Friday, August 30, 2019

Fat Chance!

Iran’s president wants the US to “bow down to Iran” as well as remove all their sanctions, while apologizing for its “economic terrorism” before he will even consider talking to us. This guy must be a comedian! If he thinks that will get any response but “screw you” from America, he’s nuts. And that’s all he’s gonna get, with Trump, not Obama in command. Obama might have been stupid enough to have acceded to his demands, but not the MAN we have in the White House now. We have done nothing but punish Iran for THEIR SINS, and we have nothing to apologize for, or “repent.” He’s a damned fool if he expects anything from Trump but a middle finger. He’s going to be very embarrassed when Trump gives his response. These demands by the Iran president reflects the stupidity of those in power in Iran. They really think they have to power to dictate to an entity as powerful as the United States. They are going to be very surprised if they continue in this direction, especially if they keep shooting down multi-million dollar drones, or anything else. And if they attack anything under America’s protection, they will soon cease to exist. (Capital Hill)

The Continuing Liar

Barack Obama lied to us many times during his spotted career. Chief among his lies were those that accomplished one of the worst cons on the American people, Obamacare. He told us if we liked our doctor, we could keep him; that was a lie. He said if we liked the health care plan we had used, we could continue to use it. That was also a lie. He said Obamacare would reduce our cost about $2,500.00 a year, but it INCREASED it to unaffordable levels, and coupled it with co-pays in the thousands of dollars, basically making it USELESS. It was so “good,” he had to make joining it mandatory, with a penalty attached if we didn’t buy it. Now he is telling everybody who will listen that his administration had NO SCANDALS. That’s the biggest lie of all; a lie that is so easily disproved it’s funny. And his vice president is repeating this lie, as are other Dumocrats, completely ignoring the scandals that plagued his administration. I guess you can claim no scandals if you refuse to recognize the ones that are there, as they do. In the linked article, there is a list of the scandals they are ignoring. See if they’re right or wrong. (Legal Insurrection)

To Ban Self Defense

It has become increasingly apparent to me that the government doesn’t just want to “get rid of guns.” They want to get rid of the very CONCEPT of self defense. Even if they ever do manage to get rid of all the legal guns in the world, there will still be other items capable of allowing us to use them in self defense. And whenever they discover them, they ban them, too. A good example of this is their efforts to ban stun guns, one of the best non-gun self defense weapons. They can’t kill, but are effective to use in self defense. As they discover other effective self defense weapons, they will ban them, too. They’re even now trying to ban loaded guns in cars, even for licensed gun owners with “carry permits, on the pretext of stopping “road rage” incidents. They want us to be completely defenseless against ALL criminals. Even (especially) the ones wearing badges. They know that, if all law-abiding Americans are disarmed, their work will become a lot easier as they come for our property and money. And they’ve already started the movement in that direction with their unconstitutional RICO laws, that allow them to TAKE our property on the slightest of provocations, without even having to convict us of a crime. They know other criminals will still have their guns, but they don’t care about that. They will just fight and kill them as usual as a side-effort to stealing our property. What they don’t take into consideration though, is that, when legal guns are “out of the picture,” we will become criminals, and get our guns illegally, as real criminals now do. (CBS Local)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Conspiracy Theory?

It is becoming more and more clear that Jeffery Epstein was murdered in his cell in a New York prison. The “authorities” immediately call ANY suggestion in that direction a “conspiracy theory,” thus attempting to blunt any suggestion that they were complicit in his murder without answering any of the troubling questions about it. First, why was a man who is said to have attempted suicide at least one time NOT kept on a suicide watch? Then why was a report that he was attacked in his cell not properly investigated? And why was his cellmate moved elsewhere just before he died? And is he getting death threats, as he has asserted? Next, why is the footage from a camera outside his cell unusable? Why did he have several broken bones in his neck that were “not consistent” with him hanging himself, but WERE consistent with strangulation? One or two such inconsistencies might be “allowed.” But the very number of them in this case, coupled with the fact that he could have implicated any number of very important people who have lots of money to hire a murder, is very suspicious. Maybe I’m just a “conspiracy theorist,” but those questions need to be answered, or somebody may have gotten away with murder. (Western Journal)

