Friday, June 21, 2019

"Media Bashes Trump"

This time it was for NOT attacking Iran. If he had attacked Iran, it would have bashed him for attacking Iran. They are every day poised to attack him for whatever he does—or whatever he doesn’t do. It doesn’t make any difference what he does, or doesn’t do, they bash him. If he just takes a day off and does nothing at all, they’ll bash him for that. Personally, I wouldn’t have been sad if he had blown away those installations that were responsible for shooting down our multi-million dollar drone down for no reason, at all, even though I agree with him it would not have been “a proportional response” for shooting down an UNMANNED drone. If it had been a manned plane, I think he should have dropped a “cluster bomb” on their capital city. Iran has been “spoiling for a fight” for a long time, and it’s time we gave them one. China is not going to attack us if we do because they can’t afford the $billions of dollars they’d lose just on building Apple products if they do, not to mention all the products they sell to WalMart and other “big box store” chains. (Just common sense)

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