Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Democrats Want Tyranny!

But with themselves in charge. They’re now saying, “We need to burn down the Republican Party.” They openly want a one-party rule in this country. What that spells to me is a dictatorship, with the Dumocrats the dictators. They already want “climate deniers” to be prosecuted and sent to prison for disagreeing with their “global warming/climate change” bullsh-t because they can’t think up a reason to explain why the Earth has not gotten hotter in the last 20 years, or so, and they want desperately to cling to that fantasy because it has made them a lot of money and made it much easier for them to fleece the nation. On a wider scale, they’d like very much to make it a crime to disagree with their politics, in any way. Thus the wish to “burn down the Republican Party.” They’re already showing their true colors with the “ANTIFA movement,” where a bunch of liberal thugs dress up in dark-colored clothes, put on masks so we can’t identify any of them, then go out and beat the hell out of any non-liberals they can find. It’s so obvious that they are a Dumocrat creation that it isn’t even funny. They have never been heard to disrupt a Democrat gathering, only non-Democrat ones. Some Dumocrats say they’re “just a peaceful demonstration group,” which is like saying the KKK was a peaceful outfit who only hung black people to make a peaceful point. (Just common sense)

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