Friday, June 28, 2019

Mired In the Past

We are now in the middle of one of the best economic periods in our history. Exceeding, in fact, that which followed Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts. Unemployment is at record lows, and unemployment for minorities is even lower. Those manufacturing jobs Obama confidently assured us would never return, have returned, because of President Trump’s policies. The jobs he told us were gone forever, that we should just “get used to it,” came back. Now, instead of losing confidence in ever getting a job, we now have a problem filling the jobs available for lack of people wanting them. But the Dumocrats think we are still in the “Great Depression.” They moan and complain about “putting food on the table,” as if that was a problem for anybody willing to work for a living. It is not. They tell us this country is a “bastion of need,” and they can alleviate that need. They offer a lot of “free stuff.” Free stuff that has to be paid for by those willing and able to work for a living so they can loot them. They think that is the way to being elected, and they’re wrong. The American people are now smarter than that, which is why they elected Donald Trump to correct things. Dumocrats NEED people in need, so they can exploit them. They are running the very same campaign they’ve been running for 60 years, based on attempting to “stop the depression.” Maybe one day, they’ll find out it has been over for a long time. (Liberty Planet)

Two Can Play

President Trump is now telling the Dumocrats that “Two can play at that game,” by appointing his own special prosecutor to investigate the phony “investigations” the Dumocrats have been doing incessantly, ever since he was elected, in spite of all their “dirty tricks” and vote stealing and buying. I have long wondered why he didn’t do this a long time ago. Maybe he figures the world is now able to accept the fact that all those Dumocrat “investigations” were not only phony, they were pointless and stupid. They were nothing but an attempt to reverse the results of a legal and proper election that the Dumocrats were unable to steal. They have spent more than $35 million taxpayer dollars to do it, and that’s only the amount of money we can be sure of. I’m sure they spent a lot more that they have kept well hidden.

The “investigators” violated many laws in their quest, and ruined many lives, by “subpoenaing” people for a “fishing trip” and a set-up so they could accuse them of lying on the thinnest “evidence,” and “turn them” against Trump like they did his former lawyer. They ask them so many questions, coming from different directions, so that their “victim” is confused after a while, about what really happened. And if he forgets a single date and testifies to a wrong one, they pounce—and tell him if he will say something against Trump they will forgive his “lie,” and let him go. They don’t care if what he says against Trump is a lie, as long as it can’t be PROVEN a lie. That’s their method. (Legal Insurrection)

He's Got the Answer

Dumocrat Senator Mark Warner says, "no law would have stopped the Texas killings," but he's "got the answer." Then he goes on to spout all the usual anti-gun fool measures that have proven NOT to do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun crime." Fools like this come out of the woodwork (to score some TV time) every time some fool shoots up a school or some other "gun-free zone," sometimes with a gun they bought legally (because they had not yet committed a crime), but more often with a gun they obtained in violation of one or more laws. Thus proving that when they contemplate committing mass murder, they just are not concerned with a piddling little law that says they must do their heinous crime with something other than a gun. This happens many times; every time some fool takes a notion to kill a bunch of students or some other people. Politicians come out of the woodwork demanding their "camera time" on TV while spouting the same drivel that has never been successful in stopping "gun crime." Other politicians DEMAND more of the same laws that have been PROVEN ineffective. Do they just take stupid pills, or what? (Allen West)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Biological Impossibility

Dumocrat presidential candidate thinks transgender MEN should heave the right to an abortion. What the hell FOR? Pregnancy is impossible for a transgender man because he doesn’t have the right plumbing. There is NO WAY he can become pregnant without the aid of a WOMAN. And it he goes so far as to ask a woman for help in becoming “pregnant,” why in HELL would he want to have an abortion? This impossibility reflects the incredible STUPIDITY of the Dumocrats. They think a man can become a woman by simply “identifying” as a woman. They think transgenderism is not a “mental aberration.” Fact is, the “transgender problem” involves about ONE PERCENT of the population. It is NOT a “major problem” that “needs solving.” It is an aberration created by men who WISH they were women, and try (unsuccessfully) to become one. If a man wants to act like he’s a woman, that’s okay with me—if he needs my approval—but don’t try to convince me he is capable of becoming pregnant unwillingly and is in need of killing a baby. (Just common sense)

