Friday, June 28, 2019

He's Got the Answer

Dumocrat Senator Mark Warner says, "no law would have stopped the Texas killings," but he's "got the answer." Then he goes on to spout all the usual anti-gun fool measures that have proven NOT to do ANYTHING to stop, or even slow down "gun crime." Fools like this come out of the woodwork (to score some TV time) every time some fool shoots up a school or some other "gun-free zone," sometimes with a gun they bought legally (because they had not yet committed a crime), but more often with a gun they obtained in violation of one or more laws. Thus proving that when they contemplate committing mass murder, they just are not concerned with a piddling little law that says they must do their heinous crime with something other than a gun. This happens many times; every time some fool takes a notion to kill a bunch of students or some other people. Politicians come out of the woodwork demanding their "camera time" on TV while spouting the same drivel that has never been successful in stopping "gun crime." Other politicians DEMAND more of the same laws that have been PROVEN ineffective. Do they just take stupid pills, or what? (Allen West)

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