Tuesday, December 31, 2019

They Just Don't Like Him

That’s what it boils down to in the effort to impeach President Trump. There is nothing else. Maxine Waters, one of Trump’s biggest “haters,” let it slip recently that it’s “all made up.” She believes many things, such as Vladmir Putin wanted Trump elected because he “owned him.” That Trump was a “Russian asset.” She also talked about the way he talked, how brash he was. But you can’t impeach a president because he makes bad jokes, or for what he THINKS. In this interview, she admitted that there was NO PROOF of any of this, she just believed it, and that should be enough to “get rid of him.” It’s the same with “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff and “Fat Boy” Jerry Nadler. After many hours of “investigation,” over many months, they could come up with NOTHING in the way of proof of ANY wrongdoing, but they continue to CLAIM they have provable wrongdoing, every day, in the media, which “laps it up” like a puppy eating ice cream. There needs to be some sort of limit on how much taxpayer money Congress can spend on a doomed effort to impeach a lawfully-elected president without some kind of results. But there is not. And Dumocrats fully intend to spend every (taxpayer) dime they can,”investigating” him. they’ll investigate his corpse when he dies of old age, years after leaving office. (Trending Right Wing)

"We're This Close"

That’s what the Dumocrats have been saying for almost three years. “We’re this close to proving President Trump is a criminal,” holding their index finger and thumb about one-eighth of an inch apart. But they never reveal any EVIDENCE of Trump’s “wrongdoing”… Because there isn’t any. I’d like to be able to interview some of those “committee chairmen” on live TV and ask them some pointed questions. Questions nobody seems ever to ask them although each one is on TV all the time telling their lies. Three of those I’d like to grill are Jerry Nadler, and “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff. The first thing I’d say to them is this: “You have spent almost three years ‘investigating’ President Trump, and you have come up with NOTHING. You keep saying, ‘We’re very close to uncovering proof of his wrongdoing,’ but you never tell us what that proof is. Because there IS none. It’s time you “put up or SHUT UP!” And stop coming up with new things to “investigate,” while spending millions of dollars of OUR money to do so. If Donald Trump were a private citizen, not a “public figure,” you would be liable to being sued for slander, and end up paying a big “award.” That’s if we could keep it out of a “liberal court.” If we got an honest judge, you’d be soup. You’ve ruined many people, financially and otherwise. And the only things you’ve come up with are some things your victims might have done, that have nothing to do with President Trump. It’s time you ended your “coup attempt” and went back to governing. If you’re capable of that. (Just common sense)

She Shot Her Husband

Advice for angry husbands: When you set out to strangle your wife to death, make sure she doesn’t have a gun. The husband in this story didn’t do that, and now he’s dead, instead of her. Ian Mastin thought he had the right to beat and choke his wife, and had done it many times. Although she had not complained before, she had ample evidence of his brutality, and she definitely feared he would finally kill her this time. So she probably won’t be charged in his death, since in Louisiana, you are entitled to kill in self defense if you fear your life is at risk. This is the big reason we need the Second Amendment. For self defense. Without it, this woman would be dead, and MAYBE her husband would be in prison. Thanks to he Second Amendment, the husband is dead, and she will probably not be charged with anything. If the anti-gun fools had their way, this woman would be dead. (The Hayride)

Monday, December 30, 2019

Wrong, But He's Biden

So stupid lawmakers listen to him as he displays his own stupidity. He’s now criticizing the Texas governor for signing a law allowing church-goers to be armed in church. This only hours after armed church-goers shot and killed a would-be mass shooter in a church, after he had killed only one person, and before he could kill a bunch more. He calls that governor’s decision “irrational.” But the real irrationality is being displayed by Biden and his fellow anti-gun FOOLS. I just can’t understand people like Biden. A man who aspires to be president, and is too stupid to understand that anti-gun laws do not work, while allowing the law-abiding to be armed for self defense DOES. Like other anti-gun fools, he has a “blind spot” against allowing responsible individuals to defend themselves against the irresponsible people who use their ILLEGAL guns to victimize them. Keeping guns out of the hands of the law-abiding is one of the stupidest things there is, and something a presidential candidate should be smart enough to avoid. But not Joe Biden. He’s just not intelligent enough. (Daily Wire)

"Once More Into the Breach!"

