Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cops Kill More Blacks

Liberals like to talk about the “fact” that the cops use “more draconian policing” in black areas of town. What “Draconian” means, I’m not sure. But they DO apply more policing in areas where the most crime occurs, especially gun crime. Liberals like to talk about cops killing black men “21 times more often than white men.” Not revealed is the unalterable fact that more black men shoot at cops than do white men, and when they do, they just might get shot. Again, not mentioned is the fact that the guns the black men use in most cases are gotten ILLEGALLY, on the black market, and the anti-gun laws liberals get passed would do nothing to prevent this. Not usually mentioned any time is the fact that in almost ALL cases of a misuse of guns it is an ILLEGAL gun that is used. Anti-gun laws only apply to LEGAL gun owners, who usually are not the problem. Ignored are the users of illegal guns, who ARE. There is a disconnect here, and no amount of anti-gun laws are going to stop the bad guys from getting their guns illegally. In fact, all those laws do, beyond making easy targets of the law-abiding, is create a black market for what is made illegal. (Conservative Review)

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