Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The end

Hey everyone, my name is Teresa, I am Ray's daughter in law. I am sorry to say that Ray has passed away on Jan. 26th. From what I gather, he passed peacefully. He lived a long life with many jobs but I think what he enjoyed most besides sign painting was writing his news letters and blogs.

He first did news letters, articles etc in the 60's and probably before that. It's one of the things I didn't think about asking until now. It's funny how we can spend our whole lives knowing someone and don't think about getting certain stories from them until it's too late, then all the questions pop up.

He loved sign painting, drawing especially for his news letters. He was an amazing artist. He spent his years as a son, a brother, a husband, a father and a grandfather. He had some hard times in his life (like most of us have) but he still had a full one and had a lot happy memories.

He at one time was an EMT and even raced cars. He did photography too, mostly shooting race cars. He was loved by many and I think he didn't even realize sometimes just how many people did love him and how he touched many hearts.

He was caring and was always there when you needed him. He would do anything for his family. He had a sense of humor too. He really loved his politics and I could often hear him yelling and cussing at the tv lol. Now our house is silent. Never thought I could miss hearing him do those things every day but I do. 

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read his blogs, getting his voice out there trying to make a difference was very important to him. He was a good man and will be missed terribly. Here is to the final farewell to his very long writings. May he rest in peace. The End.


Sunday, January 24, 2021


That’s what Joe Biden is. Ever since his cronies talked him into running for president he’s been afraid he just might win—and he did, since they stole it for him against all he could do. He berated reporters, promised new taxes, promised to do things guaranteed to bring this country down and even picked up a sexual misconduct accusation along the way—something you don’t see often in someone of his advanced years. Now he’s elected, all he can talk about is who is going to turn on him next He even had special vetting for those charged with protecting him. As if they hadn’t had enough, already. He hid in his basement during most of his campaign. I guess he thought it would be a feather in his cap, just to run. But dammit, he won! Now he has to at least pretend to do the job while his handlers do it for him.


In Montana they did what should be done routinely all over the country. The state Supreme Court struck down an unconstitutional law passed in Missoula to limit gun ownership and use early in the process. Such laws are patently unconstitutional and should be struck down routinely. But unfortunately, they are not. The Constitution states clearly that “the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.” Such laws infringe on that right and, according to the Constitution, are not laws, at all. But they are often enforced for years until the Supreme Court declares them unconstitutional. That sometimes takes a long time, and by the time it happens, lives and reputations are ruined, families broken up and financially ruined; by an unconstitutional law. In Montana, they ‘short-circuited” that, and declared it unconstitutional before it could do much damage. Politicians who pass such laws should be punished, but will not be. They would have to themselves vote in a law for such punishment, and they will not. The Founders were geniuses in their writing of the Constitution, but they were not perfect. They thought the embarrassment of having a law declared unconstitutional would prevent politicians from trying to pass such laws, They were wrong.


If Nancy and her goons are allowed a second impeachment; a third, a fourth, etc. after leaving office, that means NO outgoing president will ever be safe from revenge from his political enemies forever—forever and forever unto death. Impeachment will have become an instrument of torture for everybody, Nobody will want to ever be president, again. And besides, it’s unconstitutional. That means it’s ILLEGAL, But Nancy doesn’t care, half the stuff she does is illegal.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


He actually likes guns. He just doesn’t like them in your hands. He has demonstrated that fear by his distrust in the very people who are supposed to be protecting him. If he’s that frightened now, just wait until he actually does some work other than ruin the good work Trump has done. Trump people re not the violent ones. Dumbocrats are. They have proven it many times. Biden is a very frightened paranoid old man when he suspects that the very people charged with protecting him are scheming to do him harm. If he’s that paranoid, maybe he should quit the presidency and go home to his basement. But not until he gets rid of that corrupt, hard core socialist waiting in the wings.