Well, It Happened Again

Two things. One, a gunman walked into a synagogue and opened fire, killing one, and wounding two others, including the Rabbi, who was hit in the hand. Then he encountered an off-duty border control officer, why threw a few shots at him. It has not come out yet if this happened inside, or outside as he was fleeing, but when a cop stopped him a few minutes later, this coward quickly pulled over, jumping out of his car, saying, “Don’t shoot, I’m surrendering!” This probably contributed to the fact that only four people were hit, but in any case, it would certainly lead to his capture, since that trained officer could identify him. It is said that he shouted “anti-Jew, anti-Trump statements as he opened fire, making it impossible for Trump-haters to say he was a “Trump supporter,” as they claimed of a previous killer, before that was debunked. I’m going to add it to the cases where a “good guy with a gun” stopped a “mad shooter,” even if not inside the synagogue, because that officer, by trading shots with him, prevented him from returning inside to kill more. He is also reported to be “under investigation” in an unsolved Mosque arson. Although why he would torch a Mosque if he was a Muslim, is beyond me. Maybe he did it to divert attention so he could do hid “dirty work” in this synagogue. Or maybe he just hated everybody equally. (Legal Insurrection)

"Doesn't Work: Do It"

An anti-gun fool “researcher” found, in his “research,” that background checks don’t work. Then he says we need more and better background checks. This is typical of anti-gun fools. Take the results of “research,” and then deny those results. He basically told us, “Just because background checks don’t work, don’t think we don’t need to use them in our efforts to deny our citizens the constitutional right to be armed for self defense.” He didn’t put it exactly that way, but that’s what he was actually saying. This is a good example of a “researcher” who, when his research refutes his favorite pipe dream, he just refutes his refutation and goes right on with his attempts to fool us with his “research.” I’m becoming convinced that the government just wants to eliminate self defense as a basic right, and is using anti-gun fools to do it. By getting rid of the right to own and use the means to self defense, a gun, they hope to eliminate self defense, as well. The evidence is that, every time we find something LESS than a gun that is useful in self defense, the ban it. Like they’re trying right now to do with stun guns. One cop even took me to task one day over a metal flashlight I had in my pocket, saying that it could be used as a weapon. My reply was, “And if I ever use it as one, we can discuss it then.” (NRA-ILA)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Arrogance Personified

An LGBT (Q?) activist arrogantly told women and little girls that if they didn’t like boys in their locker rooms they should “use the nurse’s station” to change. And why the hell SHOULD they move out for an invader? It’s their locker room, and any males who want in should have the door shut in their faces. This guy shows the unmitigated arrogance of men who think they’re women, but who just want to see little girls in a state of undress. It’s just like gays who think they can IMPOSE their gayness on the rest of us by calling us by that fictitious name, “homophobia,” as if being against gayness is, somehow, an illness or mental aberration. It is not.”Normal” people have a right to their own opinions, as do gay people. But “normal” people don’t try and impose their wishes on gay people to the extent that they want to invade each other’s spaces. If you want to be gay, I don’t have a problem with that. But if you try and impose it on me, I do. And if I catch a guy in a locker room or a girl’s restroom sitting beside my daughter, it won’t end well for him. I don’t have to approve of that lifestyle, and I won’t be told I must, by anybody. (Legal Insurrection)

