Friday, August 16, 2019

The "Violent Ones"

The Dumocrats love to accuse Republicans, and specifically Trump supporters of “violent rhetoric” that is “creating violence” against Dumocrats. But they can’t point to a real specific incident of it. Meanwhile, Dumocrat supporters are the ones who ARE “talking trash” against anybody who doesn’t agree with them, and fomenting violence with their words. A regular MSNBC contributor named Elie Mystal, shook his “dandelion-like” puff mane and said he wanted to see “torches and pitchforks” outside a Trump supporter’s home. If that isn’t fomenting violence, I don’t know what is. There are many other cases where Dumocrat supporters have COMMITTED violence on those who don’t agree with them. Examples are at least two cases where one walked up to an obvious conservative and punched him in the face. Another where a gang beat up a news photographer and put him in the hospital. Then there is “ANTIFA.” A gang of masked Dumocrats who go out specifically to commit violence on conservatives. And recently someone took the Dumocrats up on their hatred of ICE for actually ENFORCING the law, and shot up TWO of their offices. Republican violence against Dumocrats is simply in their fevered imagination, while violence against Republicans is REAL. (Legal Insurrection)

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