Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It Just Doesn't Work

Gun control, as we know it, has a clear history of doing NOTHING to reduce gun violence. And Dumocrat politicians never hesitate to LIE to promote their wish to disarm all law-abiding citizens, even if the Constitution prohibits it. Dumocrat Elizabeth Warren (the presidential hopeful) tells us confidently that Massachusetts, which is a BIG anti-gun state, Has the lowest gun crime rate in the nation (at least she tried). Only one little problem with that. It’s not true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hardly a pro-gun outfit), Massachusetts has NEVER been the lowest, when it came to gun deaths. The only way what she says could possibly be true is if they include SUICIDES in their figures. According to the CDC, Wyoming, with FEW gun laws, ranks two percentiles HIGHER (at 39% vs. 37%) than Massachusetts on the list of age-adjusted firearm death rate. Her figures are spotty, and use every statistical trick in the book to mislead. And she’s not the only one, most of them Dumocrats. Dumocrats seem, as a party, to wish to destroy our ability to defend ourselves, leaving us at the mercy of the government, which usually (cops) arrive long after the last shot has been fired. (The Federalist)

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