Cops Kill More Blacks

Liberals like to talk about the “fact” that the cops use “more draconian policing” in black areas of town. What “Draconian” means, I’m not sure. But they DO apply more policing in areas where the most crime occurs, especially gun crime. Liberals like to talk about cops killing black men “21 times more often than white men.” Not revealed is the unalterable fact that more black men shoot at cops than do white men, and when they do, they just might get shot. Again, not mentioned is the fact that the guns the black men use in most cases are gotten ILLEGALLY, on the black market, and the anti-gun laws liberals get passed would do nothing to prevent this. Not usually mentioned any time is the fact that in almost ALL cases of a misuse of guns it is an ILLEGAL gun that is used. Anti-gun laws only apply to LEGAL gun owners, who usually are not the problem. Ignored are the users of illegal guns, who ARE. There is a disconnect here, and no amount of anti-gun laws are going to stop the bad guys from getting their guns illegally. In fact, all those laws do, beyond making easy targets of the law-abiding, is create a black market for what is made illegal. (Conservative Review)

Giving Up Their Guns

The Huffington Post says, “Some people want to give up their guns” but it’s so hard to get rid of them. Where the hell did they find some fool to say that? One such person says, “Needing a gun sucks. If everyone was a decent human being, it wouldn’t be necessary.” This guy lives alone with his “licensed comfort dog” in Eugene, Oregon. Obviously a liberal. Only liberals think that way. What he will never realize is that everybody is NOT a “decent human being,” and never will be. He will always need a gun for protection against them. That’s something liberals always deny. Only other liberals want to get rid of their guns—if they even have any. This guy is a former pro-gun guy. He is a survivor of the Las Vegas massacre, and he says that changed his way of thinking. Why, I don’t know. If were a survivor of a mass shooting, it would make me want to have the means for self defense, all the more—not less. And certainly not be rendered defenseless. (Huffington Post)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Democrats Want Tyranny!

But with themselves in charge. They’re now saying, “We need to burn down the Republican Party.” They openly want a one-party rule in this country. What that spells to me is a dictatorship, with the Dumocrats the dictators. They already want “climate deniers” to be prosecuted and sent to prison for disagreeing with their “global warming/climate change” bullsh-t because they can’t think up a reason to explain why the Earth has not gotten hotter in the last 20 years, or so, and they want desperately to cling to that fantasy because it has made them a lot of money and made it much easier for them to fleece the nation. On a wider scale, they’d like very much to make it a crime to disagree with their politics, in any way. Thus the wish to “burn down the Republican Party.” They’re already showing their true colors with the “ANTIFA movement,” where a bunch of liberal thugs dress up in dark-colored clothes, put on masks so we can’t identify any of them, then go out and beat the hell out of any non-liberals they can find. It’s so obvious that they are a Dumocrat creation that it isn’t even funny. They have never been heard to disrupt a Democrat gathering, only non-Democrat ones. Some Dumocrats say they’re “just a peaceful demonstration group,” which is like saying the KKK was a peaceful outfit who only hung black people to make a peaceful point. (Just common sense)

"Children" At Age 18?

That’s what a Florida Atlantic University (FAU) seems to think, anyway. I guess they couldn’t find enough real children affected by gunfire for their study, so they expanded their definition of “children” to include those up to 18 YO. I’d say including men who are members of street gangs and go about armed (illegally) shooting each other all the time, makes their figures look a lot worse than they really are. Most people, when they hear the word “children,” think of toddlers and other small people, not MEN AND WOMEN who are really ADULTS. This is how the anti-gun fools inflate their numbers, and is probably the BEST reason to doubt ALL their numbers. And this is just one way they inflate their numbers. They have many more. So whenever the anti-gun fools give you a number, take it with BIG “grain of salt.” It’s probably not true. In fact, it’s more LIKELY to be untrue. When you break down these FAU figures, you’ll find that almost 40,000 ADULTS old enough to vote (almost) were among them, skewing their figures a LOT. Making a LIE of their “study.” One of their conclusions is that more black “children” are killed, ignoring the fact that ages 15-18 is the prime age for gang involvement, meaning that the most of these “child deaths” and “deaths of black children” come from near adult gang members shooting at each other. Which completely refutes their contention that “more black children are killed than white children” because most of those killed are gang members who kill each other, and are NOT children. (Breitbart)