Well, the Mueller fiasco didn’t work, so  the Dumocrats went after Grand Jury testimony. Something that is ILLEGAL to reveal. But House Dumocrats don’t care about that. Illegal or not, they want it. And they’ll go to court to get it. Of course, they’ll go to a liberal court to do it, where the liberal judge will rule in their favor, no matter want the legality is. It’s how they operate. If they can’t get something done legislatively, they go to a liberal court. That’s why we can confidently expect a liberal court, somewhere, to “rule” against ANYTHING President Trump tries to do, even if he has the legal right to do it. But that’s changing. President Trump has made hundreds of court appointments, outside of his Supreme Court appointments, and those appointments will soon make honest judges outnumber liberal judges, who are NOT honest. They “rule” in favor of the liberal position, no matter what the law, or the Constitution says. There needs to be a way to rid ourselves of these judges when they clearly rule AGAINST the Constitution or legislated law. These endless “investigations” are beginning to look like a joke, with Nadler and Schiff looking like Laurel and Hardy. (Legal Insurrection)

What Are They THINKING?

I lust don’t understand the thinking of the anti-gun fools when they insist on making laws and regulations they KNOW don’t work worth a damn to “keep guns our of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.” Their very first law, the “background check,” only affects the law-abiding when they buy guns, and do NOTHING about the millions of guns held by CRIMINALS, who don’t obey ANY laws, let alone one that says they can’t be armed when they commit their other crimes. Same is true with their “gun-free zones” that only keep the law-abiding from bringing their legally-carried guns there, making them “easy targets” for criminals, who don’t bother to obey their “gun-free zones,” and even SEEK THEM OUT in which to do their dirty work because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding (their planned victims) will not be armed. The same is true of ALL their highly touted anti-gun laws. They only inhibit the law-abiding and make them “easy targets” for the criminals. They not only don’t work, they are counterproductive and make life more dangerous for the law-abiding. (Just common sense)

Friday, December 27, 2019

Michael Moore Is Mad

He has to admit that, no matter how many schemes the Dumocrats have tried, President Trump’s numbers haven’t gone down one inch. And he can’t explain that. If he would just open his mind, it’s easy to figure out. Trump has the full support of the electorate because he has done what he has promised. He has brought back the good economy. In fact, he has raised it to undreamed of levels. He has brought unemployment also DOWN to undreamed of levels. He has lowered taxes for the middle class, putting more money in their pockets. He has made progress in “draining the swamp,” in spite of all the roadblocks Dumocrats can put in his way. They know he is the man to keep it going, so they’re not going to turn against him. Now, or ever. It’s time the Dumocrats admitted defeat and started working with him to better America, instead of continuing their incessant efforts to “get rid of him.” Let him “do his thing.” It will be better for all of us. Even Dumocrats. But they don’t want that, even if it is good for them, too. They just have an unreasoning hatred of Donald Trump, and they will still be investigating him after he’s dead. They have lost their way, and are not gong to get it back. They’re blind to the effect of their actions, and for that, they will soon go the way of the Whigs—into the misty clouds of history. (Just common sense)

"Slappin' Their Boy around"

The Dumocrats pinned all their hopes on the two plus year “investigation” into President Trump possibly “colluding” with the Russians to get elected. Something they couldn’t prove, no matter how many lives they ruined, or people who were financially broken in the process. When they couldn’t find any evidence of collusion, they turned to obstruction of justice, something else they could not prove. Special Counsel Robert Mueller was supposed to come up with something they could use to “get” Trump, and he failed. So now they hate him and are now treating him as the enemy. Then, he’s supposed to “testify” before Congress. He was being given one more chance to screw President Trump, possibly by testifying to his PERSONAL OPINION of Trump’s guilt. Something that is not allowed in even murder cases. What the prosecutor THINKS is not relevant in convicting anyone of anything—except if he is the president, and they seem to be able to “investigate” him endlessly, violate the rights of the people they bring in for hours, sometimes days, or even WEEKS of 14-hour days of questioning, hoping to “wear them down” so they’ll make a mistake they can twist into perjury. That’s their modus operandi. (New York Times)

