Thursday, August 29, 2019

"Doesn't Work: Do It"

An anti-gun fool “researcher” found, in his “research,” that background checks don’t work. Then he says we need more and better background checks. This is typical of anti-gun fools. Take the results of “research,” and then deny those results. He basically told us, “Just because background checks don’t work, don’t think we don’t need to use them in our efforts to deny our citizens the constitutional right to be armed for self defense.” He didn’t put it exactly that way, but that’s what he was actually saying. This is a good example of a “researcher” who, when his research refutes his favorite pipe dream, he just refutes his refutation and goes right on with his attempts to fool us with his “research.” I’m becoming convinced that the government just wants to eliminate self defense as a basic right, and is using anti-gun fools to do it. By getting rid of the right to own and use the means to self defense, a gun, they hope to eliminate self defense, as well. The evidence is that, every time we find something LESS than a gun that is useful in self defense, the ban it. Like they’re trying right now to do with stun guns. One cop even took me to task one day over a metal flashlight I had in my pocket, saying that it could be used as a weapon. My reply was, “And if I ever use it as one, we can discuss it then.” (NRA-ILA)

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