Blaming the NRA

The favorite “whipping boy” of the anti-gun fools is the NRA. In doing so, they assume that the people responsible for “gun crime” are those who follow the law and register their guns. They are NOT. The people responsible for “gun crime” are CRIMINALS. They don’t obey laws. So how can the anti-gun fools assume that they will obey their silly, stupid, USELESS gun laws? They do NOT. So how can they, in all conscience, blame the NRA for ticking up for the Constitutional right of all Americans who are NOT criminals, to own and use a gun for self defense against those who do not obey ANY laws, much less the ones that say they cannot use a gun in committing their other crimes? Politicians are supposed to be smart. So when the laws they make do NOTHING to solve the problem they are supposed to solve, they should be intelligent enough to stop making them, and think of something that will work better. They do NOT. They “cave” to the anti-gun fools and continue to make laws that do NOTHING to stop, or even reduce, gun crime. All the time KNOWING those laws are USELESS. What do we have to do to convince them of this? CAN they be convinced of this? Or are they just too STUPID to realize their error? (Breitbart)

Monday, August 26, 2019

Murdering Little Babies

Liberals liked to accuse returning Viet Nam veterans of being “baby murderers,” but the real baby murderers are the liberals, themselves. They’re using a misguided decision by the Supreme Court (Roe v. Wade) as an excuse to call these murders legal, and Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest bunch of “hired killers” on the planet. And Planned Parenthood uses Gestapo tactics to stop any investigation into their murderous activities. Somebody recently “got the goods” on them, and they got them arrested and imprisoned. The Justices who made that decision allowed millions of infant murders to occur, and they’re still happening, every day. If they weren’t all dead, they should be in prison, maybe even executed for mass murder. Babies are murdered in the womb and pulled out, I pieces. If they survive their abortion attempt, then they’re usually murdered by the doctors. In at least one state, the doctor “confers” with the parents on whether or not to let the child live if it survives the abortion, or murder it after birth. These people are evil. they’re worse than murderers. They murder infants before they even have a chance at life, because they are “an inconvenience” to their parents, who had unprotected sex and just don’t want to deal with the result. They’re “contract killers” of the worst kind, and those who “contract” with them are just as bad. They’re as much murderers as are their “contract killers,” and I don’t care who they are—even if they’re members of my own family. I can’t abide a murderer, especially one that commits infanticide. (My Fellow American Poll)

Liar Calls Trump A Liar

Former lawyer Michael Cohen (convicted liar) “testified” before several committees of Congress some time ago, and he was expected to tell the truth, even though he is scheduled to go to prison soon for LYING to Congress the last time he “testified.” He is a CERTIFIED liar. So what is to be gained by giving him another chance to lie some more? Especially when lying some more gives him a chance to get his already very short sentence shortened some more? He has no incentive to tell the truth, and all the incentive in the world to lie yet again. So why the hell WOULD he tell the truth, especially since the (swamp) politicians WANT him to testify to a lie so as to give them a narrative they can use against President Trump before the president succeeds in “draining the swamp,” as he has promised to do, and in which he is “gaining on them.?” He “testified” mostly to his own OPINION, not facts. He DID tell one truth, when he told one committee he never saw anything to make him think Trump “colluded with the Russians” to get elected—one of the things they sorely wanted him to confirm, yet he confirmed otherwise. He called the president a liar, a racist, and a con man, all of the things he, himself, IS. Should anybody believe him? NO. But they will—at least the “swamp dwellers” on those committees. This is the only place where the criminals are allowed to criminalize others, often honest men, but that’s what we’re faced with. I think it’s very instructive that one committee chairman, political hack Elija Cummings, has said, many times, in public, that he thought Trump was a “guilty man,” despite what many “investigations” have found. Which means he’s ready to hang Trump, after the “trial,” whatever the verdict. (Just common sense)

It Has Never Worked!