Arkansas Teachrs Armed

In Arkansas, they apparently realize the reality that the best defense against a mass shooter is an armed school staff member that shooter can’t identify (not a uniformed “resource officer”), and they have ALLOWED teachers and other school staff to qualify to bring their legally-carried guns to school. The number so far is small, but it is growing, of school staff members who have undergone special training and mental evaluation so as to be ALLOWED to be armed, so as to protect their students. And lo, none of them have shot a student, or anybody else over a trifle, which is what anti-gun fools tell us “MIGHT” happen if school staff are allowed to be armed. Anti-gun fools are horrified. They are convinced that their highly touted anti-gun laws “protect” students, when they do just the opposite. They make them DEFENSELESS against the ILLEGAL guns in the hands of neer-do-wells. (VOA News)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

"Nobody's Above the Law!"

That’s the favorite refrain by liberals (Dumocrats) to denigrate President Trump. But they can’t seem to come up with anything REAL of which to accuse him. They’re disparaging him for trying to get the Ukrainian government to investigate Hunter Biden, saying it’s only a ploy to help himself to be re-elected. What is not said is that he doesn’t NEED such a thing to defeat Hunter’s father. Joe Biden doesn’t have a “snowball’s chance in hell” of beating Trump. They say a political candidate should not be a subject for investigation. On the contrary, a political candidate against whom there is real evidence SHOULD be investigated. Not mentioned is the fact that the Dumocrats have been incessantly “investigating” a “political candidate” since even before he announced his original run for president. That’s almost four years they have been “investigating” Donald Trump, right through the 2016 election (which he won) and onward toward the 2020 elections. They hope to “damage him” sufficiently that he will not be re-elected. Meanwhile they SAY that his efforts to get an investigation started against a man who is only RELATED to a presidential candidate (who has no chance, anyway) be stopped. If anybody if guilty of “election interference” it is the Dumocrats. They have “investigated” Donald Trump since before he was even elected, and when he dies of old age, years after leaving office, they will investigate his corpse. (Just common sense)

Outrageous Demand

A “transgender woman” (meaning a man pretending to be a woman) walked into a women’s salon and told them he wanted them to “wax my penis,” and they refused. So he sued after trying the same scam elsewhere. He alleged a violation of his human rights in his several suits over this. It’s amazing what liberals can twist into a “human right.” I don’t really think forcing a “straight woman” to handle his penis and scrotum while waxing them is a “human right.” I think he just wanted a sexual thrill. Maybe that’s the only way he can get any. The whole thing was all about a private business’s right to refuse service to anybody, for any reason, or NO reason, at all. Refusing to handle his sex organs does NOT “discriminate” against him, in any way. And businesses DO have the right to choose their customers—at least, in this country. I don’t know about in Canada, where this happened. This is a common liberal scam; go into a business you KNOW won’t want your business on basic grounds, and accuse them of discrimination and sue them when they refuse. They tried it in the Gibson’s Bakery/Oberlin College case, and lost, BIG. It’s a scam to impose their will on others, or get a big payday if those people refuse to “knuckle under.” I’m getting really tired of this nonsense. How about you? Of course, this guy is a known “transgender activist. (Legal Insurrection)

Against Effective Measures

That’s the “gun control lobby.” They propose many things they CALL “common sense” gun laws that are not common sense, at all, since they don’t work worth a damn to keep ILLEGAL gun owners from their crimes. Not one single anti-gun law has EVER stopped a single shooter from killing people, whether or not he has his gun or guns legally. Meanwhile, they oppose proven methods to reduce gun crime, out of hand, because they don’t agree with them. ALLOWING (not requiring) teachers an other school staff who are LICENSED to carry their guns, to bring them to school with them, so they will not be defenseless when some loony bin comes in to kill a bunch of students is an EFFECTIVE deterrent, but they won’t even entertain the idea. No, those teachers and other school staff are normally responsible people and will NOT “go bananas” and start shooting students for sport, as the anti-gun fools want us to think. They think limiting the size of magazines for legal gun owners will keep ILLEGAL gun owners from having magazines as big as they can buy on the black market. All the laws they propose apply ONLY to LEGAL gun owners, while ignoring the MILLIONS of ILLEGAL gun owners there are out there. No; all they do is endanger legal gun owners while they’re reloading, while illegal gun owners are still shooting with their high-capacity magazines. All their “common sense anti-gun laws” do is make the law-abiding “easy targets” for criminals, who obey NO laws. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

