Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Stopping Rape At WalMart

A woman had finished her shopping and was contemplating getting a cart to carry her purchases when she was approached by a teen, aged 14, who told her he wanted to have sex with her and he had a knife. She told him her husband was out in the car and would be looking for her soon, which did not deter him, What DID deter him was the man who walked up to help her with his legally-carried gun. The cops got the boy, sent him in for a sanity evaluation, and then to a juvenile detention center. Think what could have happened, had that armed man not been there. Yes, the kid was only 14. But I’ve seen some big, “bad” kids at 14. And this was a woman. He could have taken her to an untraveled section of the store and raped, maybe even killed her. This case again shows how important it is to allow law-abiding people to be armed, for defense of themselves, and others. Something the anti-gun fools won’t even entertain, in their abysmal ignorance. I might also point out that WalMart is a “gun-free zone.” Had that man obeyed their policy, again, the result might have been tragic. And that “gun-free zone” did nothing to stop that kid from bringing his knife into that store. What is WalMart going to do? Ban that kid from ever entering their store again for violating their silly and destructive policy? (Daily Wire)

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