Gun buybacks are a popular “cure” for gun violence, that does not “cure” anything. And that is on record! But anti-gun fools keep devoting a lot of resources and money to gun buybacks. As with all their other anti-gun laws, gun buybacks have proven to be completely ineffective at stopping, or even slowing down gun violence. Gun buybacks needlessly expend resources in a futile attempt to reduce gun crime, but you can’t convince today’s anti-gun fools of that. They march right along, sponsoring them, even though there is ample evidence that they are completely useless. If they ever came up with something that would WORK to stop gun violence, I’d be right beside them promoting it. But the only thing I can see right now that MIGHT have an effect on “gun crime” is to allow the law-abiding, who are NOT the problem, to own and carry their guns for self defense, so they can defend themselves, and others, from those who use guns ILLEGALLY by killing them when they try and victimize the law-abiding. Thereby reducing gun crime by eliminating people who abuse guns, one at a time. But you will never convince the anti-gun fools of that. (Daily Caller)

Friday, August 23, 2019

Obama Hates the Rich

Therefore, he hates himself. After getting himself elected president while having a very small net worth, like most politicians, leaves DC a rich man. How that happens on the salaries they pay, is a mystery that will only be answered if, and when, anybody investigates why. How do I know he’s rich? How do you buy a $14.8 million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard? I don’t even care if he finances it. that monthly payment will be a BEAR. Like most Dumocrats, he says he’s for the “poor.” And like all the other Dumocrats, he is rich, and nothing he does helps the poor in any way. He just says it, as they all do. Meanwhile, all those Dumocrat politicians who have been there a while, are rich. As he is. There’s a real “cult” around the man, AND his wife. Why that is, I’ll never know. He was one of the worst, if not THE worst president we’ve ever had. He whines about Trump’s spending, while he increased the national debt by more than any president before him, and told Americans that high unemployment, and a poor economy was “the new norm.” That jobs and a good economy were “behind us,” and we should “get used to it.” While getting rich on our money all the time. Meanwhile, he says, “At one point, you’ve made enough money.” Apparently, he hasn’t reached that point, yet, or he thinks that doesn’t apply to him. (Legal Insurrection)

Lying Through Her Teeth

Nancy Peelosi can’t get anything done using the truth, so she “lies through her false teeth” to do it. That’s what she’s doing when she claims an “epidemic of gun violence” amid a REDUCTION in murders. And that’s happening as more and more Americans are carrying their own guns, in spite of all her attempts to “get around” the Second Amendment, and take away all the legal guns out there (not in the hands of government people, of course), leaving the field wide open for the holders of ILLEGAL guns to victimize the law-abiding. You see, the law-abiding (who are NOT the problem) do obey laws, while the law breakers (who ARE the problem) do NOT. Maybe she actually believes there is an “epidemic of gun violence” since the anti-gun fools include LAWFUL self-defense gun use in their “gun crime” figures to inflate them. But I don’t believe even that. I know Nancy. She regularly lies to promote her silly laws and regulations. Since 1998, the murder rate has dropped 45%! That’s way too big a number for anybody with any intelligence at all to ignore. But ignore it, she does. (Breitbart)

"Gun Control Not Possible"

Anti-gun fools keep arguing that the Second Amendment is an outmoded concept, written hundreds of years ago by men who feared the British. What they never mention is that the Second Amendment RECOGNIZES one very basic human RIGHT. The right to self defense against all comers, even if they are “government agents.” And that will NEVER be “outmoded.” This article details many reasons why “gun control is no longer possible.” What it fails to mention is that gun control has NEVER been possible. There is not a single “gun control law” now in force, or envisioned by short-sighted anti-gun fools that will do ANYTHING to reduce, or eliminate “gun crime.” That is a fact. Not somebody’s opinion. That is true because those laws only apply to people who OBEY the law, while lawbreakers, who are the ones that ARE the problem, simply IGNORE them, and get their guns illegally, either by buying them “off the books” or STEALING them. No amount of laws can stop that. Laws can PUNISH illegal use of a gun—AFTER it has been used. Laws against the law-abiding having, and using guns for self defense only makes it easier for the lawbreakers to victimize the law-abiding, by DISARMING them, making them “easy targets” for the lawbreakers. (Duke Chronicle)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Liberals Ignoring Reality