It's Christmas Time

IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME: It’s also Hanuka, and maybe special days from other religions. It’s a time to be with friends and family, not for politics. So there will be no updates here until December 26 so I can spend some time with my family. I’ll be back then, going “full-bore.”

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wishful Thinking

A recent Rassmussen Report says Michelle Obama is the most likely to beat Trump, and she isn’t even running. She says she isn’t interested. But you know how that goes. The most excited, panting to get into things politicians often CLAIMS not to be interested, until they “convince” him/her to change his/her mind. But between you and me, Michelle is only a good candidate in the “fevered brains” of the Dumocrats. They think because of her “name recognition,” she will be a good candidate. But being married to a former president does NOT qualify her for the highest office in the land, no more than it did Hillary. I don’t know what it is with Dumocrats and “dynasties,” but they love them. They’d rather run the spouse of a FAILED president than go out and find a REAL candidate. I can’t think of a worse candidate for them to put up, other than Barack, himself—and they can’t do that, because he has “shot his bolt.” Michelle would be only a “pseudo-president” who would be RUN by Barack, so he can finish the job of destroying this country, that was “interrupted” by the end of his administration. He almost ran this country into the ground, and excused that by telling us it was “the new norm.” That those millions of jobs would never come back from overseas, and the economy was never going to come back. Surprise! It came back as soon as Trump got to work, and so did the jobs. They’re now having trouble finding good employees because everybody who wants a job now has one. And wages are higher, too. (Legal Insurrection)

"Stay Within the Boundaries!"

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller was scheduled to testify to Congress about his “investigation” into the possibility of Trump “colluding” with the Russians to get elected. Something that has been investigated to death with NO evidence of guilt on Trump’s part found, after two years of “investigating and millions of OUR dollars wasted. But Dumocrats are not satisfied. He didn’t cobble up any evidence they could use to “get rid of Trump,” and now some are accusing him of LYING. Their “friend” is now lying to them, they say, because he didn’t give them the “dirt” they wanted. The “investigation” devolved into one “investigating” evidence of obstruction of justice, something far away from his original goal.

Dumocrats wanted him to “testify” so he can say, with more forcefulness, that they did not charge Trump with anything because they could not, and repeat Mueller’s OPINION that there were things there they COULD have charged him with if he weren’t president An opinion only, and worth NOTHING legally, only politically. The DOJ has instructed him to “stay within the boundaries” of his investigation to keep him from injecting his personal opinions, which are meaningless in law, into his “testimony.” But, of course, the Dumocrats will cry and moan about a “coverup,” twisting the meaning of those instructions (CNN)

"A Declaration of War!"

In Venezuela, they regret their six-year-old anti-gun law, and describe it as “a declaration of war on an unarmed population.” “Guns would have served as a vital pillar to remaining a free people, or at least able to put up a fight,” Javier Vanegas, 28, a Venezuelan teacher of English now exiled in Ecuador, told Fox News. “The government security forces, at the beginning of this debacle, knew they had no real opposition to their force. Once things were this bad, it was a clear declaration of war against an unarmed population.” And that is true wherever guns are prohibited to the law-abiding population. It was true in Nazi Germany, and was true in communist Russia. There, and in many other countries ruled by despots all over the world, it is true. Any government that wants total gun prohibition for the population not working for the government, is setting their people up to be looted by the strongest among them, which is usually their own government. They usually push their anti-gun legislation as being “for security,” but it is really for CONTROL. The ability to tell their people they CAN’T. And then they often abuse it, and “stomp all over” their people. (Fox News)

