Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Should Trump Get Credit?

Should he get credit for the “hot economy” we’re in right now? I keep getting e-mails asking that question, and they annoy me. Yes. Absolutely! Trump should get credit for it because he created it. Obama is trying to take credit for it, but he seems to forget that he told this nation that “our best days are behind us” and that “the jobs that went overseas under his ‘leadership’ weren’t coming back.” Well, they DID come back, and now we have a problem finding people to fill all the openings. Obama had given up on the economy ever improving, because he had no idea how to bring it back. So he told us to “get used to it.” Then along came Trump, and immediately it began to improve. Now it is at record levels in all areas. Dumocrats are frankly telling us they are going to reverse everything Trump has done to improve our economy, and they really think that will get them elected. They are that dumb. Anybody who doesn’t SEE that Trump gets the credit must be a Dumocrat, which is a synonym for stupid. I also get e-mails asking me to vote on whether Obama was “the best president ever.” I get a good laugh every time. Obama was clearly the WORST president ever, beating even Jimmy Carter. Again, if you can’t see that, you must be a Dumocrat. (Just common sense)

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