Ever since he successfully stole the 2020 election with his Dumbocrat-run coup, Dumb Butt Joe Biden as been calling for us to be “united.” which is code for “do what I tell you and we’ll leave you alone—for now.” But those of us who pay attention are onto him and won’t give an inch. We have to hold the line until we can unseat this usurper in 4 years. The very last thing Dumb Butt wants is for conservatives to be united—except in doing as he orders. If we’re smart, he’ll feel the same frustration Trump felt when he doesn’t get an inch toward most of his thievery and ruinous policies. And I, for one, don’t intend to give him that inch.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


We’ve gone from a good, successful administration in a blink of an eye, back to Obama’s third term; a tax and spend. “in yer face,” “do it for spite” administration bent on destroying; all Trump’s good works, just because they don’t like him. We will march downward to the miseries of socialism because those ignorant Dumbocrats don’t know any better. Maybe we can recover in four years after Trump regains the presidency, I don’t know. All might just be lost, All I know is, it’s going to be all downhill under Biden. We have a new president if we can keep him awake long enough to do anything. Of course, with what he has planned, maybe we should let him sleep. Grab the arm holds folks, it’s gonna be a scary ride downward to disaster.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


“Slippery Joe” Biden is sure working hard to make the world think he’s in mortal danger from Trump’s people. Hence the canceled train ride and the beefed up security (at our expense). It’s all part of the effort to criminalize all Trump supporters. I’m a Trump supporter, and I bear him no ill will. I just think he’s senile and stupid, and has no business being president. But that’s no reason to kill him. I’ve thought that about several presidents and many other politicians, and I haven’t killed any of them. Sheesh, Joe, lighten up, why don’t you? His paranoia makes him even afraid of the National Guard, sent to protect him.


We all know, from their rhetoric and actions, that ANTIFA is a subversive organization bent on the overthrow of this government. Why then, would Jeremia Ellison, the son of  the Minnesota AG, and a member of the Minneapolis City Council, is a Dumbocrat, that’s why. And Dumbocrats regularly espouse positions that will ultimately ruin us. Jeremiah has pledged his complete and utter support for ANTIFA. Not surprising. Almost all Minnesota liberal politicians are Dumbocrats, which makes them known to be stupid. Known for policies that will ultimately destroy us. He needs to be removed from office. But he won’t be, given the political climate there. In any case, this declaration aligns him with rioters and killers, which makes him an enemy of the people. But being a Dumbocrat, he doesn't know any better. 


Where is it? Is Lincoln Project and anti-Trumper Steve Schmidt really that much of a damned fool? ALL the violence has come from the left. NONE from the right. So where does he get off talking about “quelling the GOP violence?” The man just opened his mouth ant shoved his foot in it. I hope he likes the taste of shoe leather or dirty socks.


Our current voting system is turning yellow and curling up at the edges from old age. Which led to the chaos we experienced in getting the 2020 election completed. We should not have still been counting ballots 2 months after the close of the polls. It’s insanity! India gets it right, and they have a billion voters, and many languages, Why? They have all the things we need to have. Like voter ID, voter lists being regularly scrubbed to eliminate the dead, and NO mail-in ballots that haven’t been specifically requested. We need a federal voting standard and a way to GUARANTEE laws will be followed. Why we don’t require a voter to positively identify himself, is a mystery that leaves it wide open to voter fraud. Maybe it’s because Dumbocrats know it makes it easier for them to steal elections if voters can vote without a guarantee they CANNOT vote more than once. And when people appointed as “election watchers,” follow the law and LET THEM WATCH! From close up, so they can actually SEE what’s going on. When they find workers unlawfully manipulating votes, DO something about it. Don’t just admonish the offender and let it slide. And don’t count the votes involved in the fraud. Give them the power to stop the count until that anomaly is fixed. And to see to it those workers are punished. And the questionable votes involved, not counted. We can do this, folks. India has done it. Why the hell can’t we?


Won’t work now. It’s the “Russian Hoax all over again. The Dumbocrats have won, so why keep dragging out all the old dirty tricks that didn’t work before? Are they stupid, or what? I think you know the answer to that. When you’ve won, it’s good to stop “piling on,” lest you take it too far, and more people tumble to your scam. But nobody’s told Hillary that, so she’s happily kicking Trump while he’s down. She is now saying Trump called the Russians while the riot in the Capitol was going on. To coordinate, no doubt. What a stupid bimbo she is! She’ll get hers in the long run. Fools always do.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


