Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Only Stupid Democrats

Former VP, now a three-time presidential candidate and two-time loser, “went to town” on President Trump’s tax cuts, as only a Dumocrat can. As usual, he falsely claimed that the cuts only applied to “the richest among us,” one of the Dumocrats’ typical falsities, while most Americans saw an increase in the amount of money they got to take home from their paychecks. With less “taken” to pay for the free giveaways the Dumocrats are so well known for. At one point, he said that they all “went to folks at the top corporations that pay no taxes”—another lie. The folks at the “top corporations” pay just about ALL the income taxes paid. The Tax Policy Center estimates that about 65% of households PAID LESS in taxes in 2018 than they paid under the old tax laws. It’s true that the big corporations got a bigger tax cut in dollars, but, since they PAID MORE into taxes, they were ENTITLED to “get more” out of the tax cuts in dollars. While I didn’t see where he said that the tax cuts would increase the National Debt, as Dumocrats usually claim, he probably forgot that “bullet point.” But the fact is, EVERY TIME taxes have been cut, the “tax take” INCREASES! When Reagan did it, the government got almost a 100% increase in tax revenue a few years later. Only Dumocrats can make a tax cut sound bad, and they do that by LYING about it. (Fact Check)

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