Jew Haters Complain

HAMAS launched a “cyber attack” against Israel during one of their many rocket attacks, so Israel blew up their cyber command center. And liberals and other Jew-haters whined that Israel had the temerity to defend itself against an unwarranted attack by Palestinians! That’s jist orful! That Israel would actually defend itself against an attack, be it by rockets, or by computers. The world needs to learn that the Palestinian position is a WRONG one, as evidenced by their unwarranted rocket attacks it seems daily. Somebody with a real problem tries to negotiate. They don’t send rockets into a peaceful country and kill indiscriminately, as HAMAS has been doing, for years. Why Israel doesn’t just blow all the Palestinian rocket launchers off the face of the Earth, and then do the same to all their command centers, is beyond me. I know they know where they are. I guess they’re afraid of killing some non-combatants, even though the Palestinians don’t seem to have such reservations. I think they should do what it takes to eliminate the “Palestinian problem,” whatever it takes. Enough is enough! (Legal Insurrection)

Getting Tired of It

It doesn't seem to matter how many times it is PROVEN that gun control doesn't work, it never seems to dawn on anti-gun fools that none of their STUPID laws do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun crime." Instead, their laws INCREASE it by disarming the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for those who routinely IGNORE their laws. After the shooting in Texas, many things are happening: Nancy Peelosi is DEMANDING action on gun control measures now languishing in Congress; gun control organizations are using the latest mass shooting as fund-raisers and recruiting tools; Obama's former Education Secretary Arne Duncan is calling for a school boycott until gun laws are changed (to WHAT. Arne?). Crazy Bernie Sanders (and many others) blames the NRA for the Texas shooting (while ignoring the shooting at a Trump facility); comedian Jimmy Kimmel blames Trump and Pence for the Texas killings (with NO evidence, as usual): The Texas governor hosts a "roundtable" on the Texas shooting: a school shooting in Illinois is stopped by a private citizen with a gun, and is IGNORED by the liberal media, as usual; Boulder, Colorado passes an unconstitutional "assault weapons" (whatever THAT is) ban and gets sued for it the next day; Trump says this "has been going on too long now, too many years, too many decades," while anti-gun fools fuss and fume , recruit new members, and raise money on the blood of those murdered children, while IGNORING the one thing that might make a difference, allowing teachers and other school staff to bring their legally-carried guns to work. These things happen EVERY TIME a mass shooting occurs, anywhere. Always in a "gun-free zone," always done by people their laws did NOTHING to stop from getting their guns. I've written these same words (or words like them) many times (too many times to count). Only people who agree with me seem to read them, and "nod their heads" while others IGNORE them. I'm getting very tired of it. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

No Victories, Any Kind

Dumocrats are blaming President Trump for what they call “deplorable conditions” at our southern border. The liberal media even released a photo of a man and his small daughter, who drowned trying to cross a river—as if that was the fault of the border control people. People who drown trying to enter the United States illegally brought it on themselves. That may sound cruel, but it is true, and is NOT the fault of the border people, who are merely enforcing the laws, silly as they are. Most of what they decry is caused by the lack of money to keep things up to par. Meanwhile, they refuse to allow a funding bill to alleviate those problems to go forward, blocking every effort by the Trump administration to get ANY kind of a victory, even if it KILLS people. They obviously don’t give a “tinker’s damn” about the deaths caused by their blocking everything Trump tries to do. Everything bad that is happening on our border is the absolute fault of the Dumocrats, but they will never admit it, always placing the blame on President Trump. (The Daily Signal)

