Friday, August 23, 2019

Lying Through Her Teeth

Nancy Peelosi can’t get anything done using the truth, so she “lies through her false teeth” to do it. That’s what she’s doing when she claims an “epidemic of gun violence” amid a REDUCTION in murders. And that’s happening as more and more Americans are carrying their own guns, in spite of all her attempts to “get around” the Second Amendment, and take away all the legal guns out there (not in the hands of government people, of course), leaving the field wide open for the holders of ILLEGAL guns to victimize the law-abiding. You see, the law-abiding (who are NOT the problem) do obey laws, while the law breakers (who ARE the problem) do NOT. Maybe she actually believes there is an “epidemic of gun violence” since the anti-gun fools include LAWFUL self-defense gun use in their “gun crime” figures to inflate them. But I don’t believe even that. I know Nancy. She regularly lies to promote her silly laws and regulations. Since 1998, the murder rate has dropped 45%! That’s way too big a number for anybody with any intelligence at all to ignore. But ignore it, she does. (Breitbart)

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