he hasn't found
out much is more due to the skill and ability of Obama's henchmen to
“tamp down” such scandals than anything else. But I've wondered
for a long time why his “detractors” haven't come up with
SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to charge him with so he'd have to spend time
and money defending himself instead of investigating Democrats. Now
they've done it. They're making a “big thing” out of the fact he
waited until AFTER it became common knowledge Hillary had her own e-mail
service, at home, to subpoena Hillary's e-mails—as if that were
some kind of a scandal. If that's all they've got against him,
they're in “deep doo-doo.” (The Blaze)
Making A Stupid Deal
Obama is on the verge of making one of the
stupidest deals of his “spotted” career—just so he can SAY
it's “part of his legacy” to have made a deal with Iran to stop
them from getting a nuclear capability, when in actuality, it
FACILITATES it, taking away the specter of INSPECTIONS for ten years,
at which time they can put ten years of unimpeded nuclear research to
work to speed their finishing their efforts and use them to “remove
Israel from the face of the Earth,” which they've promised to do.
Obama has run a lot of scams on us, but this is about the most
DEADLY. It's going to cost a BUNCH of Israeli lives, and maybe some
of ours, too. Why people who could don't “apply the reins” to
this fool, I don't know. (American Thinker)
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Call It Something Else
That's the scam oppressive governments use to
“cover” what they're doing to us. They give it “good-sounding
names” and those who pay no attention to politics, “eat it up”
like a hungry puppy. But those of us who DO pay attention notice. Mao
Tse-Tung called his “killing spree” a “Cultural Revolution.”
One of Obama's is, “The Affordable Care Act,” better known as
“Obamacare.” But it is ANYTHING but “affordable. The first
thing it does is DOUBLE the cost for lesser insurance while being
MANDATORY for us to have. If it was worth a crap, they wouldn't need
to make it mandatory. The latest such scam is “Net Neutrality,”
which is ANYTHING BUT “neutrality.” It is a plan to TAKE OVER the
Internet. Obama hates it that he can't CONTROL what is said on the
Internet, that the Internet made his ALMOST total control over the
liberal media useless.
he wants to be able to LICENSE people when they start web sites, and
be able to DICTATE what they say. Licensing does that. The power to
LICENSE is the power to CONTROL, and it should NOT ever be allowed.
The worst part of it is he is “doing it administratively.”
They're not “passing a law” to do it, they're using the FCC,
which “regulates” the “on the air” television and radio
outlets, which is why they're able to mostly CONTROL what THEY say.
Now the FCC is ASSUMING power to “regulate” the Internet, by
saying they're doing it to “keep the 'big boys' from keeping the
little guy down,” which has NEVER happened. The Internet is the
last place where the “average American“ can speak freely—until
now. (Tea Party Bulletin)
The "No-Information President"
Rush Limbaugh calls the people I call
those who don't pay attention to politics, “no-information voters.”
They have no knowledge of what's going on because they just don't pay
attention. Obama is apparently one of them. It's well known that he
mostly IGNORES his “morning briefing” on the news, which is
supposed to “give him a leg up” on what's happening. So when
something important happens, he can claim no knowledge of it. He says
that OFTEN when asked by the media. It's one of his most familiar
LIES. Now he's saying it about Hillary's “e-mail scandal.” He
says he learned of it the same place we did, in the news media. Which
means he has NO handle on what's going on in his own administration.
He knows NOTHING about it. Frankly, if I were president, and my
Secretary of State was using personal and PRIVATE e-mail whose
origination and storage is under her own PERSONAL control, in her
home, I'd KNOW it, and I'd want to know WHY. This is yet another
scandal, which Axelrod says is not happening. Another one is her
acceptance of FOREIGN contributions to her campaigns. (AmericanThinker)
Blacks Do More Crime
Liberal “do-gooders” complain about there
being more blacks in prison than whites, on the average, as
“evidence” that our justice system is racist. They similarly cry
about there being more black MEN arrested than white men, OR women.
They IGNORE the fact that black men commit more crimes than do white
men, OR women. Statistics back that up. But they call you racist for
even SUGGESTING that basic TRUTH. That's how they maintain their
LIES as truth. Attack you for pointing out the truth, so you'll be
afraid to do it. I'm not afraid to do it, so they'll call me racist
(again). Personally, I don't give a damn. Why is the source for this
item a “right-wing publication? Because a left-wing publication
wouldn't DARE take up the subject. (Front Page Mag)
Monday, March 9, 2015
Will He Go Quietly?
The Republicans have shown that they just aren't up to the fight.
They're supposed to be there to OPPOSE Obama, but they have signified
that they will not use the two most effective weapons in their
arsenal, impeachment, or “the power of the purse.” Which tells
Obama he can continue to get away with doing whatever he wants, and
the Republicans will do nothing important to stop him. If he decides
to ignore the Twenty-Second Amendment that limits him to two terms, as he has ignored numerous
other constitutional limits on his powers and run for a third term,
are there enough INTELLIGENT Americans left to vote him out of
office? And if they do, will he have to be dragged, “kicking and
screaming” from his office in the White House? I don't think he
plans to leave office in January, 2017, whatever happens. Is there
ANYBODY in DC with the BALLS to stop him? (World Net Daily)
Democrats Turning On Their Own
After accusing everybody in the world who
was NOT a Democrat of racism for opposing anything Obama wanted to
do, now they're beginning to include DEMOCRATS in that number. Harry
Reid's racial politics are “coming home to roost” after he had
the temerity to support a WHITE MAN as the next senator from
Maryland. I've noted in the past, the number of blacks, men and
women, who have been elected to office in recent years, even as
Democrats droned on about them being kept out. But there seems to be something more sinister about it. It seems that liberals don't
DARE put forth WHITE men for political office, and Harry is suffering
because of it. Did he really injure his eye by ACCIDENT? Or did
somebody “help” him make an important decision he didn't want to
make? In a direction he was not willing to go? (American Thinker)
Just Pass A Law
crime will stop. That's the sum total of the thinking of the anti-gun
fools who are constantly making useless gun laws that do nothing
except provide more unarmed victims for ILLEGALLY-armed criminals.
They think all they have to do is pass a law, and criminal activity
covered by that law will stop—immediately. That shows a degree of
naivete that knows no bounds. They have been proven wrong time and
time again, but that doesn't penetrate their thick skulls. They keep
on making their stupid laws and creating more and more honest victims
while criminals get their guns more easily in areas of tight gun laws
than elsewhere. Now they're going in a different direction. They're
now trying to ban AMMO, to make the guns (which they can't ban)
useless. That's not going to work, either. (KMJ Morning News)
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Biden Is A Fool
He says, “denying global warming is like denying
gravity.” How stupid is he to even SAY such a thing, in the face of
the mountains of PROOF global warming is just one of AlGore's
SWINDLES. To equate being a “global warming denier” to denying
gravity reveals a level of STUPIDITY I wouldn't have attributed to
“Ol' Joe.” Democrats are well known for their STUPID statements,
like Nancy's saying “We must pass the bill to find out what's in
it” aout the law enacting Obamacare. But this one tops them all. We really need to retire this
senile old fool before he really gets us into trouble with his
simple-minded cracks. They accuse us of “making up” silly
statements to attribute to them, but they continue to provide us
with material. I HEARD Nancy say that, and I couldn't believe she was
THAT stupid at the time. But she is. (Rick Moran)
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