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Bullsh-t Party

Every time I hear a Dumocrat presidential candidate talk about his “plans” for when he/she is president, I automatically holler, “bullsh-t!” Elizabeth Warren proposes a plan for “Medicare for All” that will cost more than we spend to run the entire government for a year, and she can do it without raising taxes on the middle class, and the word, “bullsh-t!” comes automatically out of my mouth. The same is true when former candidate Beto says he’s “going to take your guns” when there’s a constitutional prohibition to that. And then “Crazy Bernie” brings up all the old saws about socialism, and it’s the same. I get tired of yelling “bullsh-t!” after a while, and just shut down every time I see a Dumocrat face on the television. How a party peopled by such fools can come to power would be a mystery if I didn’t know that they are experts at twisting the rules to a breaking point to serve their wishes. They just don’t know how to govern. They come up with stupid giveaways, and then try to twist things to make them work. When they can’t, we have to pay for their mistakes. (Just common sense)

Anarchy In New York

New York City Mayor DeBlasio has made a real mess of New York City with his liberal bullsh-t masquerading as governing. The biggest example of that recently is the picture of “citizens” dumping water on cops as they made an arrest. In another incident, cops are seen walking way as other “citizens” dump water on them. Both incidents without any arrests being made, and no opposition to these ASSAULTS on a police officer because DeBlasio has taken away many of their best tools, including the ability to arrest those fools, who probably drank the courage and the guts to attack these cops, who were doing their duty. In one case, a cop was hit in the head by an empty water bucket-- a clear case of assault on an officer. Empty, this time. And NO arrests—yet.

They SAY those who attacked them have not been identified, even though there was video of at least two incidents and the cops involved likely know who those fools are. DiBlasio says this is “unacceptable,” but so far has not changed anything. A police source blamed these incidents on DiBlasio’s “hands off policies.” Stop and frisk, the system former mayor Giuliani instituted, and which caused crime to nosedive, was reversed by DiBlasio, and is a distant memory. A department official said, “We are aware of the videos (not the assaults, the VIDEOS) and are looking into it.” Meaning, as usual, nothing will be done except to “paper over” the incidents. (NY Post)

It Ain't Gonna Work!

The anti-gun fools have embarked upon a fruitless journey. They deny it, but their final goal is the complete elimination of the very concept of self defense. And eliminating guns from the picture is just the first step. But an impossible one. Getting rid of all guns in the hands of people not working for the government in one way or another, is an impossible job. If criminals and other “bad guys” can’t get their guns legally, they just get them ILLEGALLY. They are criminals, after all, and criminals, by definition, do not obey laws. That’s why they’re called criminals. They can eliminate every LEGAL gun in existence, but there will still be the MILLIONS of illegal guns that are already out there. Yes, they may be able to eliminate every LEGAL gun in existence (except those owned by government people, of course), but they can’t touch the illegal guns the “bad guys” get on the black market, of just steal. Hitler got rid of legal guns, and then murdered six million Jews. That’s what governments do, when they succeed I disarming their people. Disarming the people is the first thing every dictator does. (Just common sense)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Well...They Dunit!

They took a lot of nothing and voted to impeach the finest president we’ve had, in my memory. They used two “articles of impeachment.” One is “contempt of Congress.” they seem to forget that the president cannot commit “contempt of Congress.” He is, by himself, an equal partner in governing the United States. If he can do that, then Congress can commit “contempt of president.” Then there’s “abuse of power.” There is nothing more fleeting than the definition of “abuse f power,” and they have defined one phrase in a phone call as “abuse of power.” And they had to misunderstand that phrase to do it. In the last almost three years, they have thrown everything at him but the kitchen sink, and they couldn’t prove any of it. So they’re going to go this route, and they’re destined to lose...big. They’ve told us time and time again that they “have ample evidence” against him, but they have never revealed what it was—because there isn’t any. If Trump was not a “public figure,” they would be liable for a civil suit for slander. But he is, so they get away with their lies. But Trump will win in the end, because the Senate must be the body that convicts, and I’d be very surprised if they do. They’ve promised to impeach him over and over for the rest of his life. But this one will make any others superfluous—IF they last long enough to do as promised. (Just common sense)

Many Dastardly Plots

The Dumocrats are running so many dastardly plots against this government and this president, there isn’t enough room here to list them all. Gun control (disarming the populace) is one of them, but the biggest is the plot to overwhelm our borders while flatly refusing to provide enough money to handle the influx, Then bi-ch and gripe, and lie and moan about “conditions” in the “camps” that should have never been necessary. Then go down to the border to “inspect” those camps, get lied to, then spread those lies without bothering to check to see if they are true. AOC went down there and somebody told the LIE that they were told to drink out of toilets for lack of water and AOC, that gullible bimbo former bartender pretending to be a congresswoman, swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.

