Monday, August 19, 2019

The Violent Left

A conservative went to the UC Berkeley campus to hopefully find some conservatives there. Instead, he found a “fair-minded” leftist, who slugged him in the face and hit him several other times—because he disagreed with him. Other leftists “piled on,” saying he “went there to incite,” thus “blaming the victim” for the violence demonstrated by that stupid leftist. That’s why I don’t wear a “MAGA Hat,” even though I sympathize wholly with what President Trump is doing, because I’m an old man and I don’t want to get punched by some stupid leftist. I demonstrate my loyalty to those policies in other ways. It’s one thing to “respectfully disagree,” and quite another to punch someone in the mouth because you disagree with them. Doing that demonstrates the vacancy of ideas there is on the left. They have no arguments with which to oppose conservative thought, so they just punch us in the mouth. They think, in their ignorance, that makes them the winner. If that’s the way they think, there’s no help for them. Then there's ANTIFA. But that's yet another story. (Twitchy)

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