Friday, June 21, 2019

"Circular Firing Squad"

Those on “The Five” on Fox call the 20 or more (it rises daily) Dumocrat presidential candidates a “circular firing squad” as they bash “Ol’ Joe” Biden for saying he actually worked with racists to get things done. Like you should hold everybody’s personal opinions against them forever and never agree with them on anything It’s getting to the point today that Dumocrats are against ANYBODY not themselves, and will attack them for the smallest of reasons if they figure it will advance their own candidacy, and to hell with “party unity.” They claim that the Republican Party is in “disarray,” but it is their own party that is. The sheer number of presidential candidates shows it plainly. Yes, the GOP has a bunch of candidates in 2016, but that’s over. They haven’t “coalesced” behind Trump, but most of them at least keep their mouths shut if they oppose him for the most part, though they do criticize him every once in a while. I call the Dumocrat Party number of presidential candidates “a circus.” and that’s an apt description. They may all bash each other, but just about all of them are socialists, and push their socialist ideas to a country that was built on the free market, successfully. (Just common sense)

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