Monday, August 12, 2019

"Take Guns, Kill "Em"

That’s what has happened in countless countries. They make “laws” to take the guns away from the law-abiding, making their citizens “easy targets for criminals (many of whom wear badges), then come back and make “laws” that allow the government to take money and property belonging to them. It happened in Nazi Germany, and then the Nazi government MURDERED 6 MILLION Jews, just because Hitler didn’t like Jews. “Gun confiscation holds a special place in the halls of political repression.” (Mises Wire) Then we go to the communist Soviet Union. Lenin actually called for a “citizen’s militia” when he was still working to take control, but when he got in power, it “morphed” into a powerful “militia” subservient only to “the State,”and was used to subjugate the people. “To maintain its iron grip, the Soviet Union had to turn to the most proven form of suppression — gun confiscation. On December 10, 1918, the Council of People’s Commissar mandated that Soviet citizens turn in their firearms. Failure to do so, led to criminal prosecution. Soviet gun control laws remained tight in the following decades, although the government did go out of its way to give Communist Party affiliates privileged access to firearms.” As did Hitler, in Germany. Many countries have followed this pattern, and ALL have resulted in countless deaths, at the hands of “government agents.” And that's what the Dumocrats are trying to do here. (Mises Institute)

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