Friday, August 2, 2019

Democrat Total Stupidity

Michael Moore, that fat fool, is now telling us that, “Only Michelle Obama can save us from 4 more years of Trump.” What complete stupidity that reveals! They tried it with the wife of one president, and it didn’t work. So they want to try it again with the wife of another clearly FAILED president. I really doubt Michelle is even smart enough to be president. She’d probably have a panic attack at the first crisis because she wouldn’t have any idea of what to do. Not even mentioned is that the Dumocrat’s socialist dream would add even more responsibilities to the job. Dumocrats regularly resurrect old ideas that didn’t work, to try them again. The very definition of insanity is doing the ame things over and over and expecting a different result. Dumocrats will call that a cliché, but as with most clichés, it is based on TRUTH. Michele would be a worst president than was her husband, and that’s saying something. But Dumocrats are too stupid to know that, and they will be defeated if she runs. But when that happened, they will (again) claim “election fraud,” when their election fraud fails to get her elected. And if she does get elected, it will be an even bigger disaster than it was with her husband in charge. (Legal Insurrection)

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