Monday, June 17, 2019

Impeach or Not Impeach:

That is the question. Whether to impeach President Trump for nothing or not impeach him for the same, that is the quandary. Dumocrats all hate President Trump with a passion because he whipped the crap out of them in the 2016 elections and has been slapping them silly ever since, and they can’t have that. He came out of nowhere and they thought he was just a joke. They thought he didn’t even want to be president. That he was running as a publicity stunt to promote his television work. Then he won. He won with the promise to “drain the swamp,” and he usually does what he promises. He also promised to reverse all the damage former President Obama did in his concerted efforts to destroy this government so he could convert it into a socialist nation, and he is doing just that. Obama failed in that effort, but he did much damage in his attempt. He had high hopes of getting his protege elected to follow him and continue his skulduggery, but Trump scotched that effort. And for that, he must pay. They want to impeach him, but for what? They can’t come up with anything REAL for which to impeach him, so they’re trying valiantly to manufacture something, even though they know their effort, even if successful in the House, where they have (temporary) control, it is doomed to failure when it reaches the Senate, where they do not. They hate him like they’ve hated no other president, with the possible exception of President Reagan. But they are doomed to failure again, and President Trump will win in 2020, against what seems like will be hundreds of Dumocrat candidates to oppose him. (Just common sense)

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