We “skeered ‘em!” Pro “open carry” people showed up for a rally of “Moms Against Gun Violence” meeting in a restaurant. They gathered BEHIND the restaurant, and had NO contact with the “Moms.” But the cops “rousted them” anyway and even arrested several—for TRESPASSING, not “open carrying” of their guns. They wanted to arrest them for SOMETHING, and they knew “open carry” was LEGAL. So they “trumped up” a charge and arrested them for it. This is how the anti-gun cops react when people exercise their constitutional rights. Find SOMETHING to arrest them for, even if they KNOW it won’t hold up in court. Force them to go to the expense and effort to defend themselves against those “trumped up” charges. I guess “The Moms” were frightened when a bunch of people carrying guns showed up in the same place where they were meeting. I guess they thought they would be SHOT. What damned fools they are!


That’s what liberals and anti-gun fools DO. This little girl has no idea what she’s promoting with this sign. And if she does, she’s only “parroting” what she’s been told by her gun-hating parents. Like Obama’s use of a little black boy to stand beside him as he signed his atrocious health care swindle bill into law while Joe caressed him, this if hateful. One of the best known scams in government is saying, “it’s for the children.” Nobody wants to be seen as being “anti-children.” So they continue to use children in their scams and the children, who don’t know what they’re doing, cooperate.


Abortion kills a living being. It sills a beating heart. A few day after a child is born, his/her “cuteness” should prevent him/her from butchering him/her because the parents will have gotten to know him/her as a human being, and not the “ball of meat” abortionists tell them he/she is. When they condone the butchery performed by Planned Parenthood and its ilk, they’re having their child murdered because they had sex without “protection” and they couldn’t be bothered to raise the result—who might be be next Einstein Many such parents can’t even conceive of the idea that they’re accessories to murder by having this done. If they have any compassion at all, this murder will haunt them for the rest of their pitiful lives.


The National Firearms Act (1934) was made to combat the “mob” in Chicago. It IS unconstitutional, but has never been declared so. It outlawed the gun that became popular as an “eeeevil gun,” the Thompson sub-machine gun. This gun was not nearly as ubiquitous as Hollywood would like you to think, but was the “poster gun” for anti-gun legislation after that poorly conceived law banning liquor was repealed. Today they’re working HARD trying to get rid of today’s “poster gun” for prohibition of guns, the automatic weapon, which does not fit the description for the Thompson. As usual, this gun is not nearly as widespread in use among criminals as Hollywood would have you believe. Actually, one of the best customers for these guns is Hollywood, to use in making their misleading movies. Just to prove such laws never work is the fact that Chicago, which has some of the most restrictive anti-gun laws in the nation, ALSO has one of the highest gun murder rates in the nation (along with Washington, DC and New York City, both of whom have similarly restrictive gun laws and similarly high gun murder statistics. (The Bang Switch)


Some liberals are suggesting “reprogramming camps” for Trump supporters. Are they daft? I suggest reprogramming camps for liberals, who are all insane as well as ignorant… Has anybody taken notice of the fact that when we find a bunch of phony ballots, they’re always ONLY for Biden? Never a single phony vote for Trump. “Veddy interesting… Arrogant politicians. Stories of office holders (usually Dumbocrats) making their own rules against eating in restaurants and not wearing masks are so common that when another one breaks, it’s not even news any more… Many politicians (principally Dumbocrats), forget who is the boss. It’s not them, it’s US. We are THEIR boss…

Friday, January 15, 2021


Incompetent politicians think lockdowns will stop the spread of Covid 19. They have NOT. But they ARE destroying the economy by stopping essential businesses from operating, which will kill more people than this feeble virus ever can by emptying shelves of essential merchandise. In addition, they will make it impossible for those it puts out of work to be able to afford to buy them, which will soon put them out of business, causing more unemployment. It’s a spiral that will ruin us if not ended.


I don’t think I’ve heard the word “ban” so often spoken until the Dumbocrats took over, The Dumbocrats seem to only be able to run things by banning the things they don’t like. And that’s a piss poor way to govern if you ask me. But they don’t know any other way, and they’re all despots, at heart. I think the next Republican in office will have a lot of “unbanning” to do.


Dumbocrats have announced “investigations” of 8 capitol cops for being Trump supporters. I always thought people were entitled to their opinions in this country, whatever their job, as long as they don’t let them create a bias. That apparently no longer is true, and people can be “investigated” for favoring the wrong politician. An investigation presupposes criminal charges. For a political stance?


