Monday, June 3, 2019

Facebook, Google Censorship

One of the biggest stories lately is how Google and Facebook, and other social media sites CENSOR conservatives on their platform. Frankly, I don’t know what all the hooraw is about. All they have to do is not use any of those platforms, and the problem goes away. People who rely on them are giving them the right to censor them. I keep seeing a TV commercial for a new news service and their theme is to NOT just listen to news with which you agree. That’s certainly not what I do. I watch news sources I can depend on to tell both sides of a story and not tell me only the liberal side, while denigrating anything else. Fox News is one of those sources, and currently the main one, although with the current liberal leadership at the top, I see them changing before my eyes. There are several other sources, namely The Blaze, and NewsMax, but they need to grow some if they wish to eventually replace Fox. Most other sources are not to be trusted, and one of the main ones is CNN. I do not trust almost all the other sources, but CNN more than most. I don’t use Facebook, or any other “social media” source to get my news, although I do have rudimentary Facebook and Twitter accounts where I rarely go. I only have them because one time long ago, I had to sign up to read something I wanted to see. I don’t fall for that, any more. (CBN News)

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