Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Just Change the Rules

In Cicero, Illinois, a “concealed carry” permit holder came to the assistance of some cops who were in a gun fight with a criminal. The police and other politicians in Cicero praised this man to the highest order. But that was just too much for the anti-gun fool Chicago Sun-Times, who ran a piece that said, “One heroic deed doesn’t justify bad policy,” referring to the “shall issue” policy regarding concealed carry. The first thing to note is that “shall issue” is NOT “bad policy.” And more people being able to carry guns is a “good thing,” not a bad thing, and is “good policy,” no matter what those anti-gun fools say. All liberals (and anti-gun fools are liberals, and vice-versa) think, “If it saves one life, it’s worth it,” to justify their silly policies—until something like this happens, proving their policies useless and wrong, then they say, “If it saves only one life, it’s NOT worth it,” thus “changing the rules.” In other words, if the rules don’t suit your arguments, just change them. It’s the liberal way, and Dumocrats ARE liberals. Liberals keep saying legal gun carriers do NOT save lives, while they do it, many thousands of times, every year—which they ignore. (Daily Caller)

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