Liberals routinely ignore reality and pursue their silly, unworkable, stupid ideas. Example: MSNBC host Chris Matthews “heaped praise on California” for all their anti-gun laws, completely ignoring the fact that none of those laws prevented the “Gilroy Massacre.” Matthews continues to be “tone deaf” to the liberal fiascoes. If he was really honest, he’d know that none of their anti-gun laws have done a single thing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” but he does not. Or if he does know, he ignores it and pretends “all is well” in that liberal-dominated state that is “going down the tubes.” California is in “money trouble.” They don’t have enough money to pay their bills, yet they continue to create give-away programs, right and left, while liberal-run cities like San Francisco “change the language” to make things look better while there is human sh-t in the streets.. They recently changed “convicted felon” to “justice-involved individual,” whatever THAT means. But it allows them to say they have no convicted felons in California. That’s what liberals do; instead of solving problems, they just change their name to make them “go away,” while the actual problem remains. (The Blaze)

The Trump "Disease"

Dumocrats have made it a fatal disease to be “associated” with Donald Trump, in any way, even peripherally. That has been proven by the fact that a pastry chef has come under pressure because she works in a building owned by Donald Trump. Nothing else. She has probably never even spoken to President Trump, nor even thought about him owning the building in which she works. “If the pastry chef were involved in the Trump campaign or other politics, perhaps there would be some news value. But there is nothing in the newsletter or The Daily Beast article that indicates that the pastry chef played such a role. She’s not a political staffer or involved in policy, and there’s nothing in the coverage to indicate she aspires to those goals.” But that makes no difference to Trump haters. If you fart next to a sign containing a picture of President Trump, you’re going to be “raked over the coals” by the liberal media. She has never done or said anything political, outside of her own “social media” account. She has never mentioned whether or not she supports Trump politically. The worst thing they can say about her is that she posts pictures of gingerbread houses. But she works in a building owned by Donald Trump. That’s enough. (Legal Insurrection)

Doing It the Wrong Way

“Gun crime” is out of control. So the anti-gun fools keep making laws that do NOTHING to stop, or even slow down gun crime. To the contrary: they make it worse by DISARMING the law-abiding, while the law breakers go right on buying their guns ILLEGALLY, or just stealing them. Researchers put out all kinds of figures they want us to think back up their stories. But there is one glaring error in those figures. None of them take into consideration the LEGALITY of the ownership of the guns used in victimizing the law-abiding. Nobody seems interested in whether the guns used in crime are legally owned, or not. It is never mentioned, while the real fact is, just about ALL the guns used in crime are illegally in the hands of the users. But this goes unreported, while the anti-gun fools ASSUME that all guns used in crime are legally owned. But they are NOT. They make laws, hoping law breakers will somehow OBEY their laws, when they obey no others. This is a fatal flaw in not only their thinking, but their actions, as well. To really reduce gun crime, they need to find out WHY there is so much of it, and where it occurs. Most of it happens in the areas controlled by street gangs, who shoot each other for being in the wrong place. On the “turf” of a different gang. They all carry ILLEGAL guns, and shoot each other at the drop of a hat. And sometimes they drop the hat. Chicago is one of the worst examples of this. Chicago has some of the tightest “gun laws” in the nation, while at the same time one of the highest rates of “gun crime” in the nation. Proof again, that their laws do not work. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Is Trump A Dictator?

