Monday, June 10, 2019

How Low We've Come

It is a shame how low we’ve gone in recent years, fueled by the liberal ideas that have become popular to those who wish to live at somebody else’s expense. They have found that they cannot answer the logical questions we ask when they spout nonsense and call it fact. It is illustrated by students being incensed at Williams College when it tries to adopt a “free speech policy.” They know they just can’t handle it when people are allowed to speak freely and say things with which they do not agree, and they think their ideas should take precedence over those of others at all costs. They RIOT to keep people with ideas they don’t agree with come to their campus to speak, because they know that if those people are “allowed” to speak, they will lose some support for their silly ideas. It’s pretty damned bad when they are angry because people who oppose their ideas are allowed to speak freely. It gives away their weaknesses because they can’t answer what they say. So they “demonstrate” to keep free speech from happening so nobody will know how silly are their ideas. (Legal Insurrection)

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