Monday, June 17, 2019

Deflecting the Blame

The headline reads: “Trump Tries to Deflect the Blame for Migrant Children’s Deaths.” Which, of course, makes it sound like Trump IS to blame—which he is NOT. Those children could NOT have died so soon after being in custody UNLESS there were things that were wrong with them, and ignored, for a long time before they were ever in custody. There is NO WAY Trump, or anybody else in our government, could possibly be responsible for those children’s deaths. That headline is DESIGNED to make Trump look like he’s to blame, when he is NOT. This is how the fake news boys operate. They write the headlines to ASSUME Trump’s responsible for anything bad, and let nature take it’s course. Pretty soon his responsibility, no matter how false it is, becomes a matter of “fact.” That’s how they destroy someone in the eyes of the voting public, which destroys their “approval rating,” and makes them less viable as a candidate for re-election, or anything else. It’s all based on ACCUSATIONS, with NO PROOF, and no factual basis. (Just common sense)

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