Tuesday, June 11, 2019

UN: "Disarm Your People"

The United Nations is run by dictators from all over the world. They just don't understand a country that allows its citizens to be armed for self defense, even against its own government. None of them have such a thing, so their first answer to "the gun problem" is to take guns away from the law-abiding. That this makes it even easier for the lawbreakers to victimize the law-abiding doesn't enter into their thinking. They confidently tall us how effective are laws that keep guns out of the hands of the law-abiding, completely ignoring figures that prove that to be a LIE. They have to be aware of the fact that NONE of those laws have ever done ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun violence." They just go about making even more of such laws while the law-abiding die from the wounds inflicted by those who routinely IGNORE all their laws. What is their purpose? That's easy. They want to be able to come to your home at some later date and "confiscate" (steal) your property, and they don't want to meet a gun in your hands when they do. The fools running the UN think we can just "make another law" to further disarm our people so our government (and the UN later, they think) can bully us into submission, as they have in other countries. (UN News)

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