There is plenty of water there, and basic necessities they SHOULD have brought with them ARE provided—as much as we can afford. Somebody, in several South American countries, “spread the word” hat they would pay people to go to America, where the “streets were paved with gold.” I won’t name these people because I don’t know who they are, but they have lots of money and I’m sure are connected with the Dumocrats. Unfortunately, not enough to provide the barest necessities like toothbrushes to these dupes for their trip, depending on the United States Border Control to provide them once they arrived, or give the Dumocrats something to gripe about and use against President Trump, which is what this is all about.

The idea is to send so many people that the border is overwhelmed, and that causes many problems, some of which the Border Control hasn’t enough money to provide for. The Dumocrats see to that. The “immigrants” “tell a tale of woe,” which is, for most of them, a lie, and bring children they have “rented” for the purpose. Claiming them as their own. They claim asylum, are given a court date and released into the country. And they are never seen, nor heard from again, which is art of the plot. Dumocrats gripe about a crisis THEY created, and blame Trump for it. And this is just ONE of the many dastardly plots they are running. (NY Post)

Wrong Again!

The Anti-gun fools confidently tell us that crime will increase in areas where “concealed carry” is widespread. There are several areas in this country now where it has happened, and a new study of data from all 50 states, shows that, not only does crime NOT increase in those areas, it GOES DOWN. This is based on “hard data.” Statistics from all over the country that shows that letting law-abiding people have the means for self defense actually has the effect of REDUCING crime in those areas where it has happened. Anti-gun fools tell us many things, and they always prove to be wrong, when reality sets in. Most of their dire predictions as to how loosened gun control will increase crime are based on many “mights.” Like where they say that is teachers and other school staff are ALLOWED (not required) to bring their legally owned, licensed to be carried guns to school with them, they “might” shoot students if they make trouble. That, if people generally are allowed their constitutional right to be armed for self defense that a “fender bender” MIGHT be the cause of a shooting. Never mind that it has already happened, with the holders of ILLEGAL guns. Anti-gun laws only make us more vulnerable to criminals, who never OBEY anti-gun laws. (Daily Caller)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Not Taking Terrorism Seriously

In New York City, whose mayor is solidly liberal, and stupid, they arrested a man who is planning a terrorist act, has the means to do so, including bombs and other weapons. He is a known associate of a terror organization, and was just about to deliver some of these bombs and other weapons to a secretive Islamic compound in upstate New York. This guy is a very dangerous person. So after they arrest him, they release him until his court date, so he can carry out whatever plans he may have to murder innocent people to prove his twisted point. And he is not the only terrorist released while waiting for his court date. This is a routine thing in New York. It’s stupid, but routine, in DiBlasio-ville. This is just one extreme example of how liberals screw up everything they touch. In one case, a man involved in a robbery and MURDER was similarly released while awaiting trial. Does anybody with any intelligence at all (which does not include New York City politicians, apparently) believe any of these people will appear for trial? That they will not “do their dirty work” and disappear? How stupid do you have to be to let such people roam free on the streets of your city? Liberals that treat known terrorists like this are a big reason why terrorism IN America is becoming a problem, when they “coddle” such people. (Three Percenter Nation)