The left loves to paint President Trump as a dictator, or dictator wanna-be. But Trump has displayed none of the actions of a dictator while the left HAS. If you listen to their rhetoric, you can see the “strains” of a dictatorship that plans to limit free speech and imprison enemies. Even now they want to make doubting that global warming swindle a criminal offense that can put “deniers” in prison. It’s only a step away from making it an executable offense. They want to make is a crime to disagree with the left’s position on all things—and they are not even in power. They daily call President Trump all kinds of foul names and they do not go to prison. They sponsor gatherings, where all kinds of plots designed to “topple” him are discussed, and those gatherings are not “raided” by jack-booted thugs with badges. The “jack-booted thugs with, and without badges” belong to the left. Trump is solidly for the Second amendment, which was put into the Constitution specifically to stop would-be dictators by making a “takeover” more expensive than they would like by citizens being able to “shoot back” if they’re fired upon, by whomever. The Japanese, in WWII would not invade the mainland “because there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.” Taking away gun rights is one of the first things a wanna-be dictator does, and President Trump refuses to do it. (American Thinker)

The Latest "Deal"

Dumocrats come up with new names for their thievery scams on a regular basis, but all of them seem to involve the word “deal” in their names. “New Deal,” “Fair Deal,” Peelosi’s “Better Deal,” and now AOC’s “Green New Deal.” Back to “New Deal,” huh? I guess they ran out of names that included the word “deal” and went back to the old one, adding “Green.” But one thing remains the same in all these scams. It’s socialism. Up to now, they have denied to their dying day their scams are socialism. But today, they freely admit they are promoting socialism, after many years of brainwashing school kids that “sharing” is the way to go. “Snaring” is a “code word” for socialism. I still remember, way back in grade school, the teachers always reminding us we need to “share” whatever we have. And if we got caught with some candy, we were admonished if we didn’t “have enough for everybody,” as if that was a requirement whenever we had something. This “conditioning” had its effect on most of us, but thankfully, it didn’t work with me. I remained an individualist all through school, and am now a “rational individualist.” I guess what saved me was that I didn’t go to college, where the socialist training is so much more intense. Kids go to college only partly convinced, and their professors finish the job. (Popular Resistance)

It Just Doesn't Work

Gun control, as we know it, has a clear history of doing NOTHING to reduce gun violence. And Dumocrat politicians never hesitate to LIE to promote their wish to disarm all law-abiding citizens, even if the Constitution prohibits it. Dumocrat Elizabeth Warren (the presidential hopeful) tells us confidently that Massachusetts, which is a BIG anti-gun state, Has the lowest gun crime rate in the nation (at least she tried). Only one little problem with that. It’s not true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hardly a pro-gun outfit), Massachusetts has NEVER been the lowest, when it came to gun deaths. The only way what she says could possibly be true is if they include SUICIDES in their figures. According to the CDC, Wyoming, with FEW gun laws, ranks two percentiles HIGHER (at 39% vs. 37%) than Massachusetts on the list of age-adjusted firearm death rate. Her figures are spotty, and use every statistical trick in the book to mislead. And she’s not the only one, most of them Dumocrats. Dumocrats seem, as a party, to wish to destroy our ability to defend ourselves, leaving us at the mercy of the government, which usually (cops) arrive long after the last shot has been fired. (The Federalist)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

"May God Ruin Trump"

That’s what Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother says after Israel refused her granddaughter entry because she was really coming for “hate Israel” activity. Fat chance. God is much more likely to "ruin" the Palestinians because of their evil actions. This woman is a Palestinian Muslim like her daughter. So why should we give a damn what she says? Tlaib and Omar were going there to meet Palestinian groups that want to END Israel and have ties to terrorists, so as to stir up trouble, as usual. They were only using the visit to Tlab’s grandmother as “cover,” and Israel exposed that. Which, of course, angered her Palestinian grandmother. Israel scotched that plan, so when they reversed themselves and decided to allow them entry, she decided to “take her ball and go home,” saying, “Forget it. I don’t want to come, now.” I think she planned it that way, so she could make trouble HERE, not in Israel. She’ll probably change her mind again and go, for the original purpose. Her grandmother, being a Palestinian, probably didn’t need this excuse to hate Trump. Just about all Palestinians do, because Trump is hurting their efforts to destroy Israel. They think because they are Members of Congress, they should have “special status” in visiting a country they hate, and want to destroy, just because the grandmother of one of them lives there. We should check out the activities of members of her family. (Legal Insurrection)

