Friday, August 9, 2019

Disarmed and Defenseless

Politicians (most of them, anyway) want Americans to be DISARMED and DEFENSELESS. That is the basic purpose of all their damned fool anti-gun laws. They certainly don’t do anything to stop the bad guys from victimizing the law-abiding, who DO obey their short-sighted and stupid anti-gun laws. That’s because they (most of them) plan on coming one day for your possessions and they don’t want to meet a loaded gun in the hands of their intended victims. They’ve already begun that push with the RICO laws. Those laws were made, ostensibly to take away the money drug dealers can use to defend themselves when arrested. That’s a completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL reason, since even drug dealers and murderers are entitled to the best defense they can have. But the real reason is that, they will use them to disguise their banditry later on, by casting their thievery in a “law enforcement” disguise. (Breitbart)

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