Only Stupid Democrats

Former VP, now a three-time presidential candidate and two-time loser, “went to town” on President Trump’s tax cuts, as only a Dumocrat can. As usual, he falsely claimed that the cuts only applied to “the richest among us,” one of the Dumocrats’ typical falsities, while most Americans saw an increase in the amount of money they got to take home from their paychecks. With less “taken” to pay for the free giveaways the Dumocrats are so well known for. At one point, he said that they all “went to folks at the top corporations that pay no taxes”—another lie. The folks at the “top corporations” pay just about ALL the income taxes paid. The Tax Policy Center estimates that about 65% of households PAID LESS in taxes in 2018 than they paid under the old tax laws. It’s true that the big corporations got a bigger tax cut in dollars, but, since they PAID MORE into taxes, they were ENTITLED to “get more” out of the tax cuts in dollars. While I didn’t see where he said that the tax cuts would increase the National Debt, as Dumocrats usually claim, he probably forgot that “bullet point.” But the fact is, EVERY TIME taxes have been cut, the “tax take” INCREASES! When Reagan did it, the government got almost a 100% increase in tax revenue a few years later. Only Dumocrats can make a tax cut sound bad, and they do that by LYING about it. (Fact Check)

Some Teachers Won't Arm

Some are anti-gun fools, themselves. Others have just "bought the BS" fed them by anti-gun fools. But that's okay. Nobody should try to force ANY teacher to be armed. All we ask is to ALLOW those with carry permits and proper training to bring their guns to work with them. The knowledge that MAYBE there will be guns there to oppose a mass shooter is enough to STOP most mass shooters, who are cowards, anyway. And if they try it, anyway, just ONE armed teacher or other staff there can make all the difference in the world, being able to kill that wannabe mass shooter before he can do much damage--as that parishioner did in a Colorado Springs church a few years ago. They CALLED her a "security guard," but she was just a member of the congregation who was ASKED to be security while she worshiped. She stopped that church shooting after the shooter had only killed TWO in the parking lot, and before he could kill any more. Trying to force teachers or staff be armed is wrong, and counter productive. Just ALLOWING people to bring their guns to work if they are ALREADY legally armed, will work as a preventative, and any who ARE armed can stop more killings. And it won't cost the school district a dime. Unlike hiring a lot of UNIFORMED, armed guards, who can be "taken out" FIRST. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

They Caused the Problem

Liberals (Dumocrats) are complaining because there aren’t enough toothbrushes and toilet paper to go around in the holding areas used to hold the children brought along by illegal alien parents (mostly their parents, anyway). This is typical of the Dumocrats: cause a problem, then complain about it, blaming the other side for the problem THEY caused, in the first place. Dumocrats wonder why there isn’t enough toothbrushes or toilet paper down there, when they refused to appropriate the money to handle the massive influx of illegal aliens in the bunches of people they talked into coming, and paid for their transport. They complain about children getting sick and even dying after crossing the borders, as if they got sick IN OUR CARE. They did NOT. They were already sick from the conditions under which they were forced to live on the way to our border, and died after they crossed the border. Many of them just barely made it TO the border. The liberals (Dumocrats) have done nothing to help, while complaining about the problems THEY have created. (Texas Tribune)

Democrat Scams

One of the basic scams the Dumocrats use is to convince more people NOT to go to work for President Trump because of the many ways they can “get at them” later if they do. They have increased their efforts so that nobody will even want to be appointed to work for him. One of the most recent examples of this is Stephen Moore, who has removed his name from consideration for an appointment to the Federal Reserve Board because the “character attacks” upon him by Dumocrats have become “too much.” Further, attacks upon his family have made him aware that there is NOTHING Dumocrats won’t do to derail ANY Trump appointment, and he wanted no part of that. They feel that, if they can deprive Trump of enough of his appointments they can make it impossible for him to govern, and he will quit. This shows their complete ignorance of the stability of the man they want to destabilize. Trump is able to “take the slings and arrows” they throw, and win, anyway. They are doomed to failure in the long run, but they don’t know it. This makes the last THREE of his appointments that have failed, and Dumocrats are “popping champagne corks” in celebration. But they will not win this war, though they may have won this battle. (Legal Insurrection)

