Friday, June 14, 2019

What's Wrong With People?

What is there about religion that drives some people to go into churches of all kinds, and kill people while they’re praying to their God? Religion is supposed to be about love, and life, and finding your way into Heaven. We should not have to have armed guards on duty while parishioners pray, but that’s what we are facing, today. In Poway, California, in San Diego County, a gunman entered a synagogue and started shooting, killing one (so far) and wounding three others—for what? Because he hated Jews? What is there to hate about Jews, anyway? Others hate Muslims, and still more hate Christians, of all stripes. Why? Why does one person hate another because of his religious beliefs? What I, for instance, believe, should not be something somebody else should try and kill me for. My beliefs are my own, and so are those of that other person. They should not be something to kill over. But apparently they are, to some people. Shootings at other synagogues and at Mosques, and Christian churches, bother me because of the stupidity of it all. Is there some kind of a plot here where someone, or some agency is PROMOTING violence against religion and the houses of worship? Is this all part of a known campaign against religion of all kinds? I don’t know. And that is what disturbs me greatly. (Just common sense)

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