Monday, August 5, 2019

Political Trickery

Don’t be surprised if you see ads being run by DUMOCRATS, in which they talk about how much they love guns. That’s how they screw with your brain and get into office. Then they go out and sponsor all the old, tired, USELESS anti-gun laws that have never worked, and never will. They’re learning that Americans value their Second Amendment rights, and they LIE to you to get into office. That’s when they revert to their “old tricks” and try their best to make the Second Amendment moot while still telling you they aren’t doing it. They think you’re too stupid to notice. One Dumocrat said in his campaign “What I think it's going to take is people in Congress who are willing to do more than just talk, who are willing to actually work together and stay late, if it requires that, and do some things that would really produce change." As usual, he says “good words” that mean nothing. He talks about Congress “doing more than just talk,” while he has no answers to offer TO Congress on the subject, besides those tired, old laws that don’t work. At the same time, one Dumocrat candidate accused his opponent of wanting to gut Social Security and Medicare, which no Republican has ever even tried, if he was intelligent. That’s one of their usual accusations, and it is also false. I hate listening to television during campaign ad season because I know most of them are lies, or a twisting of the facts. (Business Insider)

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