Should Be A Lesson There

Liberals should let the Oberlin College fiasco be a lesson to all liberals who think they can FORCE people to go against their deepest principles and do business with them that they hate, to their very souls. Watch what would happen if a Christian went into a Muslim-owned bakery and insisted on them baking a cake slamming Islam? That could result in bloody murder, not a simple lawsuit, because the Muslims have no sympathy for people who try to oppose their “religion. And the Koran actually tells them shunning, insulting, lying to, or even KILLING “Infidels” is okay. Or if a decidedly gay baker was asked—no, ORDERED by a straight person to bake a cake slamming homosexuality? Every private business has the inalienable RIGHT to refuse to serve ANYBODY, for any reason, or NO reason. They don’t even have to give a reason, and that potential customer has the right to go down the street to a business more friendly to them and give them their business, and their money. Most businesses will simply refuse to do business with them, and that does not give the “customer” the right to sue them and slander them. Oberlin College found that out, and they will probably fold under the massive judgment given to the people they slandered. (Legal Insurrection)

It's All About Control

The Anti-gun fools keep saying that “gun control is all about gun safety.” It is NOT. It’s about CONTROL. The ability for a nameless, faceless bureaucrat you don’t know, and may never meet, to say you can, or cannot buy and use a gun for self defense against the millions of ILLEGAL guns that are out there, in the hands of criminals and other miscreants. The power to CONTROL who may have a gun is the power to say “NO.” And more often than not, that’s what they say, while people are dying because they have no defense against those illegally-held guns. I have become convinced that the ultimate purpose of the anti-gun fools is the abolition of self defense as a human right. That they want to be able to DECIDE that ANY use of a gun to be criminal (at their discretion). Something they can, and WILL punish. Then the government can come for what is yours, without appreciable opposition from you. They will not meet a gun in your hands, while they will have plenty of guns in theirs. Full gun control happened in Germany under the Nazis, and what happened next? Hitler didn’t like the Jews. So his troops rounded up as many Jews as they could, and murdered them. It happened in communist Russia, but they were indiscriminate about who they murdered. They killed whomever they wished, because they had no defense. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

"Pure and Simple"

That insidious impeachment effort, promoted only by the Dumocrats is a transparent attempt to reverse the results of the 2016 election, and to tamper with the 2020 election before it even occurs. It is that, pure and simple. If the “denizens of the swamp” can’t tell that, it’s because it is the only way (they hope) to keep President Trump from winning in 2020. Some Dumocrats have actually ADMITTED it, in public. There needs to be created a way to stop such things from being successful, and for the promoters to be punished, in some way, for even trying. Currently, there is no way to stop a political party from impeaching a president on spurious “charges” for political gain. And there ought to be, to keep them fro doing it. They have accused him of asking the president of a foreign government for help. Help that will cause hi to win an election—but that is exactly what they are doing. Trump beat the best they have, in Hillary (which is not saying much), and that has “triggered” them. They are determined to end his presidency, and they are making progress in that direction in the House, which they control. Thankfully, “wiser heads” will prevail in the Senate, which they do NOT control. Even so, they will now have the ability to refer to Trump as “having been impeached.” Something most Americans do not recognize as simply an ACCUSATION, to be “tried” in the Senate. Even if he is not thrown from office, there will always be an asterisk next to his name in the history books as an “impeached president.” That’s WRONG, since he has committed NO “crimes or misdemeanors.” I don’t agree with his every action, but in the overall, his presidency as been “a treasure of high value.” (Just common sense)

Racist, Racist, Racist!

Dumocrats accuse everybody that disagree with them of racism, even when it is demonstrably NOT racism. Yet it is the Dumocrats who worry that the first Dumocrat presidential candidates for the first debates are all white. Only a racist would even THINK of that. They even sink so low as to accuse an official SAINT of racism in one of his pronouncements, which is also demonstrably NOT racist, and is in fact, the exact OPPOSITE of racism. They twist people’s words to impute racism in what they say. They even purposely misquote them so they can CLAIM racism. They think racism in their every thought. That is real racism, whether or not they recognize it. Racism is their “knee-jerk” accusation toward ANYBODY who disagrees with them, in any way. To the Dumocrats, the whole WORLD is racist, and that’s without recognizing their own racism. They have succeeded in making the word racism meaningless by their overuse. Nobody (but another Dumocrat) even believes them any more when they “throw out the race card.” They will probably all this item racist. They don’t know any better. They’d better learn a new epithet that might be believable so they can use THAT until it becomes as meaningless as the accusation of racism is now. (Just common sense)