Wednesday, June 12, 2019

"Good Guy" Thwarts Shooters

The anti-gun fools say it doesn't happen. But FBI figures expose the LIE. Recent FBI figures released show cases where EIGHT "active shooters" were thwarted by "good guys with or without guns." Cops can't be everywhere. It takes them, at best, MINUTES to arrive at the location of an "active shooter" report. In those minutes, a shooter can kill many innocent people. In one recent case, it took them 45 minutes to get there. Realists within the ranks will tell you that an armed populace is good, although the police politicians in the higher ranks, many of whom have either never been "in the ranks" or have forgotten what it was like, may tell you otherwise. But the unalterable fact is that a person ALREADY on site with a gun, and the training and willingness to use it, CAN, and DO stop "active shooters," no matter what police politicians and other anti-gun fools tell us. Anti-gun fools confidently assure us that the cops CAN protect is, but that's a LIE. All they can usually do is document the "crime scene," get rid of the body or bodies, and MAYBE someday find the killer. Unfortunately, the number of unsolved murder cases on the books is large. Too large. Which shows that they CAN'T protect us, and realists in the ranks will be the first to tell you that. (Bearing Arms)

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