Friday, June 28, 2019

Two Can Play

President Trump is now telling the Dumocrats that “Two can play at that game,” by appointing his own special prosecutor to investigate the phony “investigations” the Dumocrats have been doing incessantly, ever since he was elected, in spite of all their “dirty tricks” and vote stealing and buying. I have long wondered why he didn’t do this a long time ago. Maybe he figures the world is now able to accept the fact that all those Dumocrat “investigations” were not only phony, they were pointless and stupid. They were nothing but an attempt to reverse the results of a legal and proper election that the Dumocrats were unable to steal. They have spent more than $35 million taxpayer dollars to do it, and that’s only the amount of money we can be sure of. I’m sure they spent a lot more that they have kept well hidden.

The “investigators” violated many laws in their quest, and ruined many lives, by “subpoenaing” people for a “fishing trip” and a set-up so they could accuse them of lying on the thinnest “evidence,” and “turn them” against Trump like they did his former lawyer. They ask them so many questions, coming from different directions, so that their “victim” is confused after a while, about what really happened. And if he forgets a single date and testifies to a wrong one, they pounce—and tell him if he will say something against Trump they will forgive his “lie,” and let him go. They don’t care if what he says against Trump is a lie, as long as it can’t be PROVEN a lie. That’s their method. (Legal Insurrection)

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