Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Dancing In Their Blood

MOMS Against Guns (or something like that) wasted no time to use the Santa Fe, Texas massacre in their recruiting effort. As they usually do, they "dance in the blood" of the victims, duping them into supporting their USELESS laws that don't work, and giving them money to join their damned fool organization and make the anti-gun fools richer. there's no counting the number of law-abiding people their actions have KILLED by DISARMING the law-abiding, who DO obey their laws, making them easy targets” for those who DON'T obey their laws. They're like ghouls who hang around cemeteries so they can steal bodies in the dead of night. They make their money sponsoring legislation that is USELESS in "fighting gun crime." They have to KNOW their laws don't work, but they make them, anyway--while becoming richer by so doing. Meanwhile, they are the best gun salesmen out there. The more they flail around trying to take away our Second Amendment RIGHTS, the more guns intelligent people buy, and join the NRA or other organizations like it. Their very masthead on their web site shows a bunch of women wearing their signature red T-Shirts. I wonder how many photo-shopped pictures they had to alter to get that many women for that picture. (MOMS Demand Action)

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