Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Clinton Body count

Every time somebody mentions all the people who have died under mysterious circumstances just before they were to have testified to something that would have seriously hurt Bill or Hillary Clinton, people immediately start talking about “conspiracy theories” and accusing those who bring it up of being “conspiracy theorists.” Meanwhile, nobody of any consequence bothers to investigate. Meanwhile, Dumocrats have spent almost three years on their spurious “investigations” of President Trump, hoping to find something, ANYTHING they can use to “take Trump down.” Many of the situations involved in the “Clinton Body Count” were very peripherally “investigated,” with very questionable results. Like the case of the man who was to testify against a Clinton the next day, who “committed suicide” by shooting himself in the head—TWICE. How a man can do that is a real mystery to me. This is just as suspicious as are many of the deaths. Even without the sloppy investigations, the very fact that so many people die just before they are scheduled to testify against a Clinton should cause a meaningful investigation, all by itself. But nobody seems to be interested in conducting such an investigation. They’d rather pursue their imaginary “cases” against President Trump, and spend millions of OUR dollars doing it. Now they’re trying to connect Trump to Epstein, and Dumocrats will push that for all they’re worth, while ignoring the Clinton connection. (Legal Insurrection)

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