I'm Just Waiting

For the cops to arrest and charge the fool leftist who slugged a conservative student on the Berkeley campus, for no reason other than he disagreed with his politics. It may yet happen, but it does seem to me it is taking an inordinate amount of time, since the whole episode was recorded. Hayden Williams, a student at Berkeley, was helping “Turning Point USA, a conservative group, when a man walked up and began hassling him, ending by punching him in the face, then walking away. One university employee tweeted his approval, saying he hoped the attacker wouldn’t get in “too much trouble” for his (my words) unwarranted attack. Since this is all recorded, he should be easy to identify, especially since he appears to be a student at Berkeley. that’s if they bother to really try, since Berkeley generally (not just the college) is also liberal, and has always been. Additionally, the liberal media is suspiciously silent about this attack. Nothing like the coverage of the imaginary attack from “Trump supporters” on Jussie Smollett, in Chicago (before it was discovered that the whole thing was a hoax, planned, financed, and executed by Smollett). I’m still waiting for anything REAL to be done about this outrage. (Legal Insurrection)

Gun Control "Ghost Town"

Five million members? I don’t think so! MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) claims to have five million members, but their recent chapter meeting looked like a “ghost town.” If you can’t even draw more than a trickle to your meetings, there is no way you have five million paid members. One new member says she got involved after the Sandy Hook killings. And I believe her. But what she got involved in has no chance in reducing “gun violence” because all they do is make laws that the bad guys routinely ignore. Their laws do NOTHING but disarm the law-abiding, making it even EASIER for somebody like the Sandy Hook killer to victimize the law-biding. That they believe their way is a way that works, in spite of the absolute, undeniable evidence that it doesn’t, speaks to their intelligence (or lack of it) and their skill at propagandizing. They describe the laws they get made as being “common sense gun laws,” but they are anything BUT “common sense.” They are common IGNORANCE. If they ever came up with something that would WORK, I’d be right there with them. But that will never happen. Not because they’re stupid, but because there ISN’T anything they can do with the laws they have made thus far, to limit gun deaths. They’re kidding themselves if they think so. (Greenwood Free Press)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nothing to Offer You

Dumocrats are the party of criminals, who have spent most of their time in office fleecing America. They have nothing to offer you that you would want. They run many American cities, and those cities are crap holes with feces in the streets, bums (homeless) littering where feces is not (and sometimes where it is). So they just insult your intelligence by accusing Republicans (and even some Dumocrats) of racism, and even being Nazis. They even call some candidates that happen to be JEWISH Nazis, even though their ancestors were forced to wear a yellow star by Adolph Hitler, and them murdered by the millions. Since they have nothing to offer, they spend their time trying to tear down their opponents by lying about them. They take anything they can think of and say it is racism so they can accuse Republicans of racism. To at least one Dumocrat, the AMERICAN FLAG is racist. The very creation of this country was racism. Cutting GRASS is racist They are anti-American. In one Dumocrat city the owner of “Camping World” was “ordered” by the Dumocrats running the city to take down the American flag! To his credit, he told them to “go pound sand.” They support all kind of things that are abhorrent to good people in America. Like MEN who think they’re women and want to use women’s restrooms. Like teaching our impressionable children “the gay life,” and that being gay is normal. Then there are football players who disrespect the American flag. And a lot of other things, and they think that will get them elected. (Just common sense)