Friday, August 16, 2019

Money Buys It

Michael Bloomberg may be running for president in the next election. But he has already demonstrated his fealty to those who want to make the Second Amendment be sent to “the dustbin of history.” Not just “fealty” to those who wish to eliminate one of our most cherished rights, but a LEADERSHIP role in that effort. He has already spent $BILLIONS in his quest, and he has just pledged to spend ANOTHER hundred million to advance it, even more. All without significant progress. A vote for Bloomberg in the next election is a vote to give away your right to self defense, whether or not it is couched in that manner. If you give up your right to be ARMED for that self defense, you are giving up the RIGHT to self defense. Anybody who votes for Bloomberg is not too bright. In fact, anybody who votes for any Dumocrat is not too bright, because their stated objectives are inimical to our needs. Bloomberg hopes he can BUY the end of the Second Amendment. I sincerely hope he is wrong, as he has been in so many things. He has demonstrated his disdain for the law by running for, and winning, a third term as mayor of New York, in violation of the law. He got away with it because all New York politics is run by a small number of liberals, who ignored his violation of the law. (Breitbart)

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