Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Democrats Are Fools

They think increasing taxes, and telling the electorate they will do so will get them elected in 2020, against all the good things President Trump has been able to accomplish in just two years, plus what he will do in the next two years. Yes, they do control the media (or it controls them), and Trump will have a hard time getting his message out. But Trump is resourceful, and he WILL get his message out, whether or not they like it. They promote many fool ideas, ideas that go completely against the grain of the American people. Ideas like “getting rid of whiteness, as is actually taught in liberal Seattle.” Or that there are more than two sexes. Or that we should allow MEN to enter women’s restrooms and changing rooms. Then there are those who think a man can actually BECOME a woman by thinking of himself as a woman. They have even tried to prove that a man can menstruate, and give birth. They think that, if they promote ignorant, impossible things often enough, people will begin to believe the impossible. The problem is, they are fooling a huge portion of the electorate, so they are a real danger. And they cheat, steal, and even get people killed to promote their ignorant ideas and get elected. But hopefully, enough intelligent Republicans will “come out of the woodwork” because of their excesses to “whip them again,” as Trump did in 2016. (Just common sense)

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