Friday, August 30, 2019

The Continuing Liar

Barack Obama lied to us many times during his spotted career. Chief among his lies were those that accomplished one of the worst cons on the American people, Obamacare. He told us if we liked our doctor, we could keep him; that was a lie. He said if we liked the health care plan we had used, we could continue to use it. That was also a lie. He said Obamacare would reduce our cost about $2,500.00 a year, but it INCREASED it to unaffordable levels, and coupled it with co-pays in the thousands of dollars, basically making it USELESS. It was so “good,” he had to make joining it mandatory, with a penalty attached if we didn’t buy it. Now he is telling everybody who will listen that his administration had NO SCANDALS. That’s the biggest lie of all; a lie that is so easily disproved it’s funny. And his vice president is repeating this lie, as are other Dumocrats, completely ignoring the scandals that plagued his administration. I guess you can claim no scandals if you refuse to recognize the ones that are there, as they do. In the linked article, there is a list of the scandals they are ignoring. See if they’re right or wrong. (Legal Insurrection)

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