Tuesday, June 4, 2019

AOC: Cartoon Politician

Alexandra Occasio-Cortez is very full of herself after knocking off an old politician everybody (except those who voted for her) thought was unbeatable. What not many people talk about is that that old politician “had the goods on her” but refused to use it, to his own dismay after the voting was over. She danced off to DC and has not shut her blow hole since. If there is anything the country sees as normal she can’t disparage, she hasn’t found it, yet. She opens her mouth every day and says something stupid, each time exposing herself as woefully uneducated about this country and how it works. As a lawmaker, she ought to know the law, but she does not. And all her braying reveals her ignorance. But when somebody rightly calls her on it, she “lashes out” and calls him names, never answering his criticisms. She has a list of insults the seems to favor, beginning with “racist,” “Nazi,” “homophobe, “sexist,” “Islamophobe,” and many others I can’t even remember. She uses them to mask the fact that she has no answers for her critics, and hopes people will not notice that she never answers them, always trying to convince people her critics have some ulterior motive. That is a common ploy of Dumocrats, but she uses it so much it has become obvious that it IS a “ploy.” Hopefully the people who voted for her will realize their mistake and vote her out in her next election. (Just common sense)

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