Dancing In Their Blood

MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) wasted no time to use the Santa Fe, Texas massacre in their recruiting effort. As they usually do, they "dance in the blood" of the victims, duping them into supporting their USELESS laws that don't work, and giving them money to join their damned fool organization and make the anti-gun fools richer. there's no counting the number of law-abiding people their actions have KILLED by DISARMING the law-abiding, who DO obey their laws, making them easy targets” for those who DON'T obey their laws. They're like ghouls who hang around cemeteries so they can steal bodies in the dead of night. They make their money sponsoring legislation that is USELESS in "fighting gun crime." They have to KNOW their laws don't work, but they make them, anyway--while becoming richer by so doing. Meanwhile, they are the best gun salesmen out there. The more they flail around trying to take away our Second Amendment RIGHTS, the more guns intelligent people buy, and join the NRA or other organizations like it. Their very masthead on their web site shows a bunch of women wearing their signature red T-Shirts. I wonder how many photo-shopped pictures they had to alter to get that many women for that picture. (MOMS Demand Action)

Monday, June 24, 2019

I'm Just Waiting

Rep. Ilhan Omar has committed many actionable offenses that I’ve been hearing about, including “marrying” her brother and committing several examples of election fraud. But so far, I haven’t heard even a whisper about her being called to account for any of those things. Why is that? Is it because she is a Dumocrat? Or is it because she’s a Muslim, and Muslims today are subject to “special treatment” because they have liberals cowed with their made-up word, “Islamaphobia?” She has gone out of her way to offend many people for no real reason, and, except for a few conservatives pointing out her transgressions, nobody has said a word about them. This woman is an abomination and shouldn’t be allowed to be in the Congress. Not because she’s a Muslim, but because of her attitude. The attitude that she is right on everything, can commit all kinds of crimes and rules violations, and do so without being called to account. Being a Muslim is just A “side issue that has to do with her real loyalties. According to the Koran, her FIRST LOYALTY is to Islam. That cannot be for a member of Congress. She favors Sharia Law, which is an abomination and violates every facet of our Constitution. She needs to be called to account. (Legal Insurrection)

They Never Thought It

Dumocrats thought they would forever be able to “investigate” President Trump for imagined “crimes,” while breaking all kinds of laws themselves in their many attempts, without anybody ever “coming after them.” They “cleared” Hillary of her many crimes after detailing them for us, “because she didn’t mean it.” They ruined several good men over trivialities because they once worked for Trump. They once told a man they were to “interview” that he “didn’t need a lawyer” while they “interviewed” him where they could jail him if there was anything they could twist into a lie. Their “investigations” were nothing but a “witch hunt” geared toward a “coup” to remove a properly elected president. Therein, they committed many crimes, confident in their “knowledge” that they would never be called to account for them. You just didn’t do that in DC—until President Trump, whose AG has now signaled that he intends to “investigate the investigators” and that has caused panic among Dumocrats, who know they are guilty. The “fix” is no longer in, and they are terrified. Trump can mean the END of corruption in DC, and they know it. AG Barr is a man they can’t intimidate, and that frightens them because they know he can, and will get to the bottom of their schemes—and “call them to account” for their crimes. (Legal Insurrection)

As Predicted

Moms Against guns (or some such) didn't wait until the bodies cooled in Santa Fe, Texas before using that shooting to recruit new dupes. Never mind the shooter violated many different laws in doing this shooting. He STOLE the guns from his dad; he brought them into a "gun-free zone; he was a MINOR in possession of a gun. and then he committed multiple MURDER. What law would have done ANYTHING to stop this massacre? Yet they USE massacres such as this to recruit more DUPES to their useless "organizations." They're not stupid. They have to KNOW their laws and regulations, and rules have stopped not a SINGLE mass shooting, but they insist on making them, anyway. I have become convinced that "making people safe" is not their objective. They know their laws not only DON'T do that, they do just the opposite. They get people KILLED by keeping the law-abiding UNARMED against such people, who break many laws in order to do their "dirty work." "Making people safe" is a simple job. Just let people be armed to defend themselves. One or two FAILED mass shootings foiled by someone there with his or her own gun might convince potential future shooters that their goals cannot be met. In Israel, where they DO arm their teachers, there have only been TWO school shooters in their history--both of which ended with a dead shooter. It's a PROVEN deterrent, but anti-gun fools ignore it. They talk about "our leaders not acting." They do, but they won't let them take action that WORKS. (MOMS/Twitter)

