Thursday, June 20, 2019

IS IT Terrorism?

A liberal professor (a repetition that) says that President Trump actually enforcing the law at our Southern border is terrorism! How stupid is that? Professor Eddie Laude, professor of religion and African American studies (a clearly liberal subject), although I don’t see how this fool could teach anything good about religion, at Princeton is the one to make this absolutely stupid statement. This is his full statement: “He is terrorizing families in communities who think they’re going to be snatched away from their kids, who have to walk around daily wondering whether an [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] agent will show up at work and snatch them, and then they won’t have their family. …” Nowhere does he mention the unalterable fact that parents of those children “being terrorized” are law breakers, and law breakers should ALWAYS fear the law. Only stupid people regard the president enforcing the law as being terrorism. This statement should be ground fir that professor’s removal from the faculty of Princeton, on the basis of his stupidity. (Legal Insurrection)

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