Friday, August 9, 2019

"Obey the Damned Law?"

Here’s an interesting scenario for you. You’re a law-abiding person who happens to be a “concealed carrier” and you forgot to leave your gun in the car when you went into a restaurant where it is a “gun-free zone” by law. You didn’t mean to break the law, but nobody was hurt by your forgetfulness. As you finish your “Big Boy” or “Whopper,” or whatever that particular chain calls their cheeseburgers, you hear a loud noise. You turn just in time to see the cashier fall dead from a gunshot fired by the man in front of him. You instinctively grab for your gun as he turns and aims his at you. You put one in his eye and out the back of his head before he can kill you and your family if that was his intention. Thank God you forgot and broke the law. The cops come and arrest YOU. Not for killing this gunman who was about to kill you with his illegally-owned gun, but for bringing a gun into a “gun-free zone.” But that’s okay. Better to be judged by 12, rather than “carried by six. Laws that disarm honest, law-abiding people while criminals IGNORE them and use guns anyway, in their “life of crime” are an abomination that SUPPORTS those illegal gun owners, like this one, who might have killed you, your family, and many others in that restaurant before any cop could arrive with his gun. It is IMMORAL for anti-gun fools to be against allowing the law-abiding to be armed for self defense. And it is a RIGHT! (Just common sense)

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