Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Who Pays the Builder?

AOC says, “The guaranteed housing comes before the ‘privilege’ to make a profit.” Yet another stupid crack from a thoroughly stupid bimbo who scammed her way into a House seat. Making a profit is NOT a “privilege.” It is a RIGHT. If a person invests his own money in BUILDING that housing, he is ENTITLED to a profit. that’s why he built it. To MAKE a profit. That’s how he makes his living. And people are NOT “entitled” to occupy his property without paying for it. Housing is NOT a “right.” Only a stupid person would think so. It is the requirement to EARN things that “makes this world go around.” Without it, people would just “lay around” waiting for somebody else to do FOR them, rather than do for themselves. This would eliminate the possibility that ANYBODY would actually WORK to earn anything, and there would be no “earnings” for the socialist looters to steal for the benefit of the moochers who want to live at somebody else’s expense. It’s a failure in our system that allows such a stupid person to even get elected. We need to institute a system to verify the INTELLIGENCE of a candidate before he/she can even run for office. We get too many stupid lawmakers under our current system. (Story Warrant)

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