Tuesday, August 20, 2019

"May God Ruin Trump"

That’s what Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother says after Israel refused her granddaughter entry because she was really coming for “hate Israel” activity. Fat chance. God is much more likely to "ruin" the Palestinians because of their evil actions. This woman is a Palestinian Muslim like her daughter. So why should we give a damn what she says? Tlaib and Omar were going there to meet Palestinian groups that want to END Israel and have ties to terrorists, so as to stir up trouble, as usual. They were only using the visit to Tlab’s grandmother as “cover,” and Israel exposed that. Which, of course, angered her Palestinian grandmother. Israel scotched that plan, so when they reversed themselves and decided to allow them entry, she decided to “take her ball and go home,” saying, “Forget it. I don’t want to come, now.” I think she planned it that way, so she could make trouble HERE, not in Israel. She’ll probably change her mind again and go, for the original purpose. Her grandmother, being a Palestinian, probably didn’t need this excuse to hate Trump. Just about all Palestinians do, because Trump is hurting their efforts to destroy Israel. They think because they are Members of Congress, they should have “special status” in visiting a country they hate, and want to destroy, just because the grandmother of one of them lives there. We should check out the activities of members of her family. (Legal Insurrection)

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