Thursday, June 6, 2019

"No Straight People"

The “Young Democrat Socialists of America” have just “outed” their every member by announcing, “there are no straight people in this organization.” And they showed they are completely vacant when it comes to arguing factually about socialism by telling us about their new meaning for their silly acronym, “LGBT.” It now has an alternative meaning: “Let’s Guillotine Bourgeoisie Traitors.” Thus exposing their ignorance of just what “Bourgeoisie” means, while connecting them to the old-time communists. You know, the system that failed after killing millions in Russia. They’re putting out front what all liberals want, to commit violence on those who disagree with them, because they can‘t answer their factual questions with facts. So they wish violence on them, as individual liberals have been doing, all over. Like the “brave man” who punched a little woman in the face because she was not a liberal. Or another “brave individual” who spit in a woman’s face because he couldn’t answer her accusations. It is people like this who give gays a bad name, and makes it harder for them to achieve acceptance. (Legal Insurrection)

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