Tuesday, August 20, 2019

I'm Just Waiting

For the cops to arrest and charge the fool leftist who slugged a conservative student on the Berkeley campus, for no reason other than he disagreed with his politics. It may yet happen, but it does seem to me it is taking an inordinate amount of time, since the whole episode was recorded. Hayden Williams, a student at Berkeley, was helping “Turning Point USA, a conservative group, when a man walked up and began hassling him, ending by punching him in the face, then walking away. One university employee tweeted his approval, saying he hoped the attacker wouldn’t get in “too much trouble” for his (my words) unwarranted attack. Since this is all recorded, he should be easy to identify, especially since he appears to be a student at Berkeley. that’s if they bother to really try, since Berkeley generally (not just the college) is also liberal, and has always been. Additionally, the liberal media is suspiciously silent about this attack. Nothing like the coverage of the imaginary attack from “Trump supporters” on Jussie Smollett, in Chicago (before it was discovered that the whole thing was a hoax, planned, financed, and executed by Smollett). I’m still waiting for anything REAL to be done about this outrage. (Legal Insurrection)

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