Monday, August 12, 2019

Racism, Racism, More Racism!

If you listen to the Dumocrats, racism has “burst out” all over since President Trump got elected. They can’t figure out anything REAL to say about him and the Republicans, so they accuse him, and them, of racism. And if he, or they, don’t say, or do, something really racist, they INVENT racism. They pick a word, or an action and CALL IT racism so they can accuse them of racism because of it. They don’t have anything else, and they’re in panic. They can see the future, and it isn’t going to be a Dumocrat in the White House after 2020. Nor are Dumocrats going to “take over” the Senate, or retain their slim majority in the House, and that frightens them, no end. They tell you Trump and his supporters say and do racist things, when they do not. They just hope you believe them. Meanwhile they’re working hard to CREATE their own racism—racism against white people. They call it “white privilege.” They see everything that happens as “white privilege,” “shame” people for BEING white. And some stupid people buy it. One “Z list” actress actually came out and announced that she was “ashamed to be white,” demonstrating her stupidity for all to see. The real racists are the Dumocrats, and all you have to do to be a racist to them is oppose their fool ideas. If you Google “Trump” and “racism,” you get a thousand stories, all claiming Trump and his supporters are all racists. All of them are lies. But that’s how Dumocrats “change history.” Lie about it, over and over, everywhere they can. (Just common sense)

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