Friday, August 23, 2019

"Gun Control Not Possible"

Anti-gun fools keep arguing that the Second Amendment is an outmoded concept, written hundreds of years ago by men who feared the British. What they never mention is that the Second Amendment RECOGNIZES one very basic human RIGHT. The right to self defense against all comers, even if they are “government agents.” And that will NEVER be “outmoded.” This article details many reasons why “gun control is no longer possible.” What it fails to mention is that gun control has NEVER been possible. There is not a single “gun control law” now in force, or envisioned by short-sighted anti-gun fools that will do ANYTHING to reduce, or eliminate “gun crime.” That is a fact. Not somebody’s opinion. That is true because those laws only apply to people who OBEY the law, while lawbreakers, who are the ones that ARE the problem, simply IGNORE them, and get their guns illegally, either by buying them “off the books” or STEALING them. No amount of laws can stop that. Laws can PUNISH illegal use of a gun—AFTER it has been used. Laws against the law-abiding having, and using guns for self defense only makes it easier for the lawbreakers to victimize the law-abiding, by DISARMING them, making them “easy targets” for the lawbreakers. (Duke Chronicle)

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