Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Tables Are Turned

Liberals like to tell people to “confront Trump supporters and staff, and their families, in restaurants, bars, and other places where they are just living their lives. This just because they don’t agree with their politics. But they don’t like it worth a damn when somebody turns the tables on them and confronts them, and their families, in public. I don’t know whether or not this guy actually used an “ethnic slur” when he called Chris Cuomo “Fredo.” Maybe he thought that was a proper nickname, since others have also called him that. His response was way over the top. Guests on his show have even called him “Fredo” without comment from him. I think if liberals would just shut up and let “the other side” believe what they want, we’d be a lot better off. Liberals can’t come up with anything to counter our charges, so they foment violence—then they get all upset when someone acts “mean” to them. ANTIFA is a good example of this. They claim to be “fighting Fascism,” but they obviously have no idea what Fascism actually IS. They put on their masks to hide their identities, and go out to assault conservatives/Republicans wherever they can find them. ANTIFA, like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) before them, is a Dumocrat Party creation. To act, under a phony name, to wreak violence upon people who don’t agree with the Dumocrat platform, hoping to keep these people from demonstrating just how popular President Trump really is. And it’s working. Trump supporters are refusing to wear a Trump “MAGA Hat” because they don’t want to get beat up by liberal thugs, who have been known to just walk up and punch them in the nose, without even saying a word. (Legal Insurrection)

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