Friday, August 23, 2019

Obama Hates the Rich

Therefore, he hates himself. After getting himself elected president while having a very small net worth, like most politicians, leaves DC a rich man. How that happens on the salaries they pay, is a mystery that will only be answered if, and when, anybody investigates why. How do I know he’s rich? How do you buy a $14.8 million dollar home on Martha’s Vineyard? I don’t even care if he finances it. that monthly payment will be a BEAR. Like most Dumocrats, he says he’s for the “poor.” And like all the other Dumocrats, he is rich, and nothing he does helps the poor in any way. He just says it, as they all do. Meanwhile, all those Dumocrat politicians who have been there a while, are rich. As he is. There’s a real “cult” around the man, AND his wife. Why that is, I’ll never know. He was one of the worst, if not THE worst president we’ve ever had. He whines about Trump’s spending, while he increased the national debt by more than any president before him, and told Americans that high unemployment, and a poor economy was “the new norm.” That jobs and a good economy were “behind us,” and we should “get used to it.” While getting rich on our money all the time. Meanwhile, he says, “At one point, you’ve made enough money.” Apparently, he hasn’t reached that point, yet, or he thinks that doesn’t apply to him. (Legal Insurrection)

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