Monday, August 26, 2019

Murdering Little Babies

Liberals liked to accuse returning Viet Nam veterans of being “baby murderers,” but the real baby murderers are the liberals, themselves. They’re using a misguided decision by the Supreme Court (Roe v. Wade) as an excuse to call these murders legal, and Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest bunch of “hired killers” on the planet. And Planned Parenthood uses Gestapo tactics to stop any investigation into their murderous activities. Somebody recently “got the goods” on them, and they got them arrested and imprisoned. The Justices who made that decision allowed millions of infant murders to occur, and they’re still happening, every day. If they weren’t all dead, they should be in prison, maybe even executed for mass murder. Babies are murdered in the womb and pulled out, I pieces. If they survive their abortion attempt, then they’re usually murdered by the doctors. In at least one state, the doctor “confers” with the parents on whether or not to let the child live if it survives the abortion, or murder it after birth. These people are evil. they’re worse than murderers. They murder infants before they even have a chance at life, because they are “an inconvenience” to their parents, who had unprotected sex and just don’t want to deal with the result. They’re “contract killers” of the worst kind, and those who “contract” with them are just as bad. They’re as much murderers as are their “contract killers,” and I don’t care who they are—even if they’re members of my own family. I can’t abide a murderer, especially one that commits infanticide. (My Fellow American Poll)

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