Thursday, August 8, 2019

Stupid Claims

The anti-gun fools are now saying, “A good guy with a gun does not exist.” This in spite of undeniable proof that is a LIE. But they don’t care, They think if they tell that lie enough times, people (who aren’t too bright, anyway, and that is the people to whom they appeal) will believe it. VICE ran an article that basically tried to convince us that having a gun in the house was more dangerous to the residents than anybody else. Which is typical of the STUPIDITY of anti-gun fools, who think criminals OBEY their silly laws, while the law-abiding, DO, making them “easy targets” for those who do NOT obey ANY laws. Unfortunately, there have been 760,000 defensive uses of a gun per YEAR. They try and convince us that, when a gun is drawn and no shots fired being counted is wrong. But how is THAT wrong? That IS a “defensive use of a gun.” You don’t have to kill somebody to use a gun defensively. All you have to do is stop a bad guy from doing his “dirty work.” If the bad guy is so frightened at the sight of a gun in the hand of his intended victim that he will not try to continue his nefarious plans, that makes a “defensive use of a gun” even more powerful. “Good guys with guns” have proven, time after time, that the only thing that stops the bad guys is a “good guy with a gun.” That is undeniable, but anti-gun fools continue to deny it. They can’t answer the question: “Did the 760,000 “good guys with guns” in one year “not exist?” (Breitbart)

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