Thursday, August 15, 2019

Getting Trump's Wall

I’ve figured out how President Trump can finally get his wall on our southern border. Just make an announcement that he has changed his mind, and no longer wants a wall down there. The Dumocrats will instantly reverse themselves and budget sufficient money to build a wall everywhere. They will then be FOR a wall because President Trump is against it. Dumocrats are as predictable as “death and taxes. Anything Trump is for, they are against. Anything Trump is against, they are for. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if President Trump adopted this strategy. If I could think of it, so could he. He’s a pretty smart guy. He’s going to get his wall, sooner or later. He will find a way to stop the Dumocrats in their tracks. Count on it. Maybe not this way, but some way. Trump is used to winning, and he WILL win here, in the long run. It might take some time, but he will prevail. It’s a Trump pattern. Dumocrats will find out, the hard way, it’s not smart to “tug on Superman’s cape,” as they’ve been doing. (Just common sense)

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