Friday, June 21, 2019

"Media Bashes Trump"

This time it was for NOT attacking Iran. If he had attacked Iran, it would have bashed him for attacking Iran. They are every day poised to attack him for whatever he does—or whatever he doesn’t do. It doesn’t make any difference what he does, or doesn’t do, they bash him. If he just takes a day off and does nothing at all, they’ll bash him for that. Personally, I wouldn’t have been sad if he had blown away those installations that were responsible for shooting down our multi-million dollar drone down for no reason, at all, even though I agree with him it would not have been “a proportional response” for shooting down an UNMANNED drone. If it had been a manned plane, I think he should have dropped a “cluster bomb” on their capital city. Iran has been “spoiling for a fight” for a long time, and it’s time we gave them one. China is not going to attack us if we do because they can’t afford the $billions of dollars they’d lose just on building Apple products if they do, not to mention all the products they sell to WalMart and other “big box store” chains. (Just common sense)

"Circular Firing Squad"

Those on “The Five” on Fox call the 20 or more (it rises daily) Dumocrat presidential candidates a “circular firing squad” as they bash “Ol’ Joe” Biden for saying he actually worked with racists to get things done. Like you should hold everybody’s personal opinions against them forever and never agree with them on anything It’s getting to the point today that Dumocrats are against ANYBODY not themselves, and will attack them for the smallest of reasons if they figure it will advance their own candidacy, and to hell with “party unity.” They claim that the Republican Party is in “disarray,” but it is their own party that is. The sheer number of presidential candidates shows it plainly. Yes, the GOP has a bunch of candidates in 2016, but that’s over. They haven’t “coalesced” behind Trump, but most of them at least keep their mouths shut if they oppose him for the most part, though they do criticize him every once in a while. I call the Dumocrat Party number of presidential candidates “a circus.” and that’s an apt description. They may all bash each other, but just about all of them are socialists, and push their socialist ideas to a country that was built on the free market, successfully. (Just common sense)

Gun Control Is Ignorance

No, it's STUPIDITY. They have to know banning or limiting access to guns is a USELESS endeavor, but they insist on making their USELESS laws for criminals and other miscreants to IGNORE. In places where guns are banned, murder rates RISE. That's a fact. Not just somebody's opinion, but by examining the murder rates in places where guns are banned. It's undeniable, but anti-gun fools still deny it. Almost ALL "mass shootings" happen in their highly-touted "gun-free zones." Criminals and potential mass shooters SEEK OUT such places because they know law-abiding people there will usually not be armed, and able to defend themselves, so they can kill them at will. Law-abiding people usually are not the ones who carry out gun crime. It is LAWBREAKERS who do. And none of their laws can keep lawbreakers from doing their dirty work. Stories about gun assaults in the parking lots of "big box stores," almost ALL of which are "gun-free zones" are rife. I watch my surroundings very carefully when I go to Target to get a prescription filled. Putting down the anti-gun fools is simple. Just ask them how many of their silly laws have ever stopped a single gun crime. They will quickly start calling you names, because they have no other arguments. (Just common sense)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

IS IT Terrorism?

A liberal professor (a repetition that) says that President Trump actually enforcing the law at our Southern border is terrorism! How stupid is that? Professor Eddie Laude, professor of religion and African American studies (a clearly liberal subject), although I don’t see how this fool could teach anything good about religion, at Princeton is the one to make this absolutely stupid statement. This is his full statement: “He is terrorizing families in communities who think they’re going to be snatched away from their kids, who have to walk around daily wondering whether an [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] agent will show up at work and snatch them, and then they won’t have their family. …” Nowhere does he mention the unalterable fact that parents of those children “being terrorized” are law breakers, and law breakers should ALWAYS fear the law. Only stupid people regard the president enforcing the law as being terrorism. This statement should be ground fir that professor’s removal from the faculty of Princeton, on the basis of his stupidity. (Legal Insurrection)