Nazi Hitler’s PR man said, “Tell a lie. Repeat it, over and over, until it is taken as truth. Then it will become truth.” That’s what they’re doing with the ANTIFA riot on the capitol, in spite of the knowledge among the intelligent people that it was NOT a “Trump riot.” Now even some conservatives are gullibly repeating the lie, and it will probably go down in history that way.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


If you want to criminalize your opposition and you can make laws, just pick out their most powerful tool and make it a criminal offense to practice it. That’s what dictators do, and the Dumbocrats are doing it. They’re now talking about declaring Trump’s massive rallies to be “domestic terrorism,” thus ending them. Making criminals of their attendees. Or starting a civil war, depending on the “mettle’’ of what’s left of Trump people. It’s a low and scurrilous act, and something I expect of Dumbocrats. I'd bet on the civil war. You can only push strong people so far before they slap you down.


Liberals, and even some conservatives still cling to the lie that the riot on the Congress was something Trump dreamed up, and then got done. Never mind conservatives would have any ]reason to march on Capitol Hill, and that the first rioter trough that door was an easily identifiable ANTIFA leader. They want to believe that lie, so they do. Champagne corks must be flying where ATIFA hangs out.


The liberal media insist on refusing to credit any of the myriad voter fraud cases that have been uncovered, and continue to say,”We have seen no evidence of voter fraud.” Maybe we should show them how to properly wear that mask. It should go over the MOUTH, not the EYES. Then maybe they’d see all the “evidence” that Trump people have uncovered in spite of all the efforts to hide it and “sweep it under the rug” by that same media that claims not to have seen any voter fraud.


It’s as if any gun is a living thing, an instrument of evil, never to be spoken of, by anti-gun fools, and sometimes people who CLAIM to be gun experts. In one case, the military called a bunch of soldiers together for a “briefing.” They were taught many different ways to keep their identities as soldiers a secret, including such things as never doing the same thing twice, so nobody could predict what you might do, at any given time. But there was one thing that was suspiciously missing from the “briefing.” Mention of being armed when off base. When asked why that was, the “briefer” replied with that age-old anti-gun saw, that you’d be more likely to shoot yourself than a criminal. This was being told to a bunch of SOLDIERS, who were well trained in gun use. The instructor was then asked if HE was armed when off base, to which he sheepishly replied, “Yes.” There it is, the usual, “for me, but not for thee” of anti-gun hysteria. In many cases, they recommend “running,” but I don’t think that’s anything real, since you can’t outrun a bullet. As a LAST RESORT, you can FIGHT, using anything you can get your hands on. Laptops, scissors, knives, coffee mugs. Everything BUT a gun. They just can’t get their minds around the idea of average people actually being armed, and trained in gun use. Except for them, of course. (National Review)


We’re gonna get it, after years, decades of resisting it, we’re going to get that dreaded Universal ID Card, in the form of a “vaccination proof card” to be issued everybody who gets vaccinated, and will be required to carry it with them everywhere, to avoid being shunned for NOT getting a vaccination. That has been one of the left’s fondest dreams since forever, and they’re now found a way to impose it upon us. It’s all part of the left’s blatant use of the Coronavirus to take more power over us all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


As he should be. That's the guy who said you should take the children of Trump voters and put them in "re-education camps." (Brainwashimg centers). Anybody that stupid needs to be kept, not employed. You don’t take people’s children on a whim, or for political retaliation. There’s too much “child grabbing” already, and usually for no good reason, or no reason, at all. Child Services has its own rules, not based on any law—and it is a child-stealing racket. They take children from good people, who have done nothing wrong, and get paid thousands of dollars for each. Double if the child is “special needs,” And they see to it they ARE special needs.


It’s like they’re afraid of the “swamp monster" they can’t kill except one way: impeachment. So he’ll never be able to even run for office again, much less for the presidency in 2024, to unseat “Sloppy Joe.” To do so would be “sweet revenge” for Trump. And next time he’ll be ready for all their dirty tricks. “Fool me once…“ And he hates to lose. So he’ll be loaded, for bear. IF there’s any recognizable country left after four years of Joe and/or Kamala messing things up.