Why They Hate Trump

If you ever wondered why Dumocrats hate President Trump so much, it’s because he has done everything they have tried, and which they have failed. And he has succeeded, showing them for the incompetents they are. Former President Obama confidently told us that “good days are forever gone, that we should just get used to a bad economy.” So now we have an economy that rose to 3.2%, something else he told us would never happen. We have the lowest unemployment rate in history under President Trump, something Obama said would never happen. President Trump has accomplished just about everything he promised, and what has not been accomplished, he is “working on,” and it will be accomplished before long. Dumocrats promise much, but never deliver. Trump promised much, and HAS delivered, on just about everything. I was aghast when I heard a Dumocrat refer to Trump’s tax cut as “a horrible tax cut.” Only a Dumocrat would think a tax cut for everybody is “horrible.” Another thing is his promise to “drain the swamp.” Since most Dumocrats ARE “the swamp,” they’re afraid. Terrified that he will succeed at this, too, and they will be gone. Many of them in prison. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Dallas Media Twists the News

The Dallas News did a story recently, in which they point out that the NRA convention cost the city $575,000, while IGNORING the $24 million dollars the convention brought to the city. The city spent that $575,000 for cop overtime, traffic control, security, and other various expenses while merchants in Dallas piled up $24 million bucks. But did the Dallas News bother to report that? Yes, in the very LAST paragraph, while playing it down. This is how the liberal news media usually twists things to put the NRA in the worst light possible to promote their alliance with the anti-gun fools. That's how they support their drive to make all law-abiding Americans DEFENSELESS against the ILLEGAL guns in the hands of the lawbreakers, who IGNORE their laws and get their guns illegally, like everything else they steal. Criminals willingly admit that they LOVE the anti-gun laws because they take guns away from their intended victims, the law-abiding, who DO obey them. Why the anti-gun fools never "tumble" to this simple fact is a mystery, unless you realize they just don't care. They just want to disarm as many Americans as they can, for their own nefarious purposes. (Dallas News)

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Impeach Trump!"

That seems to be the “war cry” for many Dumocrats today, even though they can’t tell us what they want to impeach him FOR. Nancy Peelosi seems to be the only feeble voice against it, because she knows an impeachment is not going to get past the Republican majority in the Senate. And that would almost guarantee President Trump being re-elected in 2020, and she doesn’t want that, although she’s going to get it. They held an “Impeach Trump” gathering outside the White House to inspire Congress to impeach President Trump, and all of 15 people showed up. Meanwhile, thousands and thousands of Trump supporters showed up fr a Trump rally in Florida. Many of them waited overnight so they could be assured of getting in as the Amway Center (that holds 20,000) filled up. Dumocrats ought to take a lesson from these two events, but they won’t. The Dumocrat leadership probably won’t try and impeach Trump, but it’s not for not wanting to, even though they have no grounds. Or if they do, they should tell us what they are. That they haven’t up to now tells me they have none, and they don’t want us to know that, for sure. Dumocrats are cock-sure confident they are going to get rid of Trump in 2020 or before, I spite of sure evidence to the contrary. They thought they were disappointed in 2016, and they are going to be even more disappointed in 2020. (Legal Insurrection)

Should Trump Get Credit?

Should he get credit for the “hot economy” we’re in right now? I keep getting e-mails asking that question, and they annoy me. Yes. Absolutely! Trump should get credit for it because he created it. Obama is trying to take credit for it, but he seems to forget that he told this nation that “our best days are behind us” and that “the jobs that went overseas under his ‘leadership’ weren’t coming back.” Well, they DID come back, and now we have a problem finding people to fill all the openings. Obama had given up on the economy ever improving, because he had no idea how to bring it back. So he told us to “get used to it.” Then along came Trump, and immediately it began to improve. Now it is at record levels in all areas. Dumocrats are frankly telling us they are going to reverse everything Trump has done to improve our economy, and they really think that will get them elected. They are that dumb. Anybody who doesn’t SEE that Trump gets the credit must be a Dumocrat, which is a synonym for stupid. I also get e-mails asking me to vote on whether Obama was “the best president ever.” I get a good laugh every time. Obama was clearly the WORST president ever, beating even Jimmy Carter. Again, if you can’t see that, you must be a Dumocrat. (Just common sense)

Ban Guns, Murders Up

That's a given, according to a recent study by the Crime Prevention Resource Center. Of course, the anti-gun fools will say, "So what? The study was done by a conservative source, so it doesn't count." To which I reply, "Who else would conduct such a study and not bury it with those results?" Every "study" that says otherwise is subject to the same criticism, with the anti-gun fools being the ones being RIGHTLY criticized. They put out phony studies all the time. Studies with questions calculated to get the numbers they want, taken in liberal "strongholds" where they can count on the answers they want. This study went to places where guns were banned, and uniformly their murder rates went up after they banned them. In the Solomon Islands, they ONLY had shootings begin AFTER banning guns. Surprise, surprise! ONLY after banning guns! Imagine that? That certainly puts the LIE to what the anti-gun fools want us to think, doesn't it? But will that stop them in their tracks? Not a chance. They will ignore it and go right on with their quest to make as many Americans as possible "sitting ducks" for lawbreakers, who ignore their silly laws and just get their guns illegally. The more guns we ban, the more criminals go into the illegal gun business, selling guns to other criminals. That's a given. (Conservative Tribune)

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

"Out-of-Control Capitalism"

Liberals are blaming the fact that more than 60% of the homeless in the whole country are living in California on “out-of-control capitalism.” They can’t describe what that is, but they blame the “homeless problem” in California on it. Reality will tell you there is no such thing as “out-of-control capitalism.” Capitalism is what has made this country the destination of choice for people from all over the world who want to better themselves. The free market, which the liberals call capitalism as a derisive word, is the reason that, in less than 300 years, we have surpassed the economic improvement of all other nations, some of which have been around for thousands of years. It cannot be “out-of-control.” While collectivism CAN. The reason they can’t tell you what IS “out-of-control capitalism” is that there is no such thing. Like many things in the liberal world, it is a “made-up term” that sounds good (for them) but means nothing. Truth is, it is the liberal “leadership” in California that is responsible. They just don’t want to admit it. (Just common sense)

Democrats Just don't Get It

A Dumocrat (like Hillary or Biden) holds a political rally and a few dozen or a few hundred show up. So they have to film it all in closeups to make it LOOK like there’s a big crowd. Trump says offhand that he “might” have a rally and 20 or 30 THOUSAND show up. Like at the Amway Center in Florida. They waited outside overnight to be able to get into a stadium that will hold 20,000, and they’re afraid they will have to turn away another 10,000 Trump supporters. If you’re a Dumocrat bully and want to knock one of those ubiquitous red hats off someone’s head, go right ahead—if you’ve got a death wish. Dumocrats say crowd size doesn’t matter. That’s just an excuse. It’s like a kid “whistling past a graveyard. If they were in any way INTELLIGENT, they’d get the message from this LACK of interest in their meetings. The Clintons can’t even PAY people to attend their meetings, and they’re pretty much the face of the Dumocrat Party. Aside from AOC, Ilhan Omar, “Crazy Bernie,” and “Pocahontas,” none of whom can draw a crowd. The same thing is true of many of the anti-gun fool rallies. They rent a hall that can hold hundreds, and a dozen show up. But they never “get the message.” Until the elections. (Just common sense)

We Need More of This

A thug thought he had it all his own way when he pulled a gun on a group of mothers with their children, so he decided to pull his illegally-carried gun on them and rob them.--bad decision. Because as soon as he had his gun out, one of the mothers (who happened to be an off-duty cop) shot and killed him, shooting him three times before he knew it. It's too bad this woman had to be an off-duty cop, and not just an average citizen with a gun. If this kind of thing happened more often, thugs like this would think twice before accosting innocent people on the street and stealing their property. Anti-gun fools think the average citizen, if allowed to carry a gun, would "go crazy" and shoot everybody in sight. That's their reasoning for trying to keep guns out of the hands of the law-abiding, leaving them "sitting ducks" for this kind of thug. If more mothers on the street had their own guns and the training in their use, crime would go down--guaranteed. If nothing else, with more thugs getting killed while "plying his trade" of robbing people. There would then be fewer of them out there shooting people. After that, other thugs will look for other ways to victimize people and that too, will cause a decrease in crime. It's a "double whammy." (New York Post)